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Kebir Blue's Statistics 01/06/09

Topics: Kebir Blue: Kebir Blue's Statistics 01/06/09


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:00 am Click here to edit this post

RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 632.075.239Klarina Espinosa 79.208.261
2ebby247 518.753.141Sethiahc 67.647.153
3OBL Sierrovsky 473.515.917Hit_Man 65.147.446
4Gandolf The White 452.274.095Kevin Henry 65.060.629
5Just Spock 406.170.580Zappa Zuru 65.031.021
6Zappa Zuru 390.186.126Gandolf The White 64.610.585
7Parsifal 366.886.753Da Templar Bobo 63.236.811
8doyenne dweezelpeace 352.284.960Don 62.681.747
9flasatos gimp 346.426.817Blue Serpent 62.618.270
10jason 323.773.594Pope Samtator IX 62.265.820
11Beo 297.815.376Tae Hwan Ahn 62.160.189
12Scrode 283.560.956Fnord Prefect 61.934.627
13Kiteless 279.954.747Tom Willard 61.411.995
14shaun 253.458.254Parsifal 61.147.792
15smokinjoev 249.026.993Patrick Ryan 60.817.696
16Erotic Clown 242.508.148Erotic Clown 60.627.037
17Croesus 220.286.855Alexandria Hollander 59.394.852
18dean may 219.385.295Just Spock 58.024.369
19Tom Smith 201.958.964Russian Spy 57.518.037
20shawnrah king 194.310.413Laguna 57.461.385


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:00 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 34.126.372Elaieva 4.206.156
2ebby247 22.020.642Laguna 3.102.397
3Parsifal 17.363.215Kevin Henry 3.083.443
4jason 14.712.989Parsifal 2.893.869
5Gandolf The White 13.796.556Sethiahc 2.778.585
6Just Spock 13.513.095Chad Goeringer 2.561.665
7nix001 9.151.824jason 2.452.165
8Scrode 7.559.061Hit_Man 2.235.474
9Tom Smith 7.390.274Da Templar Bobo 2.095.483
10Erotic Clown 6.933.306Klarina Espinosa 2.040.212
11Kiteless 6.788.514ebby247 2.001.877
12CraftyCockney 6.466.550Gandolf The White 1.970.937
13Da Templar Bobo 6.286.450Blue Serpent 1.933.340
14Kevin Henry 6.166.885Just Spock 1.930.442
15Zappa Zuru 6.072.880Tom Smith 1.847.569
16OBL Sierrovsky 5.993.028Coolhand 1.797.056
17Kaledonian 5.830.743Erotic Clown 1.733.327
18Blue Serpent 5.800.019Pope Samtator IX 1.656.509
19dmack 5.659.925CraftyCockney 1.616.638
20Beo 5.004.870King Xenu 1.594.182


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:00 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Laguna 3.504.605.221.655Klarina Espinosa 745.526.628.352
2Just Spock 2.924.733.262.070Ares 491.794.328.912
3ebby247 2.916.272.072.719Pope Samtator IX 439.450.118.954
4Gandolf The White 2.688.221.349.348BorderC 437.862.291.944
5Parsifal 2.436.084.629.523john 432.354.881.017
6Kiteless 2.215.635.029.173Just Spock 417.819.037.439
7Beo 2.108.690.987.126Hit_Man 411.623.857.893
8OBL Sierrovsky 1.929.523.508.508Parsifal 406.014.104.921
9Scrode 1.857.409.093.845Coolhand 400.691.928.377
10jason 1.758.387.093.824Alexandria Hollander 397.645.118.334
11smokinjoev 1.678.125.646.023Gandolf The White 384.031.621.335
12Erotic Clown 1.520.618.386.491Erotic Clown 380.154.596.623
13shaun 1.488.953.075.132Scrode 371.481.818.769
14Pope Samtator IX 1.318.350.356.862Kevin Henry 367.776.606.988
15Blue Serpent 1.078.688.257.562Blue Serpent 359.562.752.521
16Cfballer 1.064.447.264.714Cfballer 354.815.754.905
17Ares 983.588.657.824Tom Willard 353.164.553.840
18Ricky Harris 977.124.011.490Laguna 318.600.474.696
19CraftyCockney 957.231.090.210Da Templar Bobo 312.924.733.586
20Da Templar Bobo 938.774.200.759King Xenu 306.515.108.505


