Zen | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 07:15 am  Zenovian Interplanetary Empire News Network A direct message from Lord Zen on Fearless Blue to Camp Nevrondona, Nevrondona Prime, Scrappy Nevrondona, Nevrondona Spoils, Nevrondona Glory, Zenovia, ZSOR, and ZSOI: "Today Lord Zentrino and I have signed an agreement integrating our empires and military forces on this world. Lord Zentrino and I have both started our legacy on Little Upsilon and we've been allies since the beginning. Our empires have been steadily growing and with the expansion that Lord Zentrino has gained by conquering the Byzenti Empire we can better our empires and make Fearless Blue a more interesting world. Under my rule, I'm giving Lord Zentrino 100 trillion SC$ to help him build up his defense network and empire even more as he has a much larger empire from ours on this world. In return Lord Zentrino is giving me the former Byzenti Empire capital Byzenti Republic for reconstruction and economic reform. We must put all of our effort in this Alliance. To make Fearless Blue a world worth living in. The survival of our empires depends on it." -End of Transmission- |
Zentrino | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 08:16 am  Lord Zen and I challenge the nations of Fearless Blue to live honorably and fight for peace. For far too long our world has floundered without Strong Leaders willing to build Empires worthy of the name Fearless Blue. Yet, fear not, citizens, the Lord Zen and I will correct this oversight by building upon the friendship and alliance that propelled us from Little Upsilon through the galaxy to Fearless Blue. The time to rise in allegiance is now. Do not delay for peace and prosperity wait for no one. NevZev Alliance |
SeizeForce | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 10:01 am  Who did you guys conquer Byzenti Empire from? |
Khome | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 10:14 am  Most likely "derelict", but now in better hands if that were the case. |
Zentrino | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 10:21 am  Sir John West has been driven from Fearless Blue. Those who disturb the public good will be welcome on the planet. |
Khome | Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 07:16 pm  Guardians of the galaxy |
Zen | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 06:13 am  International News ZSS Infinity army takes full control in juggernaut Smoke Weed Every Da Thu Mar 26, 3844 Long Range Division 'END GOP FB' attacks the city of 'Sticky Bud' After the attack, the president of juggernaut Smoke Weed Every Da is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by ZSS Infinity has been nominated. juggernaut Smoke Weed Every Da (the attacked country,WL13) reports: The city of Sticky Bud is completely destroyed. There were 333140 casualties and 613742 civilians were wounded. Weapons based at Sticky Bud may have been destroyed. ZSS Infinity (the attacker,WL5) reports: On the ZSS Infinity side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. Let this be a warning to the GOP FB federation for threatening me and Zentrino. You should've seen this coming weeks ago. I'm quite unsatisfied you did not build an appropriate defense. |
SeizeForce | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 06:21 am  Yeah GOP FB. What were you guys thinking, jeez. Zen, SLAUGHTER THEM! |
SeizeForce | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 06:30 am  "Long Range Division 'END GOP FB' attacks the city of 'Sticky Bud'" That's hilarious using the unit's names that way. |
Zen | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 11:29 am  International News ZSS Infinity army takes full control in Atlantis Roman Empire Province Thu Apr 30, 3844 Ground- or Airforce attacks Bonita fortification After the attack, the president of Atlantis Roman Empire Province is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by ZSS Infinity has been nominated. Atlantis Roman Empire Province (the attacked country,WL9) reports: Bonita fortification is completely destroyed. Weapons based at Bonita may have been destroyed. ZSS Infinity (the attacker,WL5) reports: On the ZSS Infinity side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. ZSS Infinity army takes full control in juggernaut intergalactic Purpl Thu Apr 16, 3844 Ground- or Airforce attacks Torrance fortification After the attack, the president of juggernaut intergalactic Purpl is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by ZSS Infinity has been nominated. juggernaut intergalactic Purpl (the attacked country,WL13) reports: Torrance fortification is completely destroyed. Weapons based at Torrance may have been destroyed. ZSS Infinity (the attacker,WL5) reports: On the ZSS Infinity side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. So far I have taken 3 countries with over 400+ population total taken and over 250T military assets taken. These wars will continue as planned. We will make Fearless Blue a war world again. |
John West | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 09:12 pm  Byzenti Republic News Network Companies in the Other Food Products industry are raking in record profits as sivilians have taken to the streets all around the star system demanding more beer and popcorn. Leaders are asking their simitizens to remain calm as governments begin granting contracts to resolve these shortages. Electric and cable television companies are operating at full capaciity. This has been a BRNN Special Report |
