Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 03:48 am This is based off of Martock's leadership on LU: I've decided to start a weekly or bi-weekly thread for AID package requests. I will try to maintain this until my time on the council runs out. I would like to request that other SC members put forth request for aid. Any country requesting aid needs to the following conditions: 1) Remove the secrecy for their Financial Index and Strategic Force Index. - Reasoning here is simple, if you have nukes you should already have a decent economy in place to maintain them. Also, I'd like to make sure that you're not going into debt buy constantly buying up weapons. I don't want to support your wet dreams of global proportions. 2) Dismantle any plutonium mines, weapons grade uranium corps, and strategic weapons corps. Of the strategic weapons corps, I will limit this to nuke missiles, nuke sub missiles, tactical nukes, chemical missiles, and strategic bombs. You can produce all the nuke subs, strategic bombers and various weapon launchers you want. 3) Relatively new player - To be this means you're country has been under your control for less than 100 game years. It's basically my way of saying that I won't be giving out aid to vets and I define 'Vets' as those players who've been around for 100+ game years. I'm putting these conditions forth as I don't feel like supporting nutters out there with global ambitions or nuke fetishes. My offer is open to any and ALL who ask. This includes ALL of our current bad boys and good kiddies. I will not promise that the resolution will be accepted just that it will be put forth. I also won't promise that I will vote for any resolution I put up. "The Security Council has 414.31T SC$ in cash." I'd like to see that number drop but really that's up to the community. You can leave a request here, message me at Steelers Country, or message any of the other 15 council members. No promises that they'll respond or even put forth any resolution. -- Kevin
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 11:42 am http://simcountry.wikia.com/wiki/White_Giant_Security_Council
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 02:33 pm Here is my confession. I have been one of the ones that voted "no" for at least 2 or 3 aid packages since I've joined. The first one was a request for a new player who already had over $5 trillion in assets and some 12 to 15 million population. People have done such a good job helping people on the Wiki and these message boards that it's hard to understand why people need to be given money. I had a difficult time understanding the game at first but I just followed the Wiki and others advice and my country hasn't come close to going into debt..... yet.... As far as catastrophes go, I thought that individual countries sent aid. Why do we need the council to send more? Admittedly, I've never been hit by an earthquake so I don't know how bad they get, but I've always thought that the system set up for countries to aid other countries was a really good feature. Are countries not getting enough aid from the friendly countries? I'm not setting up an argument here, I just wanted to explain why I (and possibly others) haven't voted for any proposals of that kind. If I saw a new person who was many trillions in debt, then sure, I'd vote for it. I'll also be more than willing to send money or supplies to countries devastated by an earthquake. BC PS. Where does the Security Council money come from? Are countries taxed?
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 03:21 pm Kevin, i like your ideas. they certainly make sense and i'll support you on this.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 04:20 pm @ BorderC: I'm glad you posted, because you are definitely not alone. First, let me address your question. I think, although it's been a while since I've read this, that the security council money does come from active countries. (Is this correct, John?)But it's a minuscule amount that you'll never notice. Obviously, it adds up quickly, and there's no way to opt out of the tax. So the bottom line is we have 400+ trillion dollars just sitting around. We could let it continue to sit and build, but for what reason? As you state, many countries that would be eligible for aid under the posted conditions, could be making profits each game month. But, as you know, it takes a lot of time and money to grow a country. For example, it takes a lot of money to build even a decent defense. I view the 5 trillion in aid as a relatively small amount that achieves two goals: 1) It will help the player develop their country a little quicker. 2) It can encourage presidents to become responsible members of KB. Basically, it gives the KB community the chance to reward players for behaviors the benefit the greater good. For example, maybe the chosen president has decided to set their taxes at 0% and open their country up to CEO's. What do you think? @ John R: That's interesting. I am definitely open to any changes that the KB community would like to see in the aid conditions. @ Ebby: Thank you! It's great to have the support of such a respected member of KB! Kevin
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Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 06:04 pm You get taxed 125 000$ for every million in population. The tax is something around that, probably even less. You cannot avoid it. The tiered system was developed by the last giants of WG, a few weeks after the Security Council was implemented. I don't have much interest in updating it. I have a greater interest in changing the way the Council works.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 02:24 am I support Kevin's suggestion. The Aid package will be a good way to encourage new players. Besides, the grant money is wasted if we do nothing about it. First i would go through disaster page to see if any new president have needs..
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Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 05:59 pm Thank you for your support, Just Spock! Currently, there's only one Large Earthquake on the disaster page, and it was in one of Ebby's countries. I definitely agree that the security council should support new players that have to work through a large/major diaster.
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Monday, November 24, 2008 - 06:52 pm Can my country, Mindai receive aid?