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:00 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
1Laguna $917,9Klarina Espinosa $85,4
2Just Spock $510,9Pope Samtator IX $84,3
3Gandolf The White $508,1Laguna $83,4
4ebby247 $389,4Scrode $73,0
5Scrode $365,2Just Spock $73,0
6Kiteless $336,5Gandolf The White $72,6
7Parsifal $326,0Hit_Man $72,3
8jason $324,6BorderC $71,6
9smokinjoev $286,7Kevin Henry $69,2
10Beo $280,5Cfballer $68,2
11OBL Sierrovsky $274,9Da Templar Bobo $57,9
12Pope Samtator IX $253,0Blue Serpent $57,6
13flasatos gimp $248,2Parsifal $54,3
14Zappa Zuru $235,4jason $54,1
15shaun $232,1john $53,7
16nix001 $207,5Ares $52,2
17Cfballer $204,7Coolhand $50,8
18Erotic Clown $198,0Erotic Clown $49,5
19Da Templar Bobo $173,8Alexandria Hollander $44,3
20Blue Serpent $172,8Tom Smith$40,9


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
Production per capita
RankPresident NamePpc
1Klarina Espinosa 9.412,23
2Ares 8.799,30
3john 8.494,70
4BorderC 8.089,00
5Coolhand 8.000,48
6Kiteless 7.914,26
7SoGro83 7.396,88
8Cfballer 7.314,84
9erit 7.232,82
10Just Spock 7.200,75
11zonewall 7.176,61
12Beo 7.080,53
13Pope Samtator IX 7.057,65
142boots 6.791,16
15smokinjoev 6.738,73
16Alexandria Hollander 6.694,94
17King Xenu 6.683,97
18 6Gunner 6.668,11
19Parsifal 6.639,88
20Ricky Harris 6.554,94


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
RankPresident Name%
1Elaieva 8,05
2dlrow1961 6,31
3Onyx 5,56
4Laguna 5,40
5SoGro83 5,01
6nix001 4,88
7Kevin Henry 4,74
8Parsifal 4,73
9Chad Goeringer 4,62
10jason 4,54
11Andrew B 4,49
12Crossdale 4,47
13zonewall 4,47
14Kaledonian 4,34
15CraftyCockney 4,30
16ebby247 4,24
17dmack 4,15
18Sethiahc 4,11
19Frank(the)Tank 3,67
20Tom Smith 3,66


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post

1Economic Powerhouse Vida KB East 67.851.866
2The Protectorate 684.547.237Pittsburgh Federation 65.060.629
3Strong Republic 597.340.451Protectorate of Antilia Major 59.846.451
4Dizzy loves D Block 541.572.861Wild Cats 59.042.431
5Protectorate of Antilia Major 538.618.063Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 57.553.266
6Nueva Vida Academy KB 516.193.230Economic Powerhouse 56.800.348
7Protectorate Eridana 448.783.981Protectorate Centura Donna 56.765.899
8Apocalypse Ponies 410.956.425KB Coalition Forces 55.601.268
9SEC 400.680.461The Protectorate 52.657.480
10KB Coalition Forces 389.208.873Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 52.234.536
11Wild Cats 354.254.588Apocalypse Ponies 51.369.553
12The Protectorate Academy 354.137.247Protectorate CD 51.235.022
13Nueva Vida World KB 316.581.527SEC 50.085.058
14RA Defense 290.757.503Strong Republic 45.949.265
15BELLA MAFIA UNITED 290.649.369Protectorate Hercula Major 41.658.156
16Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 287.766.332Protectorate Eridana 40.798.544
17Nueva Vida KB East 271.407.463Protectorate HM 38.832.929
18Kebir Blue Peace Federation 271.218.549Dizzy loves D Block 36.104.857
19Quinque Vicis 265.790.656Quinque Vicis 33.223.832
20KB Peace Forces 217.432.662RA Defense 32.306.389


