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King of the The Republic: The Last King of my Kindom and Powerful Royal Family

Topics: Fearless Blue: King of the The Republic: The Last King of my Kindom and Powerful Royal Family

Teddy Rosavelt

Friday, January 17, 2025 - 12:21 am Click here to edit this post
Country: The Republic of East Poleti
World: Fearless Blue
Continent: Antilia Major
Region: Realmo Labano
Antilia Major - 68%
Cabana Magnifica - 16%
Mercury Yugo - 9%
Bellago - 7%
*Absolute Monarchy = Administrative power lies in the hand of the monarchy who make the final decisions before a debate is passed onto a bill of approval
*Parlimentary Assembly = Legislative power lies in the group of CEO controlled corps who govern the legislation and decide on the outcome on debates which is headed and lead by the prime minister, head of the common market facilitating trade through cooperation
*Global Council = Judiciary power lies in the court to act apon and fulfil the wishes of the security council and the federation
Key Historical Events
Prehistoric Era: Paleolthic Hunter and Gatherers (Pre-4884)
Establishment of Kingdom = (4884-5356)
The Enlightenment spurred on by fossil fuels discovery lead to the Establishment of a Republic = (5356-5376)
Revolution and 20 year war leads to Establishment of Soverign State (5376-Present)
15 year golden age leads to the Establishment of our country Our Godly Principality of Poleti (Present-5391)
Population: 26,404,322
Assets: 10T
Rank: 265
Active Personel: 332,950
Units: 6
Currency: SC$
GDP: 30,076.65M SC$ (Rising)

Our Story

The Kingdom of The Republic of Poleti is an absolute monarchy that was established on May 25 in the year Jun 5376. It is currently under the rule of His Majesty King Teddy, who serves as both the Kings Guard and Supreme Commander of the nation's armed forces.

The Republic of East Poleti is located in the Realmo Labano region of the Antilia Major continent on Fearless Blue. Having three large lakes within its borders, none of them connect in any significant way to the greater ocean to the East. Being several short miles away from the coast, the nation relies heavily upon the neighboring territory of The Grand State of Poleti to access the sea trading ports which leads to its cultural ally The Empire of Mentar

The first branch of the government is known simply as "The Crown". It is the seat of the King or Queen regent and acts as the executive branch of the nation. Granted nearly unlimited powers by the nation's constitution, the most notable powers include the trumping of all House of Representative decisions, the removal of all senators from the House of Representatives to call for reelections, and the ability to declare and wage war on foreign nations. Due to the extreme power of the The Crown branch of government, it can only be succeeded through birthright or through direct House of Electorate action.

The second branch
of government is known as "The House of Representatives". It is the seats of the regional senators that have been elected by the people. Its responsibilities include foreign trade, government finance, taxes, infrastructure, city planning, and acting as a mediator between The House of Electorate and The Crown.

The third branch
of government is known as "The House of Electorate". It is the largest and arguably the most powerful of the three branches, being made up of all citizens of every age and background. It is the only branch that has the power to change constitutional law as well as call for re-elections that trump decisions made by both The House of Representatives and The Crown. It is also the only branch of government that is allowed to pass an election to replace the King or Queen Regent with votes of no confidence.
Votes of no confidence are simple in that they decide either the keeping or removal of the Regent. Removal results in immediate execution of the former Regent and the next in the line of birthright will be their successor. There are only twelve recorded instances of votes of no confidence, but each time it has happened it was for the reason of an infant successor or to replace an elderly king far too ill to rule in times of crisis. Special leniency was extended to them and the nation proceeded normally.