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 12:41 am a request has been made for Helm. please voice your opinion.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 08:11 am Hello all, I have just put in a request for council aid... I have been playing about a month (real time), and yesterday had my country (Dornix) hit with a "large earthquake, magnitude of 7.83; 48300 civilians wounded and 377139 persons evacuated in Dornix. Initial damages were farily easy to cover (with generouse aid from Kingdom of Heanven. Thanks!), and I though it was all a failry minor event. Then today I logged in again to find that 7 corperations! (all profitable ones) had shut down. This will be significantly more difficult to recover, and I have asked for security council aid to assist in rebuilding this infrastructure. I beleive the standard packages are 5T and 1T. Since rebuilding corperations cost something like 100B each, I beleive that 1T should just about cover the losses from the quack, and have thus requested this amount. I hope the community will agree this is good use of council money, and support this request.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 - 12:36 pm I think Charles III's request is fair and reasonable. I just entered the proposal for Helm. somebody please enter the proposal for Dornix.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 01:57 am I entered a proposal for Dornix. I proposed $2 trillion. Although, $1 trillion would cover the cost of rebuilding, it certainly wouldn't come close to reimbursing the market value loss of seven profitable corps. I encourage KB to vote YES! Outstanding Requests Houston has requested aid for Mindai. (Mindai meets the above conditions.)
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 03:29 am Thanks I'm not sure how much to ask for, but any aid will be appreciated
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Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 06:48 pm I was torn on the Helms proposal. Since it appears that it will pass I voted no because I have reservations. In general I think Kevin's guidelines are good ones, but I'd like to set out my thoughts so that if I'm off base someone can enlighten me... I know I have a lot to learn. Here are my reasons for voting no: - It seems to me that the president of Helms wildly overextended him/herself, taking over three countries in three game years - The main country has only 2T in cash, so why, I wonder, has another 2T been loaned out - I was unable to see the finances of the two slave countries, as they are secret - I didn't see anything to suggest that the country couldn't recover in time (though I admit that I have suffered no disasters yet myself and so am not entirely sure of their impact) Being relatively new myself, and apparently more cautious than the president of Helms, perhaps I'm being too strict (and/or reading the country's info without good comprehension). Maybe the point here is more about putting that 414T slush fund to work. In any case, as I say, I only went ahead and voted in the negative because it appears that the proposal will be approved. Otherwise I would have posted here before voting. Thanks & regards - Scott
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Thursday, November 27, 2008 - 07:21 pm You lack foundations and didn't finish your argumentation. Perhaps the best is to gather two things: - This book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Theory_of_Justice - My example. References are always important. - I have thirteen countries. - My main country alone has more cash than the Security Council Fund. - A secret or open Finance Index is irrelevant. Either is it open or not, the case doesn't change. The person doesn't change, the situation doesn't change, the arguments don't change; then, why should he be treated different? :::This last point is rather annoying to me. I resume it down to Law for the sake of law. Nonsensical criteria ignoring the true subject at hands.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 03:05 am Scott Hifeng : I respect your decision for voting no to my requested aid. First of let me tell you, Security Council is around to implement its rules/guidelines, wether the player requesting for aid is as conservative as yourself or as ambitious as other players. Your reasons are far beyond the argument you originally pointed out. Is it the way the council approve requests? or is it the condition of the country requesting? The way the president runs the country is an exclusive right given by sim to play the game the way the player wants and not by other players will just to satisfy their thoughts. The point is, is Helms qualified to receive aid? whatever the condition of the country is, you must look or view the point outside your personal wishes. If I meet your personal conditions would've you voted yes? Then if its the case I should've asked for your aid instead of the council's, if so would you be able to give me what my country needed when it was hit by earthquake? Oh and by the way you don't need to see my other countries finances because they were not hit by earthquake when the request was entered. (just to tell you I requested the aid in good faith and not the way you think) My request has purpose and it makes sense. Hope you prosper and I wish you don't get hit by a large earthquake. Goodluck
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 04:17 am The State Roswell needs aid,may me and my people be added to that list?
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 04:46 am @ Bainthewarrior There is no country with that name on KB. Outstanding Requests Houston has requested aid for Mindai.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 05:32 am Awwwww.You mean to tell me since I am on WG I don't apply.It's alright I figure something out,thanx anyways....
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 07:53 am Bain... WG also has a security council... You can apply with them...
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 09:10 am John (not John R) requested 5T aid for KTM, the president of KTM please present your case here.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 03:55 pm Yeah but me gettin anything from players on white giant SC would not happen.They down talk me and treat me unfairly.But simply I need to find a way to get the UN involed...There stupidity has run it's course with me,and now my people and my nation are forced to carry forth,under wrongful prosucution...Gues sense I a sioux indian brave I should have grown use to it.I mean look at what my ancestors have endured in past times,friends.No worries I will just have to do it on my own,thanx for hearing me,and gods speed to you all.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 04:59 pm is that LH?
