E O | Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 12:03 am  Apologies, did some of this by hand so not sure if I missed anyone. These stats are based off current holdings. Many countries involved here are being absorbed, many players have militaries deactivated. This is just a snapshot of FB today.
Player | Population | Zentrino | 1,563,603,712 | Lord Mndz | 1,261,481,179 | jeffcd1818 | 1,044,708,585 | KingWoel | 972,452,010 | Jammiebrown2098 | 875,232,746 | Chadwick Boseman | 836,795,307 | E O | 475,053,853 | Karl V | 469,159,883 | rob72966 | 426,563,258 | Bulilit | 405,815,916 |
Player | Employed Army | jeffcd1818 | 9,838,314 | Lord Mndz | 8,160,141 | rob72966 | 7,830,813 | Chadwick Boseman | 7,299,758 | Zentrino | 6,490,401 | Gaz | 3,690,945 | John Galt | 2,663,528 | tyyomann09 | 2,324,684 | E O | 2,172,013 | The_Wicked_Lady | 2,059,354 |
Player | Countries | KingWoel | 36 | Chadwick Boseman | 30 | jeffcd1818 | 19 | Lord Mndz | 13 | Zentrino | 13 | rob72966 | 12 | E O | 12 | Jammiebrown2098 | 10 | Karl V | 10 | |
Chadwick Boseman | Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 01:12 am  Oh shit! It's accurate asf. How did you know the stats of my hidden cities? |
Gaz | Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 03:26 am  Nice work, I enjoy seeing these |
Bulilit | Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 08:40 am  Im new to the forum never and never really check it. So what do you mean by countries being absorbed? Good job with the stats btw, I didn't even know I have that much pop. lol |
E O | Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 07:22 pm  Chadwick - When you click "List the 300 best performing presidents," a tab that becomes available is "Downloads." From there, you can download spreadsheet/style info. I used to post stats like this fairly often, though that was a long time ago now. You can see gross numbers of employed military, but can't see hidden offense/defense indices, what type of units, etc. I considered posting additional stats, but for the war world, I thought these were relevant enough. Hi Bulilit! Welcome to the forum. You've got a nice empire, Lacerta neighbor! When I say absorbed, I mean consolidating. Some players on FB take countries from inactive players (players who have not logged in for over a month) or from neighbors. However, there is a benefit to having large countries instead of many small ones. Instead of keeping all of the small nations that they conquer, players will often transfer resources a few, larger nations. |
Zentrino | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 03:51 am  I remember when these stats were posted on a weekly basis. I enjoyed seeing it and seeing changes over time. Thanks for bringing this back. Is there anyway to bring back the military assets listing? I know you can look up your own but I don't think there is a way to look up other people now, or at least I don't remember how. King Woel: 35 countries! |
E O | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 04:03 am  Yeah I enjoyed posting them. Back in the day, I actually did it as a recruiting tool for SNA. Kept showing our rapid growth as we recruited like mad. I think we had up to 40ish members when you were in it, Zen. I don't recall the exact number. You can't look at military assets - that's hidden if a player chooses it to be. I considered including "income," as you can see what other countries have for that. I don't have excel anymore though, and the functions in google sheets don't work nearly as well. In excel there is a "make sum at each change in name" that was pretty clutch. Have to total stuff up by hand now I used to list "production value" which is heavily impacted by salaries, and "nominal value" - which would roughly indicate how strong the player's empire is in terms of assets. |
Zentrino | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 05:08 am  I think a rough estimate of military value in the CEO could be done by substracting the value of the enterprise from the value of the corps. For mine, it was close. The cash made up the difference. Maybe I will make a rough listing to see what it shows... |
E O | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 05:57 am  Depends which player. Some players do tons of commodity trading as well as storing weaps/ammo in ceo. I can take a stab at ceo stats soon if that interests you. |
Lord Mndz | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 06:41 pm  E O: you should also measure value of assets Total Value of your Empire on Fearless Blue 7,225.65T |
E O | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 06:54 pm  Mndz - I will include that for you next time! |
Zentrino | Thursday, October 1, 2020 - 07:00 pm  I was more interested in seeing a way to measure military assets. I guess I don't do much commodity or shares stuff in my CEO and I don't keep cash in it so that is why mine is so close. I can see how that would be off for others though. Or if you store a lot of non-military assets in your CEO that would make a difference as well. I seem to remember seeing assets and production stats and then assets and production per population as well so you could see who was really producing and who just had large populations (like me!). |
The_Wicked_Lady | Sunday, October 4, 2020 - 12:06 am  I'm just excited to appear on a list! ha ha ha ha Thank you, EO! Muah! Let's put shoe stats in there!!!! |