William Miller | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 01:11 am  Nice thread, Long live the Zen's |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 04:38 am  Atlantis Roman Empire Province army takes full control in Power 1 Thu Dec 21, 3843 Long Range Division 'Moreno' attacks 'Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro' effectivity products corporation After the attack, the president of Power 1 is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Atlantis Roman Empire Province has been nominated. Power 1 (the attacked country,WL11) reports: Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro effectivity products corporation is completely destroyed. There were 714 casualties and 667 civilians were wounded. Weapons based at Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro may have been destroyed. Atlantis Roman Empire Province (the attacker,WL9) reports: On the Atlantis Roman Empire Province side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 04:42 am  Atlantis Roman Empire Province army takes full control in Attack 1 Thu Dec 19, 3843 Long Range Division 'Romaria' attacks the city of 'Lusaka' After the attack, the president of Attack 1 is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Atlantis Roman Empire Province has been nominated. Attack 1 (the attacked country,WL11) reports: The city of Lusaka is for 94.5% damaged. There were 3826 casualties and 5112 civilians were wounded. No weapon losses were reported. Atlantis Roman Empire Province (the attacker,WL9) reports: On the Atlantis Roman Empire Province side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 04:45 am  Atlantis Roman Empire Province army takes full control in Control 1 Thu Dec 20, 3843 Long Range Division 'Moreno' attacks the city of 'Temple City' After the attack, the president of Control 1 is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Atlantis Roman Empire Province has been nominated. Control 1 (the attacked country,WL11) reports: The city of Temple City is completely destroyed. There were 6526 casualties and 7519 civilians were wounded. Weapons based at Temple City may have been destroyed. Atlantis Roman Empire Province (the attacker,WL9) reports: On the Atlantis Roman Empire Province side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 04:48 am  Atlantis Roman Empire Province army takes full control in Power 1 Thu Dec 21, 3843 Long Range Division 'Moreno' attacks 'Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro' effectivity products corporation After the attack, the president of Power 1 is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Atlantis Roman Empire Province has been nominated. Power 1 (the attacked country,WL11) reports: Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro effectivity products corporation is completely destroyed. There were 714 casualties and 667 civilians were wounded. Weapons based at Burns Advanced Effectivity Pro may have been destroyed. Atlantis Roman Empire Province (the attacker,WL9) reports: On the Atlantis Roman Empire Province side no losses were reported. The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles. |
Zen | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 05:04 am  I'll say this. This could have all been avoided if the current owner of the Smoke empire let me have one of his failing countries for 125T in cash. He refused so I had no choice. Yes, we are the aggressors. However GOP FB declared war on Zentrino a few weeks back. I was going to try to attack your entire empire, but I feel that is going too far. Since I do have some respect for you two even after I'm treated as a non-powerful third wheel in the federation. What I still can not understand is why Brown did not transfer the assets to his primary account off of smokes account, and why he decided to sell some of his military assets. Thanks for the war assets, I'll be putting them to good use in the future. The reason you took those countries is because Zentrino and I did not think the war would start this early. We miscalculated. That mistake won't be made again. This was our first offensive pvp war. It won't be the last. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 05:09 am  Now you have ALL the news. By the way, "Power 1" is a number 3 ranked war country. I have renamed it "Zentrino 1" in honor of Zentrino who left me all those weapons. As an example of a fraction of weapons left, how does nearly 70,000 precision bombers sound to you? And yes, he left the precision bombs that go with them, along with all other weapons. Zentrino boasts about taking two inactive former Smokes Alot countries. In fact, I do that in my sleep as do other vets. Zentrino, did take my country Atlantis. I have a life and didn't stay up all night fighting like he did. Married, job, you know the routine. So I let him take it. Overall in PVP war, Roman Empire 3, Zentrino 1. |
Zen | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 05:20 am  Zentrino never took that country. I did. If you want to treat it that way fine. 70k bombers is nothing compared to what I have. I have work as well, it was my day off. If you claim to be able to do these things in your sleep, why did you lose your offensive weapons in high numbers verses my weak undefended country? As I blasted through your defense with ease. I'm not a war vet, but it seems a lot of these "vets" have very little knowledge and a small number of military assets for being around so long. As I said, we miscalculated. If we knew the war would start that early a hardened defense would be in place. We wanted to set up last second to surprise you. Too bad that didn't work out. No matter. At the rate I can take your defenses down compared to the rate your offensive weapons get taken down by my defenses I'll be able to conquer both of your empires with full activity. I have no interest in total war with you. I just wanted smokes countries because I know I would have done a better job keeping them under my control. Instead of letting them slowly die. Too bad they're being stripped into my empire. This game is becoming dry with war. We need more of it. There are no targets for me to attack. They're either not worth attacking because they're too weak or I have no negative relations with them. Edit: I never wanted to attack them while you were inactive. You guys seemed to be on every day a few weeks ago. I was a little upset Brown couldnt set up a strong defense, as I was looking for a fight that I could learn from. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 05:26 am  First of all, there was no "owner" of the Smokes countries. Second, you and Zentrino, based on my observations, are one and the same. That is my belief. You are a multi. You also are a jerk. I was consolidating the inactive Smokes countries that belonged to my Fed. I decced on an inactive Fed member in order to secure assets, something most vets do. As soon as I decced on the country, you decced on it to. That is a double Simcountry "cardinal sin". In Simcountry, "first see, first take" is never interfered with. I don't negotiate on the Forum, feel free to message me, and I will discuss terms to end this war. |