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 06:01 pm Although I generally agree with Kevins requirements, I think a blanket refusal of aid to nuclear capable counties, under the qualification that all nuclear capable presidents have large enough economies to cope with disaster or are nutters with global ambitions or nuke fetishes is un-justified. The East End, which just suffered an earthquake, still recieves a beginners boost, hence I suppose qualifies as a new country, but has one corp that produces strategic ammo. The country has no means of using these arms. The corp was set up as an experiment with the idea of selling the arms to federation members, or possible stocking until the country is FAR more advanced, (quite an expensive experiment ). I am aware of the responsibility of owning nukes. So I guess no aid for me, I'll pay my own way, and pay my taxes to benefit those can't. Hey, quite realistic this game...
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 06:04 pm No.I am bain...May I ask a question?Whom is the lh I hear so much about?It has me a bit curious,for you are not the first one to speak of him...I am a native american from Missiouri. My mom and dad moved me to this state when I was a young man...Orginally we was from Oklahoma.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 06:16 pm @ Crafty Bluntly, in my opinion, if you are developing strategic weapons you should be able to fund your own earthquake relief. @ Bain Please take this discussion to a new thread. This thread is for aid discussions only. @ KB Community I messaged KTM after I saw the aid proposal and asked him to post some info. here. He replied back asking how to get to the forum, lol. (I think he definitely meets the requirement of a new player.) I gave him instructions, so hopefully he will make his way here. However, if not, I will add that I voted in favor of his aid request because he meets the conditions listed at the top of this thread.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 09:39 pm Mr. Henry, with all due respect: 1) I intend to fund my own relief, it was a mild quake anyway and I believe my federation would help should I need it. I have relief ready should any of them require my few blankets. 2) Nowhere is it even hinted at that stratrgic weapons corps are any different from any other, (particularly for a newbie). In fact there other corps that require greater resources and are non military, airports, production plants, hospitals for example. Would you say developing these excludes a country from receiving relief? Seems very similar to the US using their force to prevent Iran or others from developing nuclear weapons. I'm sure that isn't the security councils philosophy, so a less dismissive reply may have been in order. Respectfully, CC.
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Friday, November 28, 2008 - 11:17 pm
The documentation clearly states that all strategic weapons are very costly.
Even as a newbie, you figured out the difference between a nuclear weapon and a hospital. To compare the resources they use is like comparing apples to oranges.
By proposing a country receive aid, I am throwing my support behind that country and that president. Simply, I personally, am choosing not to support presidents who develop strategic programs. I do not speak for the security council, nor do I represent an overarching philosophy. However, I do apologize if my original response was overly dismissive. Kevin
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Saturday, November 29, 2008 - 12:35 am And my apologies too Kevin, looks like I opened mouth before engaging brain. I posted on the presumption that you were the 'Chair' of the council and so set its policy, but further investigation shows me the set up. Good luck in using the money wisely, Sincerely CC
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Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 01:05 pm hi how and where do i apply for aid, i have so much debt. Roc Raida KB
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Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 04:11 pm just put in aid request for Mindai, can some council member please pu tin aid request for other outstanding requests?
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Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 05:12 pm @ Neil Please unblock the financial index and the strategic weapons index for Roc Raida. @ Just Spock Thanks for putting Mindai up. Are there any outstanding requests? @ KB Community The country KTM just entered general voting. The president is having technical difficulties and is unable to view the forum. I have been in steady communication with him. Due to that communication and the fact that he does meet the aid requirements, I encourage everyone to support the proposal. I also asked him to send me a message about his goals on KB, here's his response:
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Sunday, November 30, 2008 - 06:56 pm During my time on the Security Council I have voted for some aid request, and against others. The criteria that I use has basically three components. 1) NEED vs. WANT - A player that has gotten to the point of being in NEED of aid, through little or no fault of their own, disaster or such, is very different from the player that just WANTS. Generally, it has been my experience that the wanting player has already blown through whatever resources at their disposal on programs that do not foster a stable growing economy, and/or threaten those players around them. Additional funds would only reward poor, unwanted, or unwise behavior. Whereas a player in NEED, who is trying to build an empire, or even just a country that will prosper over the long haul is one that I am much more incline to assist. 2)Age of Country/Empire - An Experienced player should/will have the knowledge to work through a disaster. A relative new player may not know how , or have had the time to build the reserves to weather a crisis.They may say "the hell with this" and leave the game when they are not in as bad shape as it might appear. Here, aid (along with some mentoring) can be very useful to them. 3)Tranparency - Financial, Defensive, and Offensive Indexes need to be open for inspection. This allows a more detailed look at the conditions, and priorities of the country/empire that caused them to arrive at the point where they felt the need to request aid. If you come "hat in hand" you should be prepared to justify your request. I realize that I come to the table with some preconceived ideas of how the game should be played, and that others will disagree with some or all of those ideas. These ideas have been developed over the 200 game years that I have been in Simcountry. I respect differing approaches to the game. I don't except everyone who seeks aid to run their countries the way I do. But I do except a certain level of conduct. One that fosters a growing (both in terms of economic strength, and respect in the wider community) country/empire.