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Looking for CEO Investment (Fearless Blue)

Topics: Fearless Blue: Looking for CEO Investment (Fearless Blue)

Pulsar08 (Fearless Blue)

Friday, June 20, 2008 - 05:23 am Click here to edit this post
Hey --

The Republic of Fenkell located in Pegersus on Eridana is looking for CEO corps!

Population: 12,060,419 (more to be added soon)
Tax %: Currently 36%, being lowered by 3%/month to final level of 10%

==== WORKERS ====
Unemployed LLW : 1,470,549
Unemployed MLW : 937,450
Unemployed HLW : 561,977
Unemployed LLM : 241,159
Unemployed MLM : 65,791
Unemployed HLM : 58,245
Unemployed Exc : 8,334
Unemployed Engr: 274,393
Unemployed Senr: 80,677
Unemployed Exec: 7,112
Unemployed Tchr: 252,607
Unemployed UTch: 55,773
Unemployed Nrse: 244,908
Unemployed Dctr: 72,766
Unemployed SDtr: 39,004

Please contact me if you are interested





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