Zentrino | Monday, August 17, 2020 - 12:13 am  The Intelligence agencies in Nevrondona Prime have been monitoring several problematic leaders across the planet. Due to increasing risk of violence, we have taken the extraordinary step of using War to secure our Peace. Declarations of of War have been issued Empire-wide for the countries lead by Kanzler Barnar alSanderi and countries led by President Jobrk. Their complete and total surrender to the Nevrondona forces is the only acceptable means to Peace. Failing that, we will take the countries by force and bloodshed. Rest assured, people of Fearless Blue, the Empire of Nevrondona is here to maintain Peace on our world and we will spare no one from our wrath should they violate it. War will commence January 16, 4572. We will be swift yet merciless. |
E O | Monday, August 17, 2020 - 02:19 am  Our most holy of empires does not condone violence outside of our crusade, even in a defensive, peace-maintaining, aggressive manner such as this. However, I have been informed that the Kanzlar Barnar alSanderi was indeed an infidel, and deem the Nevrondonan Empire to be doing Holy Work that we ourselves had intended to do. As such, we will not interfere. We have sacrificed thousands of our new slaves in a most holy ritual, uh, we have prayed for the success of this undertaking, and wish you well. At a future date, we do intend to discover exactly where the Nevrondonan sphere of influence extends to, but we will leave that for another time. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Monday, August 17, 2020 - 03:55 am  @ Zentrino It is with equal endorsement by the Wicked Ode-ian Empire, with one request. Spare the shoes!!!!!! Shoes everywhere MUST be preserved. |
Zentrino | Monday, August 17, 2020 - 04:57 am  Wicked: We maintain a LARGE supply of shoes and will indeed be saving them. Nevrondona is aware of your shoe, um, fetish, and we plan to maintain a larger surplus of shoes than you have. Perhaps we could be convinced you are worthy of seeing our supply someday. EO: Thank you for the recognition that leaders such as this must be held to account. Your religious sacrifices to the Great Pinktator are appreciated. The Nevrondona sphere of influences encompasses all of Fearless Blue and some outer worlds. We actively patrol all of the Eastern hemisphere but also maintain a security presence in the Western hemisphere. NSA Federation members shall walk the globe freely. Nevrondona will go wherever the Peace is threatened. |
KingWoel | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 04:49 am  We in the FDS Unity, prefer to remain Neutral during this period of cleansing. We believe Zentrino is holding the moral high-ground in this conflict. We will read about this conflict in our morning newspaper while drinking a hot cup of tea. |
E O | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 09:26 pm  Zentrino - your vigorously peaceful wars that you initiated are doing an excellent job of keeping the war world full of peace. We thank you for this service. We admit that your claims seem ambitious, even to us, as we generally consider the holy continent of Lacerta (Hail the Pinktator!) to be the only place on the planet worth protecting. We continue to keep an eye on your peace-keeping efforts so we can best support you. |
Zentrino | Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 07:35 am  Citizens of Fearless Blue, The violent despot known as Jbork has been driven from the planet and the people of the Jborkian empire have been liberated from the tyrant. Millions and millions of newly free residents yearn to move under the protection of the Nevrondona Empire. We accept this responsibility to ensure that they have a peaceful place to raise families and live out their lives. As such, I have ordered all nations in the Nevrondona Empire to open their borders to the refugees from Jborkian states. They shall remain open until such time that those fleeing for a better future have found a home. We will remain in the Jborkian area, monitoring the rebuilding of countries and helping to select a leader who is up to the task of maintaining peace. This process is a slow and sometimes painful one. Rest assured, Nevrondona will not relent until we know there is peace in this region. Those who have ambitions to violate our peace should stand on notice: We will not tolerate violent insurrection or bloody despots or those who threaten the tranquility we have built. Bloodshed will be our response. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Friday, August 21, 2020 - 05:07 am  My peoples cheer and throw shoes into the air in celebration as we dance and drink, drink, and feast! |
Zentrino | Saturday, August 22, 2020 - 07:53 pm  Citizens of Fearless Blue: Rejoice, for the Nevrondona Empire has again rooted out evil and wiped it from the face of our planet. This morning, the tyrant known as Kanzler Barnar alSander was eradicated. They will terrorize the people of our planet no longer. Having been liberated, the people who labored under this dictator yearn to join the Nevrondona Empire. I have again ordered open the borders of every Neverondona Country to accept the refugees of this failed state. While our borders bulge with coming pilgrims seeking a better life, we know that offering them refugee is the only path forward if we seek to end the constant wars on our planet. Rest assured people of the Fearless Blue, the Nevrondona Empire will not stop until war has finally brought peace to us all. |
The_Wicked_Lady | Sunday, August 23, 2020 - 02:06 am  Cheers to da Prof!!! Feel free to stop by my empire some time for a slipper filled with my best spirits just for you!!!! |
Zentrino | Sunday, August 23, 2020 - 03:36 am  Your gracious invitation is accepted with pleasure. We will shall drink til the sun rises! |
The_Wicked_Lady | Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 03:17 am  Sounds like a plan! Soon we will have more to drink to on your new campaign!!!! |