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Seeking a common market

Topics: Fearless Blue: Seeking a common market


Sunday, September 26, 2021 - 01:45 am Click here to edit this post
Hello all, I'm seeking a financially viable common market where all members can make make money for there countrys.I have 64 corporations and building as many as I can afford, have a variety of products. thanks everyone HMU


Sunday, September 26, 2021 - 01:18 pm Click here to edit this post
It's not worth it. You achieve a small increase in points for a large drop in profits. I don't know of any player that has made this work for them yet.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 01:16 pm Click here to edit this post
ok thnx


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 04:19 pm Click here to edit this post
There used to be bigger benefits to being in a common market - but not so much anymore.

I mostly am using personal markets or a market with a trusted friend or two these days. There are times where they still have value for some nuanced and random play, but agreed with Weyland. They don't really help with any normal game play, and can hurt your profits unless you're very clear what you're doing and why.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 06:16 pm Click here to edit this post
Is it worth contracting ammo? I've always bought it on the common market.


Thursday, September 30, 2021 - 01:47 am Click here to edit this post
My opinion on contracting ammo:

Contracts lock in a price. It just depends on your goal. Want to buy ammo at a reasonable price? Contracting is great. Want to sell ammo for big profits? Contracting is not so great.

If you have a corporation selling fighter missiles, and there is huge demand forcing massive immediate orders of fighter missiles for some countries, you're missing out on sales by selling at a static price to yourself. Immediate orders from anywhere on the planet for military goods can greatly increase profits (and you'd be missing out on these). However, if there isn't a big demand, there's virtually no downside to contracting.

Bottom line - it's not bad to do, but there are other viable options as well. Contracting seems to make the most sense in severe shortages or for weapon/ammo types that are quite rare. I wouldn't say I recommend it since I virtually never use it, but I do see it as viable way to play!


Thursday, September 30, 2021 - 03:32 pm Click here to edit this post
thnx everyone for the info


Thursday, September 30, 2021 - 09:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks, EO.

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