guythatlikesmushrooms | Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 08:01 am I am a new president in the Nakomo Valley region of Eridana on Kebir Blue. I am in a whole lot of war do-do. My starting country was New Mesopotamia and I conquered the C3 to my south very easily. I renamed it New Persia. New Persia are went to war with a C3(now The Republic of Moldacia). It was a horrible war that considerably crippled my economy and put me $100B in loan dept (my country currently possesses $109B in total funds). Now another player owns it, that don't fly. I am asking for ANY military assistance, as I am going to declare war with this player and I have a terrible army (I have around 50 Heavy Tanks and 100 Heavy Artillery canons). I don't even care if I get to add the country to my empire, I just want it gone (for honor reasons). The only rule is do NOT use nukes, because this country is right next to me and I don't want fallout. If you beat the Republic of Moldacia, I will sell you my empire's surplus product(s) for a ridiculously low price and sign a peace treaty with you. The main point is just WIPE THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDACIA OFF THE MAP! |