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Looking for federation partners

Topics: White Giant: Looking for federation partners

Al Sadius

Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 05:51 am Click here to edit this post
I've been playing for almost 3 months, which is long enough to have built enough of an empire to be worth protecting, so it's time to go looking for a federation.

What I offer: I'm a serious player who's been studying the game aggressively since I started, and I'm expanding quickly. My empire is already over 100 million pop, and I'm almost at GL7. I have well over 10T in military assets already, and that number is going up quickly.

What I want: A serious partner or partners, preferably with both force and skill. Dedication to playing well is a must. Ideally, I'd like someone I can learn from, but newer players are also welcome if they've proven themselves serious about playing well.

My goals: Right now, I'm looking to build up a bigger economy and military, since I'm not happy with what I have. I also plan to expand onto other worlds, if only to get the various GC awards, as my gameplay time allows. Going forward, perhaps around the spring, I'll be aiming to start PVP warfare.

Also, a note. For interim protection, I've formed a federation with my own countries. I'm not wedded to it, however - I'd be happy to join your fed, or you can join mine, whichever.

If this interests you, or if you have any questions, please contact me either here, or by PMing my main country "Tyrinaria". I'm also on chat quite a bit.


Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 10:03 pm Click here to edit this post
What's your federation called?
I have my own fed called The Unique League which only has my two countries in it. My main country is called New Holland. Strong stats and economy. I try to log in at least once each day. You can check it out if you like. I have been playing this game for about two years now. Still learning and more than happy to share my knowledge. I also know other s with experience in the game. I also have countries on other worlds KB and Golden Rainbow. I am more of an econ player but I will always support my fed in a time of war. Let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks

Al Sadius

Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 11:41 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks for your interest.

You're posting a monthly profit of about 12B on over 80 million pop, which isn't that impressive an econ, and you don't have much of a focus on your military or cranking up your GL or world rank for the GC either. If this is where you're at after nine months on WG and two years of playing, I think we're going in different directions.

That said, let me know if you want to trade, or if you're looking for more CEO corps in your countries - I have a pretty active enterprise that's always looking for good places to put corps.


Saturday, May 7, 2016 - 05:07 pm Click here to edit this post
White Giant
AC CM country

needs enterprises also
almost 1,800,000 skilled workers unemployed

tax negotiable just message me what % do you want

Have Common Market to be rich together
Have Federation to defend each other

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