BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 01:56 am  Mmmm LOFN...... Taste like chicken! Lol Actually, my respects to Madhatter so far. He's fought hard. The rest of you we will see about. So much swag. And to set the record straight... I started this but LOFN brought this upon themselves. I decced on one of their inactives. They messaged me saying that the inactive fell upon hard times. So I agreed not to raid. But they attacked my countires anyways. If you are LOFN and don't want a part of this wa, message me at Date... Unless you've already decced on me. No mercy for you. BC ( who has been drinking just a bit and probably wouldn't post like this sober ) |
SirSmokesAlot (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 12:08 pm  BC ( who has been drinking just a bit and probably wouldn't post like this sober ) LMAO... War and drinking don't mix. Going to chat and drinking don't mix. Fighting while drunk BAD IDEA! Attack now while he's to drunk to defend himslef lol. |
BorderC (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 03:47 pm  Too late They had their chance. I was at a wedding all last night. |