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Economic Powerhouse 35.765.824Pittsburgh Federation 3.083.443
2Protectorate of Antilia Major 21.387.613Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 2.707.481
3SEC 18.629.606Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 2.637.198
4KB Coalition Forces 14.600.043Protectorate of Antilia Major 2.376.401
5Strong Republic 14.456.222Wild Cats 2.332.229
6The Protectorate 14.014.939SEC 2.328.701
7Wild Cats 13.993.371Nueva Vida KB East 2.216.144
8Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 13.537.407KB Coalition Forces 2.085.720
9Nueva Vida Academy KB 13.414.434Protectorate Centura Donna 1.945.043
10Nueva Vida World KB 11.025.661Protectorate HM 1.893.560
11The Protectorate Academy 10.193.076Economic Powerhouse 1.882.412
12Apocalypse Ponies 9.391.048Protectorate Hercula Major 1.268.968
13Nueva Vida KB East 8.864.575Protectorate CD 1.248.275
14Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 7.911.594Apocalypse Ponies 1.173.881
15Quinque Vicis 6.526.422Strong Republic 1.112.017
16Pittsburgh Federation 6.166.885Nueva Vida World KB 1.102.566
17Protectorate HM 5.680.680The Protectorate 1.078.072
18Protectorate Eridana 5.601.640Nueva Vida Academy KB 838.402
19Dizzy loves D Block 5.581.443Quinque Vicis 815.803
20KB Peace Forces 5.502.476Bundesrepublik Deutschland 562.646


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Economic Powerhouse 5.082.583.990.204Nueva Vida KB East 445.150.911.020
2The Protectorate 4.853.973.192.337Wild Cats 434.006.378.169
3Dizzy loves D Block 3.946.093.739.533The Protectorate 373.382.553.257
4Protectorate of Antilia Major Federation 367.776.606.988
5Nueva Vida Academy KB 2.713.118.015.672Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 360.112.437.668
6Wild Cats 2.604.038.269.013Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 357.736.322.445
7Apocalypse Ponies 2.487.223.004.845Protectorate Centura Donna 355.162.722.983
8Strong Republic 2.478.567.081.886Protectorate of Antilia Major 354.128.101.896
9SEC CD 327.953.582.345
10Quinque Vicis Ponies 310.902.875.606
11The Protectorate Academy 1.899.354.392.026Protectorate Hercula Major 276.129.761.417
12Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 1.788.681.612.226SEC 274.526.229.470
13Nueva Vida KB East 1.780.603.644.078Quinque Vicis 271.771.899.690
14Kebir Blue Peace Federation 1.686.536.366.992Economic Powerhouse 267.504.420.537
15Protectorate Eridana 1.681.389.565.802Dizzy loves D Block 263.072.915.969
16Nueva Vida World KB 1.606.187.390.442Protectorate HM 224.486.320.401
17KB Coalition Forces 1.440.657.438.423KB Coalition Forces 205.808.205.489
18Protectorate CD 1.311.814.329.381Strong Republic 190.659.006.299
19Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 1.080.337.313.004Nueva Vida Academy KB 169.569.875.980
20KB Peace Forces 997.322.263.180Kebir Blue Peace Federation 168.653.636.699


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
RankPresident NameTotalPresident NameAverage
1Economic Powerhouse $1.123,0Auriga Bella Treaty Organization $72,2
2The Protectorate $730,4Nueva Vida KB East $69,4
3Apocalypse Ponies $514,3Pittsburgh Federation $69,2
4Protectorate of Antilia Major $497,4Wild Cats $69,0
5Dizzy loves D Block $463,5Protectorate Centura Donna $66,4
6Wild Cats $414,1Apocalypse Ponies $64,3
7Strong Republic $401,4Economic Powerhouse $59,1
8SEC $375,6The Protectorate $56,2
9KB Coalition Forces $356,6Protectorate of Antilia Major $55,3
10Nueva Vida Academy KB $355,6KB Coalition Forces $50,9
11The Protectorate Academy $353,5SEC $47,0
12Quinque Vicis $315,9Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor $41,7
13Kebir Blue Peace Federation $297,2Protectorate CD $40,6
14Nueva Vida KB East $277,4Protectorate Hercula Major $40,5
15Protectorate Eridana $253,3Quinque Vicis $39,5
16Nueva Vida World KB $242,3Dizzy loves D Block $30,9
17Auriga Bella Treaty Organization $216,7Strong Republic $30,9
18Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor $208,4Kebir Blue Peace Federation $29,7
19Protectorate CD $162,4Protectorate HM $28,0
20KB Peace Forces $152,9Nueva Vida World KB $24,2


