DavePat (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 03:39 pm  I am hearing someone on FB is comitting sneak attacks agaist some players. Also at least one person has so far asked me if I am doing them. Allow me to make this perfectly clear to everyone on FB that bothers to read this forum. I do not and never have used sneak attack as a means ever, nor will I. Frankly it isnt worth the expense against active player countries. Personally I think it is a cowardly method to employ, as do many other players. If you think otherwise then heed the next paragraph: All I can say is if these attacks continue, and its not that hard to discover who is doing them, then that person or persons will have a bigger problem to worry about than pissing off the guy they are attacking in such a fashion. If you have a problem with someone tell em, deal with it. If these attacks continue in such a manner as to make people think its coming from me (people who dont know how to figure out where they are really coming from) then I will be forced to deal directly with the individual or individuals comitting such acts regardless of how I might feel about their target or that person. I trust there is no room here for misunderstanding. |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 06:24 pm  They really think that sneak attacks can not be traced back to who committed them. Let them think that. I will not divulge how to find out either. But if anyone is being sneak attacked, please let me know and I will find them for you. I do not like people who use this type of warfare. Be a man and do it right. It is nothing short of terrorism. |
lasher (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 08:00 pm  Arion Empire will give military support to anyone on FB who is the target of Terrorism in the form of a sneak attack. V/R Lasher, Arion Empire, FB. |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 08:37 pm  From my readings of the forum, the sneak attack issue has been around for quite a while and people's distaste for it has been building up. Did I also read somewhere that W3C stated that they'd get rid of sneak attacks altogether at some point? I don't know anything about whatever's been happening in DavePat's area (I'm too far out of range to be involved anyhow), so I'll add another aspect to the discussion - what's the best way to protect yourself from sneaks? Sneaks can only be conducted with land based cruises, right? If so, then a couple of active heli wings and a garrison containing DMB and MIB's should stop them cold, shouldn't it? The only question his how many weapons to put in the garrisons, I guess. |
DavePat (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 12:00 am  Dann a sneak attack is just like a regular attack in number of weapons able to be employed, no nukes and is yes long range weapons only. They are defended against just as the normal attack would be also. I wont go into giving anyone any ideas so i wont talk the strategy of the sneak attack. I will merely reenforce what I said above and given the response so far I trust whoever is doing this understands there is no better way to ally people against you then to continue this, that is if you can even read! |
Quetzalcoatl God of War | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 12:42 am  FB has become the lamest of all the planets. I thought WG had that tied up and then WHAM.... FB takes it by a nose at the end. |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 01:47 am  We are just peaceful on White Giant Sammy. If peace is lame, then I guess it is lame. LOL. I know what it is..... Jo won't let any of us fight on WG. She likes to keep us hugging. |
John R (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 01:53 am  Less hugging and more reach arounds, I say! |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 02:03 am  This is FB...Its sim countries are full of the blood of Great and Mighty Tyrants who ruled with an iron fist. Some of SC's greatest battles have been fought on FB. Fortunes have been made from its fertile raiding grounds. Many weapons tests have been held on this world.... Wars have no need of reasons here. Entire herds of n00bs were hunted and killed for the fact that finals were over with. The Old Masters of FB would pwn you all and laugh at your girlish weeping.
John R | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 02:14 am  And you only happen to know that from my tales, no? Don't speak of what you do not know. |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 02:25 am  No. Dont assume to know what I know. |
John R | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 02:57 am  I know you have you started playing after FB's death. You do not have any legitimacy to speak for those before its death and that includes the Dead Warlords. |
andycl (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 04:21 am  As interesting as this all is,the subject at hand is the sneak. done out of war time I think it is wrong .If a sneak is all you can do to defend a allie then I say its worthy.If it is only to piss off the community at large,and create a sennce of distrust,then I too will patiently wait till you slip up,then i will BBQ on your grave! I may not be the most popular player in the game,BUT, Im true to my word ! Dave P is correct 100% in his initial comment. Thanks for your time reading this,those of you who can,:} andy |
Quetzalcoatl God of War (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 06:20 am  It died when they killed raiding IMO. I played before that timeframe. As for the "Dead Warlords" I was not referring to them. Nothing in my statement made any reference to any specific player or group of player So once again you assume wrong and attempt to punish me for no reason....Find a better excuse I am sure I will do something worthy of such punishment. |
John R | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 07:17 am  It is commonly accepted that FB died years before "raiding killed" was killed. And, for that matter, through the courses of many years, raiding has had several stabs and panaceas. There was a time before this one when there was only person who raided on FB. Dead Warlords or Old Masters of FB, understand them as you may, are titles only worthy for players who have already left FB for quite some time, who accomplished many unusual deeds... And if saying "Old Masters of FB" isn't profile targeting , then something is rather wrong. |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 10:46 am  Hey John, who are your top 5 "Dead Warlords" ? |
John R | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 11:16 am  Top 5?... Only iki has my heart. ;D (She'll beat me if I say otherwise. ) |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 11:26 am  damn, must be powerful if she can beat you from beyond the grave! |
John R | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 11:39 am  You don't even want to know. She pops up from her grave from time to time just to...