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - 05:13 pm Having been given aid at one point for going through 3 or 4 earthquakes within 2 RL weeks, I usually sympathize with a lot of requests for aid. However, before I vote for mindai, I need an explanation of why someone that has almost 7T in cash and has a healthy economy needs another 3T. Like I said, I sympathize with need, but I need a more convincing argument than mindai being a new player.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 02:02 am GJC, I too sympathize with the need, and as a result of this thread have topped up my ability to aid others. (Now I just have to figure out how to deploy the aid ;-) To be honest, I stopped voting for the aid proposals. At the risk of sounding cranky, I don't get how a country that ranks well above mine needs free money. But at the same time I don't want to stand in the way of providing assistance to those who have a need that isn't apparent to me. A better system, in my view, would be to scrap the Security Council aid system altogether and replace it with an automated feature that gifts money to new players who are truly struggling, based, say, on their level of debt. Be well!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 11:16 am I am President of "La Republica del Melodo", Just started this game 4 days ago, So far I think I made alot of newbie mistakes. Already close to 1T in debt, I am using some coins to buy more money. Do I qualify for Aid and help?
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 04:07 pm After viewing your country, I would say you should be given aid due to your situation simceo
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 07:03 pm SimCEO, I think you could get out of that mess without the bailout. You should sell off all of your offensive weapons and as many defensive weapons as you can and then try and convince CEOs to purchase your corporations by dropping your tax rate and advertising on the board. God knows they've come to my aid. You can work your way through this one. I just suggest trying to fix the problem yourself. It's more rewarding that way. The Security Council will still be around and it's an easier sell for general votes if you showed that you tried to fix it yourself. Also, don't be afraid to ask for advice on the boards. The wiki has a great guide for beginners as well. BC
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 07:40 pm BorderC thanks for the advise, I will start on some of your recommendations. One thing that mislead me was the conditions for Lvl 2 keeps reminding me to buy weapons ( especially defense weapons to reach 75%) Also there are such a critical shortages of mid level managers. And before reading some of this board's advise, and thinking ammunitions is a constant need, I build 3 ammo corps to meet the supply, and the AI advisor even advise me to stockpile ammo, I read somewhere some people has 100000 -200000 missils, so I was thinking ammo stockpile should be at 100000 minimum. Looks like I might be heading for 2T debt before I can turn things around. I was looking at the loan interest rate of 30% that world bank charges, I am thinking the aid can take the form of a interest free loan. That way I can build out with 5T worth of funds and pay it back later. Since the security counsel has so much money sitting around, I can certainly use some now. My thinking is no 5T is an enormous sum for me, but maybe 3 month later that amount is just my game month cash flow maybe.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 08:08 pm Simcoe, Several points... 1- Dont worry about reaching level 2 two early. Yes, you will want to get there eventually, but not in 4 days... I took about a month for example (and made level 3 only 2 days after level 2.)... Build your economy first. Once you have an economic base in place, then worry about getting to 75% defence. For reference, the cheapest way to get defensive index point is buying Missil Interceptor Batteries. You will need about 17000 of them. They currently cost (on KB, it will depend a bit on world) 21M each, and a bit more for market competition, so say 25M. That means they will cost you about 430B to buy (and then you need to maintain them.) Until you are in a position to devote some 500B to weapons, you should not even look at them. 2-Your waepon overstock is part of your medium manager problem. All weapons need soldiers to run them. Privates and commanders. The privates come from low level workers. The commangers come form medium managers. Sell a lot of weapons, and you will recover these managers. 3- You only need ammo for fighting.... Ammo does not help your indexes... Stockpile when you are ready for a war (you will stay in safe mode at least until then, so you cannot be attacked). This will only be after your economy is going full tilt... Also, weapons corps are relatively hard to make profitable. You are better off with safer corps, and buying the weapons on the market. 4- Dont worry about the 30%... It is per REAL LIFE year. In game terms, it is pretty nearly interest free. The interest is insignificant. 5- There is no game mechanism to pay back the council, but in any event, point 4 makes the idea of a low fairly irrelevant.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 08:18 pm My pleasure SimCEO. I've only been around for a couple months myself. I was fortunate to come across the wiki within a couple days of playing so that helped me a great deal (except with managing corporations - still trying to get those figured out) and people on the boards are (for the most part) upstanding. Since you are playing in Kebir Blue you're main country doesn't have to worry about security because you can't be attacked unless you manually take it off of Secure Mode. Your focus should be on creating a good economy that can support a military if you want one in the future. Once your economy is up and running and you have 2+ trillion in cash to work with you can build up an offensive military then if you want to take a C3, or you can build up your defensive military if you want to get to Level 2 (and I'm pretty sure that ammo has little or no affect on the defensive index so you don't need to spend money on that). Check with the experts here, but I've been told that the 30% loan is 30% over a real time year which means it's only around 1% per game year - which is close to free money. Of course if you want the free money then go for it. I'd rather you take that then possibly give up out of frustration. BC Edit... Well said Charles III. I was posting as you posted. One more note for SimCEO, If you are concerned with going up levels then don't take another country. The indices are measured by the average of your countries, so if you take another one then you will have to build it up to those levels as well or have one built up enough to compensate for the other. BC