About Us
The people of Poleti trace their roots back to the Paleolithic Era, when they roamed as hunter-gatherers across the land. This nomadic existence continued for millennia until around 4884, when they established their first kingdom. The kingdom flourished for nearly 500 years, until the discovery of fossil fuels sparked an Enlightenment period. This period of intellectual and scientific advancement led to the establishment of a republic in 5356.
The republican era was marked by a revolutionary spirit and a desire for greater freedom. However, this period was also characterized by conflict, culminating in a 20-year war that ultimately led to the establishment of a sovereign state in 5376. The following 15 years were a golden age for the fledgling nation, marked by prosperity and stability. To commemorate this era, the state was renamed Our Godly Principality of Poleti.

The Great Rebellion
The aroma of burnt bread, not the usual sweet scent of baking, hung heavy in the air of Poleti's market square. Anger, not the usual bustle of trade, filled the square as the people watched their meager rations of bread turn to ash. The King, in his opulent palace, remained oblivious, focused on increasing the Goods Tax to fund his latest extravagant war campaign.
Elara, a baker's daughter with flour dusted hands and a fiery spirit, watched her father despair as the cost of flour skyrocketed. The people, once content with their lot, were now starving. Whispers of discontent grew louder, echoing through the cobblestone streets.
One evening, in a hidden tavern, a group of disgruntled citizens gathered. Elara, her voice trembling with rage, spoke of the King's greed and the suffering of his people. "We are not beasts to be taxed until we bleed dry!" she declared, her words igniting the flames of rebellion.
The uprising began subtly. Bakers refused to bake, farmers withheld their grain, and merchants closed their shops. The King, initially dismissive, soon realized the gravity of the situation. His lavish feasts went uneaten, his coffers emptied. Panic set in.
The people, emboldened by their growing strength, marched on the palace. Elara, now a symbol of resistance, led the charge. The King, surrounded by his trembling guards, saw the fear in the eyes of his subjects. He abdicated, fleeing the palace in disgrace.
A new era dawned for Poleti. The people, weary of tyranny, established a republic, where the needs of the citizens were paramount. Elara, the baker's daughter, became a revered figure, a reminder that even the smallest voice could ignite change. The scent of bread baking once again filled the air, but this time it was a symbol of freedom, not oppression.

The Deadly Plauge
A century had passed since the revolution that birthed the Republic of Poleti, a century marked by progress and prosperity. Yet, amidst the glow of technological advancements and burgeoning arts, a shadow loomed.
It began subtly, a whisper on the wind, a cough that lingered too long. The whispers grew to murmurs, then to shouts of alarm as the first cases of the Crimson Death emerged. Fever, chills, and a horrifying rash that blossomed into necrotic wounds � these were the hallmarks of the disease.
Panic erupted. Cities, once vibrant with life, became ghost towns. The once-proud Republic crumbled under the weight of the plague. Hospitals overflowed, morgues piled high, and the streets echoed with the cries of the bereaved.
Desperate measures were taken. Lockdowns were imposed, travel bans enacted, and entire districts quarantined. Scientists, fueled by fear and a desperate need for answers, raced against time to find a cure. Yet, the Crimson Death proved relentless, adapting and evolving faster than any medicine could keep pace.
Hope flickered with the discovery of a rare plant, rumored to possess healing properties. But the plant was found only in the forbidden Serpent's Hollow, a treacherous region guarded by mythical creatures. A desperate band of volunteers, comprised of doctors, soldiers, and even a renowned poet, ventured into the Hollow.
Their journey was fraught with peril. They faced monstrous beasts, treacherous terrain, and the ever-present threat of the Crimson Death. But driven by a fierce determination to save their people, they persevered. After weeks of hardship, they returned with the precious plant, its leaves shimmering with an ethereal glow.
From the plant, a serum was developed. It was not a cure, but it offered a fighting chance, a lifeline for those on the brink. Slowly, painstakingly, the tide began to turn. The Crimson Death, though weakened, had not been vanquished. But the Republic of Poleti, forged in the crucible of suffering and loss, had emerged stronger, more resilient, and forever changed.
The memory of the Crimson Death became a stark reminder of humanity's fragility, a testament to the enduring power of hope, and a call to cherish the precious gift of life.

