falcien | Monday, May 7, 2012 - 02:18 am  Id like to think im adept at simcoutnry in the economy game, but over the last 2-3 real days my coutry's profit/loss went from icnreasing around 4-8B a month, and around 60B and then it plateued and froze. Suddenly i was loosing 6-12B a game month. Until it stoped at 14B, over 6-9 Game months i see that as a rapid drop. See anything im overlooking in these statistics?? Finance Statement - Assets Financial Index 137.60 Cash Available 6,386.37B SC$ Debt including inherited loans from closed Corporations 0.00B SC$ Loans given to Others 0.00B SC$ Value of all State Corporations 33,333.62B SC$ Share Value State Controlled Public Corporations 0.00B SC$ Share Value Other Public Corporations 0.00B SC$ Total of all Corporate Assets 33,333.62B SC$ Value of all Materials 1,104.60B SC$ Value of all Weapons 735.19B SC$ Value of all Ammunition 2,260.85B SC$ Total of all Assets 43,801.99B SC$ Cash Changes - Year To Date Previous Cash Total 1,956,912.13M SC$ Profit or Loss 106,663.35M SC$ Income/Cost of old Loans 6,290,000.00M SC$ Income/Cost of New Loans 0.00M SC$ Corporations bought, sold, closed and moved 0.00M SC$ Cash from Closed Corporations 0.00M SC$ Cost of building new State Corporations -65,991.73M SC$ Cost of building Hospitals -13,207.86M SC$ Cost of building Schools and Universities -38,518.72M SC$ Cost of building Roads and Train Tracks -1,013,358.81M SC$ Cost of Financial Services 0.00M SC$ Income/Cost for Defensive Weapons and Ammo 4,604.15M SC$ Income/Cost for Offensive Weapons and Ammo 378,309.96M SC$ Income/Cost for Strategic Weapons and Ammo 0.00M SC$ Raw Materials Purchased from Local Corporations 0.00M SC$ Materials Purchased -700,232.79M SC$ Materials sold or used by Government 385,663.78M SC$ Spending by the Population 175,915.54M SC$ Automatic Cash Transfers 605,000.00M SC$ Manual Cash Transfers -2,285,389.06M SC$ Bonuses and Awards 600,000.00M SC$ Cash Exchanged for Gold Coins 0.00M SC$ Cash/Debt Inherited from Conquered and Closed Countries 0.00M SC$ Repairing War Damage and Civil Unrest 0.00M SC$ Income/Cost of Shares 0.00M SC$ Cash Available 6,386,369.93M SC$ Profit & Loss - This Month Income Cost Taxes paid by Citizens 28,796.03M SC$ Health Contributions and Cost 8,587.84M SC$ 26,808.66M SC$ Education Contributions and Cost 4,530.61M SC$ 12,081.87M SC$ Interest on Outstanding Loans 349.44M SC$ 0.00M SC$ Taxes paid by Corporations 87.58M SC$ Profit paid by State Owned Corporations 23,845.13M SC$ Income from Enterprises 1,078.07M SC$ Social Security Payments 5,459.02M SC$ Transportation System 8,360.91M SC$ General Cost of Government 18,702.16M SC$ Total Defense Cost 2,825.64M SC$ Income from Dividend 0.00M SC$ Beginners Income Booster 21,533.33M SC$ Total Income and Cost 88,808.04M SC$ 74,238.26M SC$ Profit / Shortage 14,569.78M SC$ Profit & Loss - Year To Date Income Cost Taxes paid by Citizens 185,428.46M SC$ Health Contributions and Cost 53,592.63M SC$ 159,399.48M SC$ Education Contributions and Cost 28,299.06M SC$ 71,615.10M SC$ Interest on Outstanding Loans 2,096.67M SC$ 0.00M SC$ Taxes paid by Corporations 12,503.81M SC$ Profit paid by State Owned Corporations 128,763.62M SC$ Income from Enterprises 7,204.87M SC$ Social Security Payments 35,034.48M SC$ Transportation System 46,602.15M SC$ General Cost of Government 111,861.45M SC$ Total Defense Cost 17,329.79M SC$ Income from Dividend 0.00M SC$ Beginners Income Booster 130,616.67M SC$ Total 548,505.79M SC$ 441,842.44M SC$ Profit & Loss - Expected Full Year Income Cost Taxes paid by Citizens 370,856.93M SC$ Health Contributions and Cost 107,185.26M SC$ 318,798.96M SC$ Education Contributions and Cost 56,598.13M SC$ 143,230.19M SC$ Interest on Outstanding Loans 4,193.33M SC$ 0.00M SC$ Taxes paid by Corporations 25,007.62M SC$ Profit paid by State Owned Corporations 257,527.24M SC$ Income from Enterprises 14,409.75M SC$ Social Security Payments 70,068.97M SC$ Transportation System 93,204.30M SC$ General Cost of Government 223,722.89M SC$ Total Defense Cost 34,659.58M SC$ Income from Dividend 0.00M SC$ Beginners Income Booster 261,233.33M SC$ Total 1,097,011.58M SC$ 883,684.89M SC$ Citizens with higher income invest some of their money. You can view this investment fund and how it performs. Private Investments Cash Private Investments Funds 115.35B SC$ New Contributions by the Population 1,506.03M SC$ Profit from Private Investments this Month (Interest) 40.85M SC$ Dividend ... 1.91M SC$ Number of Workers 25,902,784 Profit per Worker 2.00 Current Market Interest Rate 0.42% Pensions Total Private Investments for additional Pensions 47.27B SC$ New Contributions by the Population 1,021.35M SC$ Profit from Private Investments this Month (Interest) 1.58M SC$ Number of Pensioners 1,787,755 Pension per Pensioner 286.00 Current Market Interest Rate 0.04% Some of the citizens income is spent on housing. The following shows data concerning housing and new investments in housing in the country. Housing Investments Number Of Households 18,695,441 Total Value of all Homes 799.88B SC$ Investment in Housing this Month 5,078.47M SC$ Total Mortgage Cost 282.00M SC$ Average House Value 42,785 Average Yearly Price Increase 0.00% Im trying to build my country rapidly still, im selling military weapons, i quit building corps to let them build up themselfs quicker, my employment is 96. Heres additional info. Number of Countries 1 1 check empire... Number of Enterprises 0 1 Enterprise Corporations 0 100 Country Index Value Needed for Level 5 Country Population 52.35 M 23.00 M check country... Net Cash 6.39 T 5.00 T check country... Defense Index 6.97 - check country... Defensive Force Index 8.99 - check country... Offensive Force Index 3.58 check country... Strategic Force Index 1.44 check country... Health Index 110.79 100 check country... Education Index 118.36 100 check country... School Index 120.00 Highschool Index 153.00 University Index 259.00 Transportation Index 183.20 100 check country... Road Index 277.80 Railroad Index 213.25 Water Treatment Index 158.77 Employment Index 95.25 80 check country... Percentage Unemployed 4.75 check country... Consumption Quality Index 182.21 check country... Supply Index 100.00 check country... Corporations Welfare Index 112.60 check country... Financial Index 137.60 85 check country... Assets Index 49.51 Business Index 110.81 check country... Social Security Quality Index 104.09 80 check country... Industry Salary Index 260.66 check country... Government Salary Index 288.64 110 check country... Welfare Index 109.94 Migration Index 56.17 War Index 100.00 Game Levels 4 and higher require Premium Membership. |