Zen | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 05:39 am  Me and Zentrino met about a year ago when we were both new. I messaged him because his name was similar to mine, so I thought it would be cool to collaborate. The reason we may be like a multi to you is because we were both taught by Aries the ways of improving our accounts. So we do things in a very similar way. He was my first ally on simcountry. How am I a jerk? I am always giving advice on the forum the best that I can and literally give away assets to my allies. Most people dont throw hundreds of trillions SC$ and millions of population to their federation members. I also trade with whoever needs something because I believe helping the community is a way for it to become more competitive. I don't see you giving out assets to people or sharing advice. Yes I am new in a sense I wasnt around during the "glory days" of simcountry when war was often. I wish I was, but as of now it seems everyone is fiddling their econs and not getting involved in war. I will admit I'm becoming too egocentric now and need to stop. At first my policy was make no enemies and play the econ game. Zentrino has always been the more aggressive out of us two. That is how it has always been. This war was my choice and he lost assets that he wasnt supposed to because of it. Sorry I'm only 20 and don't live on my own yet... If you want to know why it takes me so long to take a country its because I have a very old and slow computer. Sorry I don't have the money for a new one. Which is why simcountry is the only PC game I play, it's the only game it can run. It is also why I do not buy gc because I need the money I make for college and more important things. It takes my screen 20 seconds to load a fort and destroy it. Very frustrating. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 06:34 am  I understand. I remove my accusation of your playing Multi's. I have messaged you in game. Obviously I was angry because I felt you did not give a full news report. Making a personal accusation of some one, even in a game, should be backed up and I admit I have no real evidence that you are a multi. I should not have made that accusation. In fact, your similar names made me suspicious and led me to a probable predeterminend conclusion. |
Zentrino | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 06:48 am  I don't boast about taking that country from Smoke. Others have posted about that war, but now you are not giving the full story. Smoke attacked me, a new player, unprovoked, and I (along with Zen with help from Aries) beat him. Then, I took his countries as a part of the deal that was negotiated for peace. The "bragging" about that war came from others and was about beating Smokes in his attack against me. As for the 3 countries you got from me, I was in meetings at work, miscalculated the timing of the war, yaddayaddayadda. If you think 70K pbs is loot, then you haven't seen my enterprise. The ammo you got was not half my supply and my offense left is larger than what was lost. My defense was ranked 2, 3, and 5 earlier this month in Prime, Camp, and Giant and hadn't deployed even half. I don't care where you want to "negotiate." If you can't say it on here, don't bother saying it to me. |
EMPEROR VESPASIAN | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 06:59 am  These obscene amount of weapons is something the GM has to do something about. Yeah, I have obscene amount of weapons too. The 70K Pbs were only a fraction of what I took. In fact, I don't even need them. I guess I will see you on the war front. |
Zen | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 07:37 am  Zentrino it wasnt smoke. It was Blackeyes you were referring to just saying. Also to Vespasian. Have you seen the size of my account yet? I have 36 countries and 6 enterprises. I trade on all worlds all the time, which is how I grow my military and assets to fast.. That alone should show you I dont multi. I do not have enough time to manage what I have now and I do play this game too much already. I know you and Zentrino have had problems but I have not. I was just bored and my boredom took things away from players who appreciate them more. I still am looking for opponents but currently there are none for me to attack that I want to. Well there are two but I am not on their world and dont think ill be able to beat them yet. As we said in pm, I'll negotiate what I can and will admit that the countries I took were in fact inactive and undefended. I'm still going to defend myself on the fact that if they were defended at full capacity and I used my 3 main countries that it would be a very close war. Aries has taught me well in maximizing my capability as a war player. Even if I have yet to do a real full scale pvp war. For an "econ" player you would expect me to have a lot of defense but the opposite is true. All of my defensive assets are upgraded because I have much more offensive than defensive. I just need someone to use it on. |
Zentrino | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 07:39 am  Oh yeah it was Blackeyes. Too many enemies to keep track of these days. Yawn, I sent Vaspie a private message since the public nature of this is too much. |
Zentrino | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 07:42 am  The war front is a nice place though, sweeping plains, majestic mountains, nuclear fallout, destroyed cities, dead sims, wastelands of fallen weapons. Ya know, a good place to retire. |
