andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 05:35 am  Capone,u die. no more hidijng under the real vets |
Capone (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 06:56 am  Really, wanna run that through spell check then come back to me? P.S. I totally forgot I had a country on FB. I bought it from Dub and forgot about it. Would be a shame if you lost KB because you got a little anxious, now wouldn't it? Simmer down, lil one. |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 09:01 pm  hahahaaa.simmer down,heck,I havent even got going. And how does one forget a country,hmmm,me thinks me hears Crap! Time to play ya poser |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 03:30 am  Deny sending this ,call me a liar?ask LG what he said,i copied it.capone you are truly a piece of work.Heres capones message to me for everyone to see just how classy you really are,enjoy the reading................... From: Wrath I To: ATTILA C Real Date: 31-12-2008 03:02:53 World Date: October 07 2610 Subject: Re: Re: Re: fn time to play ,no more hiding Message: UM asshole, LG said no such thing. I have been privy to your emails to yankee and lg, so the fact you're a fucking liar is already proven. Do you think that I am along with the people you are fucking with are stupid? Dude look in the mirror, the combined IQ's of your fucking fed doesn't match mine Yankees or LG's seperately. If you are going to fuckin lie, at least be good at it. Lick my fucking balls you illiterate fuckin piece of |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 03:32 am  there was a little more but Yall get the jist. |
Sir SmokesAlot (Fearless Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 03:33 am  You forgot about a country that started to order many defensive weapons. Wow the computer knows how to buy 200,000MI , 200,000DM , and 140,000AAM. There where no arms in the country and you where out of WP. Maybe someone was kind enough to hack your account. Buy weapons,put you in WP for 2 game years but i don't know i could be wrong. |
5 Star General (Kebir Blue) | Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 04:20 pm  wink wink |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 10:02 pm  Heres the latest poetic drivle fron capone[wrath I],enjoy. "Forwarded from ATTILA C You are a fucking liar. Plain and simple. And I also know you're a multi, guess who told me that? Mwahahaha. I saw everything you wrote dickshit. Like how you "didnt know" what was going on, and you "told" a noob not to dec. You're a racist piece of shit, and you know it. Ta, you stupid fuck. |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 10:04 pm  same old crap from him,He,s not even got the smarts to come up with new accusations ,what a brilliant fellow. |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 01:01 am  war protection. 2 simple words seem to sum up the character of some people quite nicely. |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 07:11 am  last paste i will boer you all with from our good mannered Capone,,,,,,,LOL...please dickhead, I have more friends in this game that you could even count, lmao...considering you can only count to three...doesn't surprise me. Enjoy sucking cock for a living, douchebag!!! rofl...imagine that a pimply face little ratboy cocksucker tells me to get a rl friend....lmaooooooooo...Did your poor english lead to you getting your ass kicked before? rofl...Hey Sam, I introduce to you your polished turd, Andy C. the multi. ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL cocksmoking homo. |
5 Star General (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 07:27 am  From: ATTILA C To: Wrath I Real Date: 31-12-2008 03:21:07 World Date: October 08 2610 Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: fn time to play ,no more hiding Message: man many big words for ya all in one sentence, for the paste from Laguna,ask him ,ill fn paste it on the forum sweat stain,grow the #### up ,man assholes are like opinions,everyones got one.Youre some piece of work .now im gonna paste your message to my fed and see if ya call me a liar on that to.You are truly a fuckin pussy and not hardly worth the effort,come out of wp anywhere and your as is ours.night piss ant,twaddle of and die you moron Jeez guys...Ameche needs to be provoked for such a reaction, why do you act like a turdball and slander him when he cannot speak back? |
Blue Serpent (White Giant) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 11:46 am  <- - - orders pizza |
andy Clark (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 05:56 pm  I never said I didnt send a rough message back.Why dont you paste my other messages to him.most were quite civil.after all the messages he sent me ,i finally sunk to his level on that one. Jeez guys...Ameche needs to be provoked for such a reaction, why do you act like a turdball and slander him when he cannot speak back? Birds of a feather me thinks. He has spoken back many times,also,I told him Id paste his messages in hopes he,d tone it down a little,no luck. so be his puppet and keep pasting my stuff etc. ac |
ShcyzMattiCa (Little Upsilon) | Monday, January 5, 2009 - 07:51 pm  5 star nobody strikes again! |
5 Star General (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - 02:47 am  well well, its still ticking lol.. beep beep beep-------------- |
Váli (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - 02:48 am  war protection........if only this game was for the brave.... |
5 Star General (Kebir Blue) | Tuesday, January 6, 2009 - 02:56 am  .... |