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 08:19 pm GaliusJuliusCeasar - I tried to go for lvl 2 and lvl 3 but failed miserably thinking that would help me. I went into debt and used 10 GCs to buy my way out of it. Then I decided to build up my economy then go for levels. I had requested aid as I was going into debt but by the time the request was made, I was climbing out due to massive sale of weapons. I can use GCs to purchase cash if needed but as I fit the qualifications to ask for aid, I did. And I see other countries who (in my own opinion) are better off than myself receive aid, I thought I would receive some. But as it looks, I don't think I'll receive the aid. I guess I will just have to sell more GCs.
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 09:59 pm Ok I am starting to sell my military off, one interesting thing is I did free up alot of mid lvl managers almost 100000 of em pretty good. I will also not buy a free country for now, thanks for the info on how lvls are calculated. If I can get the Aid then I will conserve my GC to boost corps and buy Population. I am curious is how do I go about requesting Aid from Security Consel?
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Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 10:37 pm You can just ask in this tread (in essence you already did), or message one of the members. Judging from recent votes, it looks like aid for specific needs are getting support, but general request for 5T to help is getting voted down... You might have a better chance for success if you ask for 2T to cover the debth you have built up, instead of asking for the full 5T. Obviously, 5T would help more, but not if it gets voted down...
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Friday, December 5, 2008 - 01:31 am I have proposed $3 trillion in aid for the "La Republica del Melodo", for the reasons discussed above. The president SimCEO has shown great potential by asking for and implementing the advice of more veteran players. By supporting this proposal, you are demonstrating to all of KB that building one's economy and seeking out advice are actions that this community supports. Once the proposal reaches general voting, I hope everyone will vote "YES"!
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Friday, December 5, 2008 - 02:40 am Thank you very much Kevin, I hope I will become a contributing member in the future in KB. I have set my taxes toward zero, is there any CEO's that like particular corps? If so I can set up new corps for them to invest and buy. Also I have a question, is it possible to play both CEO and President in the same world?
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Friday, December 5, 2008 - 07:43 am CEO's like profitable corps... Some products are better than others (Factory maintanace units, oil, electronic components have been winners recently, tho these things are cyclicle.) Having said that, building corps with the explicite idea of selling them may not be optimum... If you are at 0% and set up decently, anoucing on the forums will usually get quite a few CEO's to build their own corperation in your country. (Which is more efficient for you since they pay the initial build cost, and are the ones who have to deal with the new compagny, which is likely to make very poor profits (often losses) in the first several years of its existance.) You are at 0% tax, but your indexes are still prety low, making you not that attractive for CEO's (compagnies productivity depends on your indexes). You should try to get education, health and transportation up a bit (past 100 for all; 150 for education is nice, but will take a bit longer.)... With decent indexes, and available workers, if you annouce you are looking for CEO's, they will come. And yes, you can play CEO and President at the same time on the same planet. You will need to buy the new enterprise with GC. You can also use the enterprise to build in countries you own if you wish (tho there is a maximum of 12 corperations per country.)
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Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 04:07 pm Houston, Much better explanation than what I got from the proposal page on security council. I would be willing to help if I can.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 04:47 pm Outstanding Aid Requests Keddis13 has requested $4 trillion in aid for the country "Pecunia". This new president's country meets all the aid conditions. in addition, he was just hit by a large earthquake.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 02:02 pm hello, fellow presidents. iam new to the game and would very much apreciate if a council member nominates my country "republica Makedonia" for 4T in develpoment aid as i meet all crieria's needed. also any advice would also be greatly appreciated. very high regards.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 07:01 pm @ figure8 There is no country with that name. Outstanding Aid Requests Keddis13 has requested $4 trillion in aid for the country "Pecunia". This new president's country meets all the aid conditions. in addition, he was just hit by a large earthquake. lazyoz has requested aid for the country "The Elvis Theocracy". Lazyoz messaged me explaining that he is a new player who made "a bad war choice" by expanding his empire to two countries too quickly. He has low cash reserves and is in need of funds. He also stated that if he receives aid he will, in turn, continue to avoid undesirable activities, such as the production of nuclear weapons.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 07:05 pm I found it in world brows... Figure8 is president of "Republica Makedonija".