The Enlightenment
The discovery and harnessing of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, played a significant role in fueling the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent period known as the Enlightenment. Here's how: �
Technological Advancements: Fossil fuels provided a concentrated source of energy, far surpassing the power of wind, water, or muscle power. This fueled the development of:
Steam Engine: The steam engine, powered by coal, revolutionized transportation (steam locomotives, ships) and manufacturing (factories). �
Industrial Machinery: Fossil fuels powered the machines that drove mass production in factories, increasing efficiency and output.
Electricity Generation: The burning of fossil fuels became the primary method for generating electricity, powering homes, businesses, and the growing electrical grid.
Economic Growth: The Industrial Revolution, fueled by fossil fuels, led to unprecedented economic growth. New industries emerged, creating jobs and wealth. This economic prosperity fostered: �
Investment in Research and Development: Increased wealth allowed for greater investment in scientific research and technological innovation.
Urbanization: The growth of factories and industries led to the rise of cities, creating centers of intellectual and cultural exchange. �
Social and Cultural Changes: The Industrial Revolution and the ensuing societal changes brought about by fossil fuels contributed to:
Rise of the Middle Class: The growth of industries created a new middle class with disposable income and leisure time, fostering a demand for education and cultural pursuits.
New Ideas and Philosophies: The Enlightenment, a period of intellectual and philosophical ferment, saw the rise of new ideas about reason, science, and individual rights. The economic and social changes brought about by fossil fuels provided a fertile ground for these ideas to flourish.

The Revolution
The whispers began in the taverns, hushed tones in the shadows of flickering lanterns. A plot to assassinate King Alaric, a man whose cruelty had become legendary, was brewing. But the whispers, carried by the wind of discontent, ignited a fire that burned far brighter than any single act of vengeance.

The people, long simmering under the weight of oppressive taxes and the King's iron fist, saw in the assassination plot not just an opportunity to rid themselves of a tyrant, but a chance to forge a new destiny. Bakers, blacksmiths, and scholars, united by a shared hatred for their oppressor, joined the cause.

The assassination attempt, though bravely executed, failed. But the spark of rebellion had been ignited. The people, emboldened by their initial defiance, rose up. The streets, once silent under the King's oppressive rule, erupted in a cacophony of shouts and the clash of steel.

The King, faced with a rebellion he had underestimated, was swiftly overthrown. A new era dawned, an era of freedom and self-governance. The failed assassination, intended as a desperate act of defiance, had inadvertently become the catalyst for a revolution that reshaped the very fabric of the kingdom.

Global Conflict
A decade had passed since the rise of the Iron Hand, a global authoritarian regime led by the enigmatic and ruthless Chancellor Valen. His promise of order and stability had masked a brutal crackdown on dissent, transforming the world into a surveillance state. Freedom of speech, assembly, and thought were crushed. Whispers of rebellion simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the stories of those who had disappeared in the night.

Among the oppressed was a small nation nestled in the heart of a forgotten continent. Its people, once known for their vibrant culture and independent spirit, were now shadows of their former selves. Fear had become a constant companion, trust a relic of the past. Yet, the embers of hope still flickered. A clandestine resistance movement, led by a charismatic young woman named Anya, began to organize.

Anya, a skilled tactician and a fierce advocate for freedom, inspired the people to rise up. They learned to communicate in coded messages, to move through the shadows, to strike with the precision of a viper. The resistance grew, fueled by a shared desire for liberation and a deep-seated belief in the enduring power of the human spirit.

The Iron Hand, initially dismissive of the "mere whispers" of rebellion, soon realized the gravity of the situation. Valen, his iron grip slipping, unleashed his forces with brutal efficiency. Cities were razed, families torn apart, and the resistance movement driven to the brink of collapse.

But Anya, undeterred, forged alliances with other resistance movements across the globe. They realized that their struggle was not isolated, but part of a larger fight against tyranny. A global network of resistance cells emerged, sharing intelligence, resources, and a shared vision of a future free from oppression.