John West | Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 10:36 pm  Aaahhhhhh. . . .that sounds absolutely beautiful. I almost want to press all the red buttons I can find after trying to visualize that. |
uallizh8ed | Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 08:50 pm  I'm Smokes and I've been away from this game while Crazyeye was watching my countries. I was thinking about coming back but just as I made this country to talk to the owner of my countries some a$$holes went and took them. But tis all good enjoy my countries cuz I'm done with this game. For all those friends I've made though out the game please do me a favor and wipe these 2 off of fb. Smokes out |
uallizh8ed | Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 09:03 pm  wait whos Zen? A former player? A Vet? |
Zen | Thursday, September 1, 2016 - 12:36 am  The previous owners took little to no care of the countries we simply took control because we believe we would use them better( transferring the population into our current empires my countries of which have the best economic structure on Fearless Blue ). Whoever was in control of your account transferred ownership of the account to jammiebrown who did nothing at all and actually sold off most of your military assets. I told him before I would pay him 125 trillion SC$ for ownership of a country. So that he could rebuild them. Instead he threatened force if I attempted any deals. So I took them. Sure people can take me off FB, but I am on every world. I am one of the most active players as well. I also help and give advice as often as I can, so I don't have many foes. My foreign policy is as long as someone doesn't bother me, I will not bother them. Unless they have something I want/I dont like them and are capable of withstanding an attack from me. The only players capable of wiping us off FB are Aries, Whiteboy and SuperSoldier. We however have no intent on wiping anyone off fearless blue. We just wanted some loot. I want Fearless Blue to become more active. Zentrino and I set up a federation and plan to invite premium members who are willing to go past wl3 and become strong leaders as well. Fearless Blue is the war world, but no one attacks anyone else anymore unless it involves aries. It has become extremely boring, but at the same time. Very profitable indeed. If we were wiped off FB the world would become even more cold. |
Zentrino | Thursday, September 1, 2016 - 02:52 am  War is fun. We need MOHR WAHR! |
WildStallion | Friday, September 2, 2016 - 11:29 am  Interesting so the only players capable off wiping you off FB are Aries, Whiteboy and Supersoldier is that what you are saying? Do not forget about the players long forgotten whom you do not mention that may just return without notice or those you do not give enough respect to........? |
Zen | Friday, September 2, 2016 - 04:10 pm  If they return and want to destroy me good. I need a good fight. Pvp in this game has become very rare. No one is worried about war anymore. Everyone just keeps building up their countries, econ, enterprises. No one is engaging in conflict from fear of losing assets. I don't fear losing assets because I can make up my losses very quick. I have respect for vets. I just feel the game has changed. The way wars are done is different. If me attacking someone automatically makes me out to be a bad person there would be a lot of bad people on this game. If I didn't have respect for Vespasian I wouldnt have gave any of his countries back, and send 80 trillion SC$ for him to rebuild the corps I destroyed. I dont think any player before has done a war, than gave compensation back because the player wasnt active. At least not recently. I feel people are too afraid to attack anyone because a much larger player may attack them later. With smokes countries. They were a complete mess, they were not getting rebuilt. Half of the corporations are owned by netherlands enterprise. I remember when smokes countries were the best ones on fearless blue. I don't attack players with very good countries unless I'm provoked. I may attack inactive players whos countries have become a complete mess. I was planning to attack smokes countries for a few months, but then out of no where the account was transferred. So I had to act fast before the current owner sold all of the military assets. |
Zentrino | Friday, September 2, 2016 - 09:59 pm  Wild Stallion, come on back. Bring Wendy with ya. See if old what's his name (Stewart?) can tag along. Laguna lurks around I think. Hezzie wasn't much a warrior but he kept things lively. It'll be grand. I was around back then, just not into war. I remember what SC was like though. War was the norm not the exception, especially for those who did not defend themselves properly or fed up with those who would. I stayed in a strong fed and provided defensive support but never fought pvp wars myself back then. |
marshal.ney | Thursday, September 8, 2016 - 06:34 pm  If they return and want to destroy me good. Highest honor, Zen. I have no respect for someone who can't take a beat-down, and come back with blood in their eye and a dagger in their teeth. Cordially yours, MNey |
WildStallion | Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 10:16 am  Blood in the eye has been drained, they therefore can not see what it is that is right in front of their eyes. It is a mystery like the voynich manuscript that if you know what you are looking for you will solve what information has been written. Their teeth can no longer hold a dagger because they are being pulled one at a time by the person known to a chosen few as the dentist. It has been written in ancient text that many a player has fallen victim to the secret weapon he has at his disposal called the drill. |
marshal.ney | Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 05:14 pm  Mayhap. But I've kept it secret. Kept it safe. |
John West | Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 07:31 pm  Hahhahahahahhah WildStallion |
FirstHand Baro | Monday, October 17, 2016 - 07:54 pm  Land Of Fire CO_OP Defense welcome your proclamation and will like to integrate into this new alliance. |