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Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 07:10 pm Thank you, Charles! Please add figure8 has requested $4T in aid for the country "Republica Makedonija" to the aid list. @ figure8 As for some advice, I recommend balancing your educational priorities to get your corporation hiring up to 100%. And keep building schools.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008 - 09:24 pm update on my progress, my education index now is around 1.2 I am tinkering around with my corps now ( especially the part about trading between local and common market) My problem now is that after I somehow got into the supply contracts page, the AI advisor says to trade as much with local and common market as possible. So I modified all the resouces I needed to buy from local and common market. But now I kept seeing red warnings about contracts not fulfilled, and I am running out of resources that common markets are supposed to supply my corps. So far I am only able to get into that supply contract offering page via the warning link of contract not fulfilled, when I get into the regular corps contract page the page looks different. How do I cancel trading ONLY within local and common markets? and select trading with international markets? Also any Veterans willing to sell me some Population for between 2-3 coins per mil? Any advise on which is the better Federation to join?
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Monday, December 8, 2008 - 10:49 pm God this is getting sick. When I started, not that long ago, no open advertising of "Security Council" aid was made. I do however agree with Kevins bringing it to the forums as he has. But now listen to yourselves: continue to avoid undesirable activities, such as the production of nuclear weapons. made "a bad war choice" by expanding his empire to two countries too quickly. meets all the aid conditions. Whose conditions? Excuse me, I'm part of the community too. And I dis-agree with some of your dictatorial conditions. Gandolf has put it most succinctly: 1) NEED vs. WANT - A player that has gotten to the point of being in NEED of aid, through little or no fault of their own, disaster or such, is very different from the player that just WANTS. Generally, it has been my experience that the wanting player has already blown through whatever resources at their disposal on programs that do not foster a stable growing economy, and/or threaten those players around them. Additional funds would only reward poor, unwanted, or unwise behavior. Whereas a player in NEED, who is trying to build an empire, or even just a country that will prosper over the long haul is one that I am much more incline to assist. So drop your 'holier than thou' stance and view each request on its merits, not your pre-conceived ideas of how a player should conduct their affairs. Anyhow, I had to get that off my chest, sorry. CC
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 12:14 am CC, nobody is taking a "holier than thou" mindset. They're just trying to help people. Kevin and others have seen a problem and they are trying to address it. It's good to have guidelines so people can know what they are, and so the council can act with consistency. You can raise a dissent and influence those guidelines, but you have no grounds to mock the people that are trying to do something. You could be in their shoes someday. Don't be so disparaging with your remarks. BC
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 01:16 am put in aid request for "Pecunia".
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 02:40 am @ CC I started this thread for constructive conversation, not rants. The conditions, which you seem to imply are secret and concrete, are clearly listed at the top of this thread and are open for discussion.
Actually, all the quotes you listed were mine. So there's no need to make accusations at the rest of the KB community. If you have a problem with me, or who I personally feel comfortable proposing for aid, then I'm sure we can find a way to settle our differences.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - 08:49 pm I think this forum is excellent. I get better info on the condition and the reason for the request for aid than I do from explanations on the SC page. I prefer to make informed decisions, rather than guess why someone needs help. Keep this thread going.......
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Thursday, December 11, 2008 - 01:20 am I just proposed aid for the president of "The Elvis Theocracy". On a side note, I found his messages to me hilarious. For one, he referred to himself as "the high Elvis". Also, after I told him that he was on the waiting list he responded saying that there was a "cheeseburger in Heaven" for me, lol. I did not nominate him because of his sense of humor, but I certainly think that we could use more players with that quality! Outstanding Aid Requests Figure8 has requested $4T in aid for the country "Republica Makedonija".
