BorderC | Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 03:13 pm  I'm planning to return to FB after a significant hiatus. Any thoughts on good places to setup shop? |
Jevano | Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 05:06 pm  Centura Donna, Nice neighbours. |
E O | Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 09:08 pm  What do you define as a good place to set up? I'd recommend something central if you plan on being active. Brief continent overview on large players from my perspective: 1. Lacerta - home of majority of LDI holdings + Bulilit's Empire. 2. Eridana - home to large NSA holdings. 3. Lynx Minor - home to some Freedom holdings (largely King Woel). A bit isloated. 4. Draca Mixor - Very busy continent. Some LDI, NSA, and other active player holdings, such as SirSmokesALot. 5. Virgina Bella - Very central continent that is home to the majority of the "Fearless Defense League's" holdings. 6. Auriga Bella - Strongest center for Freedom fed. 7. Hercula Major - A quieter continent. Most large holdings are Freedom fed. 8. Antillia Major - Isolated and almost entirely empty. 9. Paova Major - Central but largely empty of players. 10. Centura Donna - Some Freedom, NSA and LDI holdings. Jevano and Chadwick Boseman reside here. |
BorderC | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 01:43 am  Thanks EO. Much appreciated. I might settle down in Virginia Bella if only since it's so centralized. I don't know anything about the feds other than LDI. As long as I avoid ole Smokes, should be no problems. kidding of course. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 04:27 am  Welcome to FB...again, BC! We will love having you there!!! |
BorderC | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 02:47 pm  Might be a short visit. Apparently, another change in the game is that new country values don't reset themselves (maybe they never did? I forget). The country I started in had ridiculously high indices for a starter country and the corps aren't great. Finances are shot from the start. Started the country last night, closed a bunch of schools, hospitals, roads, etc because the country was operating a substantial deficit. Woke up this morning and I'm $500B in the hole and SC wants me to spend 17 GC to buy cash to cover it... 17GC for $500B!! Seems like this game has turned even more microtransactiony... Nice to start off wit ha 15M pop instead of 7M though. However, If the country doesn't recover on its own I'm just going to drop it. It's not worth it. I'm not the player that spends more money on GC... |
Jiggle Billy | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 04:27 pm  Do you have other countries to direct trade money from on another world? |
Andy | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 06:04 pm  BorderC, As I commented in another discussion, the story about the 500B is false and you know it. You have spent 2000B on ammunition in that same game month. You did not end up at -1500B because of a function that saved new countries from destruction and did not look at the reason for it. I have now fixed that error. next time you do this, you will end up at -1500B. you just forgot to mention it when you complained about the 500B. everyone can discard a country and get another country. indexes by the way are recomputed each and every month. there are no index values from the past. We have tried here to create a constructive dialog between players and the gamemaster and we have made many improvements on request of players. for several months now, the discussion was constructive. This 500B story is not what we need right now. Can't trust what you say can I? |
BorderC | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 06:27 pm  Look, I'm a player who hasn't played in nearly 10 years. I've forgotten everything and am a noob. My country on FB (Borderlands) has Cash: -477.65B SC$. It's wide open, so anybody can see this. So, I don't know why you say "the story about the 500B is false and you know it". I honestly don't even know what this means: "You did not end up at -1500B because of a function that saved new countries from destruction and did not look at the reason for it. I have now fixed that error. next time you do this, you will end up at -1500B." I don't know where you are coming from or why you are insinuating I'm lying to stir up shit. Is this because I've provided feedback on other things that you don't like? Did I do something 10 years ago that you still hold a grudge against? If you just don't like me and want me to quit, give me my $36 back and I'll peace out. Otherwise, don't be a dick to paying customers. |