Quote:[09:21] tedivm> i'm hoping for it [09:21] tedivm> sounds hot [09:21] * iki-ryo starts towards tedivm, jumps. vanishes. [09:21] * iki-ryo appears behind tedivm and brings down her katana with the strength of the mountains. [09:22] tedivm> oh, thats the spot [09:22] * iki-ryo baps him over the head with the butt-end of the sword and beats him relentlessly [09:22] tedivm> hey, seriously, lube first, kthx [09:22] iki-ryo> :: paf paf paf:: [09:22] * tedivm was kicked by iki-ryo (- paf -) [09:22] * Joins: tedivm (tedivm@68-186-249-137.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) [09:22] tedivm> lol, i was waiting for that [09:22] iki-ryo> darn..shouldve kick-banned... [09:22] iki-ryo> for effect
Then, after having her go with the cabana boys, privately, she kicks me on my virtual balls. But I forgive her because she makes up for it. =P (I hope she never finds this post or I'll be somewhat screwed for years to come...) |
DavePat (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 07:46 pm  The only thoughts on this item I will add is (and I have made this statement before): A lot of people make the mistake in thinking FB is a war world, it is and it isnt. Among the isnts it is a holding zone for some people that most of you would rather wish you did not piss off. Tread lightly on FB, if in doubt explore the entire planet before deciding that I might not know what I am talking about. |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Monday, July 21, 2008 - 12:18 am  hehe, I looked up what iki-ryo means; very apt! |
Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue) | Monday, July 21, 2008 - 12:18 am  hehe, I looked up what iki-ryo means; very apt! |
andycl (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 01:39 am  And the cowardly sneaks continue.Why not come out to play,and we can stop wasting everyones time!Come out of your closet,must be getting stuffy in there. Andy |
John R | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 01:50 am  Quote:Rebels attack factory in Valhala The Valhala liberation movement has attacked Camotes Building Materials building materials company to destabilize the economy and to discourage the foreign occupation forces in the country. There were 138 casualties and 210 people were wounded. Camotes Building Materials is very severely damaged. The factory Camotes Building Materials will be closed down.
Are you speaking about this, Andy? If so, let me stress out one thing there: its Che Guevarra and his .  |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 05:43 am  eh hem....Rebels are not sneak attacks. Sorry dude. You get rebels when you can't run your country correctly or have more than 10 countries in your empire. Big difference between rebel attacks (because they are your own citizens revolting) and being sneak attacked. |
andycl (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 06:53 am  thanks for pointing that out John.Ill fix those ones up. ac |
lasher (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 10:33 am  From a chat with andycl a few weeks ago. andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:12:49) I have to say sorry,to you andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:13:41) hello lasher says: (2008-5-2 23:14:10) sry doing updates whats up now andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:16:18) The other night we all were getting nuts!!1i sneaked an attacck on you!remember,,i even told ya andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:16:58) felt bad about that lasher says: (2008-5-2 23:17:8) thats not a nice thing to do andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:17:33) do you remember why!?? lasher says: (2008-5-2 23:17:56) sry no I do not andycl says: (2008-5-2 23:18:26) k,,,no,,prob You can draw your own conclusions |
sfo Treasurer (White Giant) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 04:48 pm  What comes around goes around I guess. |
andycl (Fearless Blue) | Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 06:27 pm  that was a while back ,and i did appologise.It was war related.I also will make any resonable restitution you feel is fare.I also got hit in swift blow.wasnt a rebellion that time anyway,i wont be doing that again.let me know what is fair. ac |
lasher (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 03:47 am  Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5512 casualties and 9524 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 477 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2368 soldiers and 6584 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5512 casualties and 9524 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 477 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2368 soldiers and 6584 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5512 casualties and 9524 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 477 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2368 soldiers and 6584 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa The Kappa forces lost 34 anti aircraft missile batteries, 1 missile interceptor battery, 1 defensive missile battery and 7 armored vehicles. Kappa forces used 2526 missile interceptors in the defense. Kappa lost 21 soldiers and 59 were wounded. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3359 soldiers and 5884 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa The Kappa forces lost 34 anti aircraft missile batteries, 1 missile interceptor battery, 1 defensive missile battery and 7 armored vehicles. Kappa forces used 2526 missile interceptors in the defense. Kappa lost 21 soldiers and 59 were wounded. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3359 soldiers and 5884 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa The Kappa forces lost 34 anti aircraft missile batteries, 1 missile interceptor battery, 1 defensive missile battery and 7 armored vehicles. Kappa forces used 2526 missile interceptors in the defense. Kappa lost 21 soldiers and 59 were wounded. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3359 soldiers and 5884 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5279 casualties and 9370 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2392 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2952 soldiers and 6915 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5279 casualties and 9370 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2392 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2952 soldiers and 6915 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 5279 casualties and 9370 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2392 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 2952 soldiers and 6915 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 4653 casualties and 5834 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2575 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3186 soldiers and 8944 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 4653 casualties and 5834 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2575 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3186 soldiers and 8944 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hostilities between Attacker and Kappa On the side of Kappa there were 4653 casualties and 5834 civilians were wounded. Kappa is severely damaged. Kappa forces used 2575 missile interceptors in the defense. Attacker forces lost 200 land based cruise batteries. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Attacker lost 3186 soldiers and 8944 were wounded. Kappa defense was assisted by the Defense helicopter Wing 1,Defense helicopter Wing 1 and Garrison TG27 unit. Now who could this be? |
jason (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 04:06 am  well wendys on fb now guys she is well known for this on LU. BTW sam and I are killing a fed for sneak attacks. |
Croesus (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 05:14 pm  It wasn't Wendy that hit me with sneak attacks. I was attacked with land cruise missiles and her country is not close enough for that. |
DavePat (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 02:13 pm  Ok what have I been missing? |
Pluto | Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 11:41 pm  Welcome back Dave .. Hope your well mate .. pop into IRC sometimes Owen/pluto |
DavePat (Fearless Blue) | Monday, November 24, 2008 - 01:12 am  chat keeps dumping me out of it! I get in there for 5 min and poof gone. And I am not really back just some spare time from the "game" |