The_Wicked_Lady | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 03:28 am  It is the intentions of The Wicked Lady and her Ode-ian peoples to bring about peace through the lands of Fearless Blue, through, none other than with SHOES!. We MUST preserve the lives of shoes everywhere! Through this united effort we can fight for a common purpose! I strove for 10 years to have shoes an important commodity of Simcountry. My wonderful son, Andy, made that dream happen for his old Mom here, and one day will be my legacy here! Let me hear from all you wonderful presidents of Fearless Blue if you will join me, The Wicked Lady, on this crusade of shoe preservation. Plus I would like to hear from all of you!!!! Long live Shoes!!!!! |
Zentrino | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 06:22 am  The Nevrondona Empire maintains a supply of over 7,000,000 shoes. The Wicked Lady is invited to pursue our selections any time. We will even waive our nominal viewing fee for the first visit. |
Mary111256 | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 12:22 pm  We In SSR Russia Selling Sickle And Hammer.. Not Shoes |
jeffcd1818 | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 03:15 pm  Pattonville and affiliated countries also has a vast supply of shoes (American Made) in various and unique styles. You are graciously invited to peruse them at your convenience. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 09:21 pm  Mary, You and I need to have a talk! lol SCOWL! Zentrino and Jeffcd, I love you fellas. You make this woman's heart smile. I would love to come visit for a spell and look at your shoes! Aren't they wonderful??!!!! Perhaps we can swap ideas on the preservation of the shoe and discuss style ideas for the future!!! I'm still waiting on responses from other presidents. Failure to communicate is considered being hostile to The Wicked Lady! Now we don't want that! I'm so lovable! |
Zentrino | Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 01:59 am  |
E O | Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 10:05 pm  As a fellow follower of the Pinktator, we full-heartedly support the necessary actions of shoe preservation laid out by The Wicked Lady. Her contributions of boots to our crusade was invaluable, and will lend aid and morale support to the best of our abilities here. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Thursday, August 27, 2020 - 02:43 am  The Wicked Lady is pleased. Thank you, EO. Hail Pinktator!!!! |
Matthew I | Thursday, August 27, 2020 - 09:16 pm  His Majesty, Matthew I, protector and Sovereign of Batavia and her Dominions, would like to convey his deepest sympathies at our Governments inability to send you such a strategic resource. While we have taken many shoes in the -LIBERATION- of our newest Dominion, our space program has been postponed until the completion of the Royal Water park is complete in Kingstown. So we are unable to send the required shoes to Fearless Blue. The King hopes you understand and instead offers you free entry to said water park upon completion. |
Zentrino | Friday, August 28, 2020 - 12:16 am  Wicked Lady, Should you find it necessary to reject Matthew's offer as insufficient, we would be happy to deliver your message attached to a few of our rockets. Zentrino |
Matthew I | Friday, August 28, 2020 - 01:53 am  His Majesty, Matthew I, protector and Sovereign of Batavia and her Dominions, would also like to offer Zentrino free admission into the water park. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Friday, August 28, 2020 - 02:34 am  Oh thank you, Zen! That water park invitation has definitely gotten my attention, however. I have some really cute water shoes that match my granny swimwear to wear as I swim and glide down all the water slides! Matthew, you will need some really cute summer wear and shoes to attract your peoples to your water park. I think you and i could work out a deal in the future!!! |