BorderC | Friday, October 23, 2020 - 06:36 pm  On this: "everyone can discard a country and get another country. indexes by the way are recomputed each and every month. there are no index values from the past." My Education Index was at 275. It's at 209 today after I demolished schools. Similar with Health Index. These are things you can see if you look at my country. So, it could be that those are the normal starter values, but it wasn't the case on my starter country on LU, so I'm making assumptions based on that in my previous posts. Anyways, those drive costs, so, again, not sure why you are discounting me as a liar. Worse case scenario, I'm just a dumb noob that doesn't know what he's doing. I'll own that. But, it pisses me off that you're calling me a liar. |
Andy | Saturday, October 24, 2020 - 08:22 am  The cash went down because you have spent it. then you complained about your money disappearing. Woke up and 500B are gone. you have spent 2000B on ammunition and you have spent 550B on weapons. graphs in your country financial system show this. the game does not buy any weapons for you. your country has quite some air force units. You can of course do whatever you want but blaming the game for taking your money? |
BorderC | Saturday, October 24, 2020 - 02:12 pm  Andy, I don't know if you are looking at the right country. Borderlands on FB. I clearly have no weapons. ZERO offensive weapons. Only starting defense weapons (which I started to deactivate when I first got my country). See my post in General to see other suspect issues. |
Andy | Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 04:36 pm  Not so many weapons left? large amounts of defensive and offensive weapons. very large numbers of ammunition showing up on the army pages. examples: Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 0 0 150 Anti Aircraft Missiles 7,864 159 Anti Tank Missile Batteries 180 0 150 Anti Tank Missiles 8,411 154 Mid Range Missile Batteries 280 0 150 Mid Range Missiles 11,616 154 Precision Bombers 966 414 300 Precision Bombs 175,614 298 Stealth Bombers 0 0 120 Laser Guided Bombs 0 120 Fighter Planes 1,036 444 300 Fighter Missiles 146,061 291 Attack Helicopters 0 0 300 Attack Helicopter Missiles 62,471 296 Heavy Armored Vehicles 0 0 150 - - - Heavy Artillery 0 0 150 Heavy Artillery Shells 92,785 186 Heavy Jeeps 0 0 150 - - - Heavy Tanks 0 0 150 Heavy Tank Ammo 181,997 13 I also saw the cash logs. you have sold weapons and your cash is up. all the air wings you had are dismantled. It is amazing that you think we are unable to see what happens to the cash flow, where the cash has gone and where it comes from and you claim you do not have any weapons. Here is a small sample: Sold Heavy Tanks: 233 tanks with quality 150 on the Market Nov 02 4605 15,989M SC$ 28.35B SC$ Sold Heavy Tanks: 145 tanks with quality 150 on the Market Oct 10 4605 9,898M SC$ 12.36B SC$ Sold Def Weapons Maintenance: 1000000 units with quality 237 on the Market Oct 09 4605 54,637M SC$ 2.46B SC$ Sold Land To Sea Missile Batteries: 120 batteries with quality 150 on the Market Oct 04 4605 15,372M SC$ -67.63B SC$ Sold Attack Drones: 600 drones with quality 300 on the Market Oct 04 4605 63,024M SC$ -83.00B SC$ Sold Navy Missile Batteries: 20 batteries with quality 120 on the Market Oct 04 4605 548M SC$ Sold Heavy Artillery: 300 cannons with quality 150 on the Market Oct 02 4605 18,938M SC$ -174.97B SC$ Sold Heavy Armored Vehicles: 200 vehicles with quality 150 on the Market Oct 02 4605 11,652M SC$ -193.91B SC$ Sold Attack Helicopters: 410 helicopters with quality 300 on the Market Oct 02 4605 182,226M SC$ -205.56B SC$ Sold Off Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries: 180 batteries with quality 150 on the Market Oct 02 4605 13,061M SC$ -387.79B SC$ Sold Light Tanks: 165 tanks with quality 127 on the Market Oct 02 4605 4,544M SC$ -400.85B SC$ Sold Light Artillery: 45 cannons with quality 140 on the Market Oct 02 4605 1,712M SC$ -405.39B SC$ Sold Missile Interceptor Batteries: 275 batteries with quality 139 on the Market Oct 02 4605 6,785M SC$ -407.11B SC$ Sold Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries: 385 batteries with quality 174 on the Market Oct 02 4605 13,756M SC$ -413.89B SC$ |