Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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SC Deleted 3 of my Corporations ...

Topics: Fearless Blue: SC Deleted 3 of my Corporations ...


Friday, October 5, 2012 - 09:19 am Click here to edit this post
First, give it about 2 weeks for the gamemaster or whoever to check things, and also send them an email asking for help:

If you aren't satisfied with the result, ask around for some informal help.


Friday, October 5, 2012 - 06:06 pm Click here to edit this post
Thanks Corporate Partner. I have sent an email to the Gamemaster.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 12:43 am Click here to edit this post
Has anyone else experienced missing corporations in the past couple of weeks? According to the GM my missing 3 corporations do not appear in the game logs. I know they were there, I bought and sold products for them or from them every day. I adjusted Indexes/Education Priorities to supply them with workers, and I organize my corporations around production sectors, so I build related corporations that feed into one another. Any ideas?


Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 02:11 am Click here to edit this post
Graph of number of corps {list corps} shows what?
Any earthquake, riot or nuclear war next door? {check newspaper but it may not go back far enough}
Did social security costs rise at the same time?
Check history of employed/unemployed.
departments > all indexes > employment index, (see graph)

If your were supplying them from other corps or had other corps supplying them then check whats going on with the contracts.

The newspaper is often the best place to find out where things went wrong, I only hope it goes back far enough for you.

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