Tim_Mankins | Sunday, October 12, 2014 - 01:09 pm  I'm currently offering my enterprise on Little Upsilon for sale on the direct trading market. It used to be called "Kochatka Industries" after the name of my country, but I've now renamed it "Enterprise For Sale" for simplicity. Here are the enterprise's current statistics: Number of Corporations in the Enterprise: Public: 75 Private: 94 Total: 169 Breakdown of Enterprise Assets: Private Corporations: 18,087.26B SC$ Shares in Public Corporations: 30,404.99B SC$ Cash Available: 0.55B SC$ Value of Materials: 2,115.94B SC$ Military Assets: 555.02B SC$ Minority Shareholdings: 0.00B SC$ Debt of the Enterprise: 0.00B SC$ Loans Given to Others: 0.00B SC$ Total Assets: 66,419.60B SC$ Corporation Statistics: Average Productivity Index: 190.20 Average Quality Index: 190.10 Average Utilization: 117.5% Average Hiring: 99.2% Total Employed: 42,787,656 Average Monthly Salary per Worker: 1,918.00 SC$ Total Value of Monthly Production: 442.44B SC$ Total Turnover: 440.60B SC$ Total Salaries: -82.07B SC$ Total Materials Cost: -196.85B SC$ Total Interest Paid: 0.00B SC$ Paid to Countries for Resources Used: -60.02B SC$ Total Fixed Cost: -29.52B SC$ Total Maintenance Cost: -16.01B SC$ Total Profit: 56.14B SC$ I'm offering my enterprise for sale for a minimum of 100 gold coins which is the lowest minimum price which Simcountry will allow, although Simcountry lists my enterprise as being worth 1,844.83 GCs. It will be auctioned to the highest bidder. I've taken care only to build my enterprise's corporations in countries which are responsibly managed by human players, so you won't need to worry much about the presidents of the countries in which the corporations are located, mismanaging those countries. The enterprise is so profitable that despite keeping the que for the building of new corporations constantly full, I literally can't build new corporations fast enough to invest the SC$s which the enterprise is earning. What is more, its earnings are growing steadily as the number of corporations increases, as existing corporations are upgraded, and as their shares are sold. If you are looking to purchase an enterprise, you cant go wrong with this one. It's already very successful, and if managed well it should continue to be successful indefinitely. Among the corporations controlled by the enterprise are 20 plutonium corporations supplied by 12 weapons grade uranium corporations, which produce plutonium to sell for gold coins on the Carina space station. The enterprise has its own space center to launch shuttles from, although you will have to buy or already own your own space dock on Carina and your own space shuttle, in order to sell the plutonium there. The reason why I'm selling this enterprise despite its wonderful success is that I'm stingy with real money, and therefore I don't intend to pay the extra real money which would be required to buy the gold coins needed to pay the 30 gold coin per month fee to run both a country and an enterprise rather than only a country or only an enterprise. I know that I can win gold coins by achieving a high player score, and that running the enterprise as well as my country can help me achieve a higher score and win more gold coins. However, it doesn't appear that the increase in my score, and the consequential increase in gold coin awards, will ever be sufficient to compensate for the cost in gold coins for maintaining the enterprise. I enjoy running my country far more than running my enterprise, and so I'm getting rid of my enterprise. However, if anyone wants to run an enterprise, either on its own or in conjunction with other countries or enterprises, my enterprise is a wonderful enterprise to run. I've had to register a second enterprise on Little Upsilon in order for Simcountry to permit me to offer my original enterprise for sale, and I have once again named it "Kochatka Industries" after the name of my country. If someone buys my original enterprise, then I may invest in and develop my new enterprise in hope of selling it for more gold coins in the future. However if no one buys my original enterprise, then I'll just deregister both of them to get rid of that icky extra fee in gold coins for running an extra country or enterprise. |