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Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 04:30 am Can some one please request aid for "Kingdom Of Heaven"? This payer is new and suffer such big earthquake is terrible. Major Earth Quake hits Kingdom Of Heaven The official magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 which was felt in the whole country. The epicenter of the quake was in Kingdom Of Heaven 2. 1486 were killed and 2892 persons were wounded. 15825 were displaced by the earthquake. Major Earth Quake hits Kingdom Of Heaven 2 The official magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 which was felt in the whole country. 31821 were killed and 69900 persons were wounded. 465928 were displaced by the earthquake. Outstanding Aid request: "Kingdom Of Heaven"
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Sunday, December 14, 2008 - 11:37 am Thank you for that post, Just Spock. All of that information is correct and i was hoping for some aid from other experienced players. That is a pretty big earthquake and i am struggeling to recover from it. 2 months on, no progress. All help from the Security Council members and general players will appreciated. Many Thanks Kingdom Of Heaven
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Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 02:32 am Just Spock has Kingdom of Heaven in general voting right now, please vote yes! I just created a proposal for Figure8 of "Republica Makedonija". At this moment, we have no outstanding requests.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 10:33 pm I ask the security council to intervene to the pending war game on Kebir Blue | Hercula Major | Cabana Magnifica that is being organized by other non KB resident players. Alot of presidents especially those in affected region don't agree to this war. We believe, peace will be disrupted once the war broke out. Assets will be in jeopardy and people will be discouraged if this war is allowed. Only the significant presidents of KB world can impose such sanction to those war mongering players. Please stand up and oppose the war. Thank you very much
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Sunday, December 21, 2008 - 11:40 pm Your concern is noted.
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Monday, December 22, 2008 - 10:09 pm My sentiments are the same as Lombardi. KB does not need this war
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Monday, December 22, 2008 - 10:40 pm Jesus, what a bunch of alarmists. For one, it was decided DAYS ago to move this war to FB. Two, war IS a part of the game, even in KB. Why don't we get the Security Council to convince the admins to ban war altogether on KB? Damn, ban capturing C3s, somebody could get out of control, become too powerful or controlling and then "ruin" the game for everybody else. Now I am a newcomer to this game and have admitted that I don't know how all of the systems work, but nobody has been able to explain to me exactly how their "Assets will be in jeopardy and people will be discouraged if this war is allowed" if they aren't involved. This is an arranged competition... it's not an experiment, and it's not a real war. It's limited to one region. It's limited to slave, or unsecured states. The sides are dictated so KB feds won't be involved. Nukes and navies are restricted. It's temporary (until one side loses) and the only reason it would "drag on" is if the participants enjoyed the competition enough to do it again. Now, as I've stated, it's already moved to FB because that made sense. The reason it wasn't on FB to begin with was because a lot of people that wanted to do it weren't able to on FB for whatever reason. Nobody was expecting the belly aching on KB that has occured. There. That was my soap box. I don't mind that we have to move the competition but I'm annoyed by how everybody claims that their own empires may be disturbed on this "peaceful" world, which threatens WAR if we bring this competition to it (not everybody.. but some), without explaining to me how this is true. I think other participants feel the same. Maybe there is just some misunderstanding.... BC
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 12:27 am Hi BorderC. I think what it is is that over the years people have fought to find a balance in the known Sim Universe, which has lead to an understanding between certain players to whom belongs where. Our main opposition came from someone not wanting someone else coming to KB. And then as you know, it snowballed into the whole idea was unworkable and basicaly would not be tolerated. It's a shame, as it looks like we've lost one or two fighters due to the move, but hey, the show will go on. Glory to the EU
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 07:16 am I would like to recieve aid for Adamsfield. My economy could use the cash reserve as my country grows.
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Thursday, January 1, 2009 - 01:11 am I created an aid proposal for Adamsfield. Please vote YES!
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Sunday, January 4, 2009 - 10:59 pm I have accepted the proposal for Adamsfield. However, i think you should sell some of your defensive weapons until you get enough corps to keep you going. The defensive cost is literally killing your country. Lower it, get more corps in there, then maybe increase your defensive status. Many Thanks Kingdom Of Heaven
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 01:38 am In the interest of full disclosure: I have voted against the aid proposal for the country "Verizon Investment". This president has not unblocked his strategic index after my request. He also does not meet the aid conditions due to the fact that he has a plutonium corp in one of his slave countries. I will also vote no when/if the proposal reaches general voting.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 02:07 am I'm curious what made Adamsfield a candidate for aid... his country seemed to be in fine shape and every president could use some extra cash to develop their infrastructure... im a new player and curious.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 02:17 am Adamsfield met the conditions listed at the top of this thread. I would be happy to propose aid for anyone that meets the listed conditions .
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 02:27 am I think I meet all the conditions for aid... my country is Yooperland. I would also like to point out that my country has a 0% corporate tax rate and a fast growing population. Thanks for the imput ad the aid if you feel I qualify.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 02:32 am I agree Matt, Yooperland looks like a great candidate for aid! I have submitted an aid proposal for Yooperland. Please vote YES!
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 02:37 am Thank You for the quick action Kevin, I appreciate it, I've been working hard for the last few weeks to develop my country reading the documentation and building up as fast as possible these additional funds will be a huge addition if I should receive them.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 09:18 pm Xander Blaze has requested aid for "New Michigan". Xander meets all the aid conditions. Can another security council member please nominate him? Thanks!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 08:41 pm I have proposed aid for "New Michigan". Please vote YES!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 10:11 pm I'de like to propose aid for Patriots Nation. My growing country could use the financial support. I have a 0% corperation tax and a growing pop. I'de also like to point out I have only started 2 days ago and am kind of confused. I have just one question. How do i remove secracy to the strategic and finacial index?