The turning point came with a daring operation that crippled the Iron Hand's communication network. Chaos ensued. Valen, desperate to maintain control, made a fatal miscalculation, overextending his forces. The resistance, seizing the opportunity, launched a coordinated offensive.

The war was long and bloody. But ultimately, the combined forces of the global resistance, fueled by a shared belief in freedom and a yearning for a better future, prevailed. Valen's regime crumbled, and the world, battered but unbroken, emerged from the shadows, ready to rebuild.

The small nation, once on the brink of despair, was liberated. The people, their spirits renewed, began the arduous task of rebuilding their shattered lives and creating a society where freedom and justice could finally flourish. The scars of the conflict remained, but so did the enduring legacy of their courage and the unwavering belief that even in the face of overwhelming odds, the human spirit could never truly be extinguished.

Economy and Industry

While efforts to redevelop the economy of the nation was largely successful after the fall of Czar Ivan and Global conflict, it is still significantly different from what it was prior to the fall of The Ashford Dynasty.
The Republic of East Poleti currently focuses on the building weapons as well as providing high level industry products. The service sector also makes up a large portion of the nation's economy, providing raw manpower where technology is lacking. Progress to develop high level industries in technology and machinery is still lagging behind, due to none of the old factories having survived the war and there being little incentive for rebuilding the infrastructure necessary to remake them. In spite of the difficulties and changes, the countrys economy is thriving and the people are forging onward as the old scars heal.
Currently the Northern half of the nation has proven most successful with weapons factories north of the capital city making up 98% of all national production. Experts think that there may be wars in the future but the majority of the nation think otherwise, military spending was still up at this point and the country showed no signs demobilizing. As of today MIBs contracts makes up nearly 5% of the national GDP. The weapons industry in The Kingdom of Victoria is among the largest and most lucrative sectors of the economy. With exports making up the majority of business, exploratory skirmishes are constantly taking place and plans to expand production are always in motion. However, most expansion of this sector of the economy is being kept on hold until the supply of workers increases for high tech services. Efforts have been made by schools to increase interest in the next generation of workers in weapons factories, but it will be a decade or two before any visible results take hold, as the next generation is still quite young. However, companies remain optimistic and have already begun preparing sites for large-scale expansion and exploitation for when the next generation enters the workforce.

Gold Tax
"...recently a tax was imposed on natural resources in order to preserve conservation efforts of the planets natuaral resources and prevent corruption and explotation of countries to extract resources for wasteful purposes. Protecting our natural resources is not just about preserving the environment; it's about ensuring a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. By making conscious choices and embracing sustainable practices, we can safeguard our planet's precious resources and create a harmonious coexistence with nature...."
- Teddy Rosavelt, Cop 28 Summit

Our planet, a vibrant tapestry of life, is a treasure trove of natural resources. From the air we breathe to the water we drink, and the land that sustains us, these resources are essential for our survival and well-being. Yet, human activities have put immense pressure on these resources, threatening their availability for future generations.
The Urgent Need for Conservation
The alarming rate of deforestation, pollution, and climate change is a stark reminder of the delicate balance we must maintain with nature. The loss of biodiversity, the depletion of freshwater sources, and the degradation of soil quality are all consequences of our unsustainable practices.

What Can You Do?
Protecting our natural resources is not just the responsibility of governments and industries; it's a collective duty that begins with each one of us. Here are some simple yet impactful steps we can take:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Embrace the three Rs to minimize waste and conserve valuable materials.
Conserve Water: Fix leaks, take shorter showers, and collect rainwater for gardening.
Choose Sustainable Products: Opt for products made from recycled or renewable materials, and support businesses that prioritize sustainability.
Support Conservation Efforts: Donate to organizations working to protect our environment and participate in local conservation initiatives.
Spread Awareness: Educate others about the importance of environmental protection and inspire them to take action.

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