Aries | Saturday, December 5, 2015 - 02:30 pm Update: Camp Golf has sold. The buyer got a very nice country. I was improving it as I was putting it up for sale. Population is closer to 28 million, production is $145 billion/month, govt income is over $50 billion, and profit is over $30 billion now. Suhro is still for sale. I have been improving it as well. It honestly makes so much cash, I have to transfer a bunch out every few months to keep its sale valid. It has over a dozen new corps upgrading that will improve its income over the coming days and has a new price. Its stats are now: Population: 96.5 million Monthly Production: $590 billion ($7.1 trillion annual GDP) Monthly Gov Income: $210 billion Monthly Profit: $145 billion Asking: 300 coins |