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
Army percentage
1Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 5,05
2Protectorate HM 4,88
3Pittsburgh Federation 4,74
4Protectorate Paova Major and Draca Mixor 4,70
5SEC 4,65
6Protectorate of Antilia Major 3,97
7Wild Cats 3,95
8KB Coalition Forces 3,75
10Nueva Vida World KB 3,48
11Protectorate Centura Donna 3,43
12Economic Powerhouse 3,31
13Nueva Vida KB East 3,27
14Protectorate Hercula Major 3,05
15The Protectorate Academy 2,88
16Nueva Vida Academy KB 2,60
17Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2,54
18KB Peace Forces 2,53
19Quinque Vicis 2,46
20Protectorate CD 2,44


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post

1La Sombra1.503
10Erotic Clown656
13Kevin Henry616
14Pope Samtator IX588
16Just Spock569
17Blue Serpent541
18Zappa Zuru526
19Gandolf The White525


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
2La Sombra223.476.782
10Erotic Clown96.643.013
11Kevin Henry94.697.229
12Pope Samtator IX90.455.581
16Zappa Zuru79.108.357
17Just Spock77.600.004
18Blue Serpent77.072.502
19Gandolf The White76.957.418


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
1Daconia 4.933.697.280.000
2La Sombra 4.878.063.660.000
3Laguna 4.778.280.060.000
4ebby247 3.521.634.730.000
5CraftyCockney 2.840.445.510.000
6Pope Samtator IX 2.826.663.460.000
7FredMark 2.450.303.820.000
8Parsifal 2.226.872.780.000
9Kevin Henry
10Erotic Clown 2.073.505.280.000
11Beo 2.061.600.680.000
12john 2.055.418.180.000
13jason 2.040.929.070.000
14Orbiter 1.813.576.320.000
15Gandolf The White 1.689.201.950.000
16Zappa Zuru 1.631.221.660.000
17shaun 1.513.038.130.000
18Crossdale 1.431.153.380.000
19Just Spock 1.376.709.960.000
20illuminatus 1.306.139.240.000


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
1Laguna 914.439.777.966.251
2Daconia 597.799.258.808.080
3La Sombra 463.500.647.609.855
4FredMark 298.761.405.191.809
5Orbiter 248.570.174.700.261
7ebby247 226.086.421.125.612
8Blue Serpent 213.304.731.867.894
9Kevin Henry 196.087.699.620.709
10Pope Samtator IX
11illuminatus 175.672.364.142.414
12shaun 170.795.679.104.047
13Just Spock 166.992.975.155.253
14Erotic Clown 163.752.901.270.602
15jason 161.913.753.568.134
16Gandolf The White 158.168.731.417.604
17Parsifal 157.973.969.532.839
18Da Templar Bobo 141.984.385.770.179
20Zappa Zuru 116.238.942.025.319


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
Nominal value
1Daconia $271,8
2Laguna $242,7
3FredMark $120,9
4La Sombra $120,6
5CraftyCockney $108,8
6Pope Samtator IX $108,0
7Beo $83,7
8Orbiter $70,0
9ebby247 $69,1
10Blue Serpent $66,3
11shaun $65,1
12Erotic Clown $55,5
13jason $55,1
14Gandolf The White $54,3
15Parsifal $54,2
16Kevin Henry $52,6
17Zappa Zuru $51,2
18illuminatus $48,1
19Just Spock $46,3
20Da Templar Bobo $44,8


Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:01 am Click here to edit this post
I would love to do the rest for the other four worlds, but I lack the time. Maybe I will do the rest tomorrow. Or maybe not. With 31ºC in the air, I will probably be looking for shade and the refreshing summer's breeze.

jason (Little Upsilon)

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 12:15 am Click here to edit this post
thanks LG

Cfballer (Kebir Blue)

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 04:36 am Click here to edit this post

Ares (White Giant)

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 06:27 am Click here to edit this post
thanks lg, wooooo go me! My mighty empire looks impressive ;)

Kiteless (Kebir Blue)

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 09:12 am Click here to edit this post
Thanks Laguna.

Gandolf The White (Kebir Blue)

Monday, June 1, 2009 - 06:34 pm Click here to edit this post
Great work Laguna. Nobody does stats like you. Well done, thanks.

Pope Samtator IX (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 - 04:34 pm Click here to edit this post
My humble little CEO made the list.

Yay me!

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