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Corporations for sale (White Giant)

Topics: White Giant: Corporations for sale (White Giant)

Bradley Smith (White Giant)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - 07:23 pm Click here to edit this post
Hi all,

I'm putting up three corporations for sale in my country (The Kingdom of Tirpitz) as I'm hoping someone can turn them around and make them more profitable, and I believe an experienced CEO player could do just that! I thought I'd do this before considering closing them down.

Anyway, the corporations in question are:
Tirpitz Gold (Value: 37.69B)
Tirpitz Gasoline (Value: 68.79B)
Delex Industrial Equipment (Value: 30.92B)

They are all debt-free and I have injected them with enough cash to keep them going for the time being.

Have a look, and feel free to make a bid if you are interested.

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