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 - 11:36 pm deadman - You never turned it on . Your country meets the aid conditions. I already have an open proposal, but hopefully another Security Council member will nominate you. This game is a little confusing at first. Don't hesitate to hunt out experienced players and ask questions. Once you get the hand of it, it can be addicting. BTW - You should know that it is rare occassion that I would endorse aid for a country named, "Pat--"..."Patr--" Nevermind. Kevin
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 03:01 am I have entered proposal for "Patriots Nation". Go PATS!
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 03:14 am Kevin, i do like other teams. The Steelers are probobly my second favorite team . I've just always liked the pats better. Go pats! (I hate the NYJ)
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 07:00 am I failed to get the aid... outvoted in general voting 65-64... i appreciate the effort Kevin hopefully some corporations can help me out by investing in my country.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 01:33 pm Already done so Matthew. A much better way of helping out a new/struggling player, IMHO.
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Friday, January 16, 2009 - 02:37 am TY to the corporations that have invested in Yooperland... more are welcomed, more workers on the way.
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Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 03:07 am I see that both of the current resolutions are struggling right now. I can't say I really understand why. Both candidates are new players that are wanting to be productive members of KB. That's something we, as a community, should encourage. Any experienced player knows that in the big picture $5 trillion in aid is not a lot. It would simply give these new players a boost as they learn the game. And frankly, the alternative is to let the money pile up...we're at 400T so far... Kevin
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Monday, January 19, 2009 - 02:18 pm I believe that the proposal for my country lost in general voting. Not really sure though. Haven't checked it in a while.Last time i had checked it was loosing in general voting 7-13. brainless as always, deadman
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Monday, January 19, 2009 - 03:11 pm now that i'm on KB i plan to vote yes for every single aid package i can. why not give aid to new and poor countries? sure you can say they need to learn the hard way, but just because you can learn the hard way doesnt mean its not better to get aid.
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Monday, January 19, 2009 - 06:08 pm Thank you Alexander! In the last round of votes, both proposals were rejected. But they were close. One actually lost 29 to 29. So my question to the community is how can we modify the conditions, at the top of this thread, to earn your vote? I am 100% behind changes that the community agrees with. I feel confident the the vast majority of players agree that letting 400T pile up is worthless. So the issue becomes what qualifies a player to be "aid-worthy"? I know there has been need vs. want discussions, but honestly, how many players really "need" aid? Not many, not enough to make a dent in the growing 400T. So that fact has shaped my personal view of using the aid to reward promising new players. But that doesn't mean my view is KB's view, actually, I guess it's pretty clear I'm off base. So, is there a way we can change the conditions so that we could make use of the large aid reserves? I appreciate any comments!
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 04:27 am Hi, Kevin - I have not voted on these proposals for some time now. (Much earlier in this thread [Nov 27] I voiced some concerns and questions, to which John R responded aggressively and inappropriately, in my view, so I decided f*ck it.) I'm not without sympathy for new players, and I think, generally speaking, giving aid is a good idea. If I may offer a suggestion: I think that varying propsed amounts of aid introduces a troubling variable (e.g. why does one player warrant 3T and another 5T?) There might be more success were the award to be standardized. In this regard, I would suggest 3 or 4T, for no better reason than 5T seems excessive to me. Best Regards - Scott
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 04:14 am Scott, Thanks for replying. Sometimes John R gets testy when he runs low on bananas...don't take it personally . I agree that varying aid amounts can be messy. In the past, we actually just went off of what they requested. I think it does make more sense to move to a standardized amount. I would like to hear more thoughts on this. Lastly, just a note to respond to you earlier post, I do think the aid conditions apply to all the countries in an empire, not just the country receiving aid (ie. secrecy should be removed in all countries).
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 06:08 am King Dexter of Nullarbor and The Riverland here. Like most of the new posters here, I only started a few weeks ago. Signed up proper last Saturday. I don't want any aid, but for some reason I seem to be heading that way. I made a common mistake and took a C3 already, made worse by over estimating how many weapons it'd require. Following many helpful hints from the forum, chat and private contact, I've sold off a lot of my offensive weapons, transfered defensive weapons where they're needed in the slave, lowered taxes and invited CEO's (thanks Scott). Selling weapons helped immediately and I guess the other measures take longer, but still getting by on beginner bonuses. Then the earthquake hit the neighboring slave. Got both. Like I said, I'd like to beat this without the aid but I don't like my chances without some education. Dex.
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 06:53 am May I suggest the standard aid package is 3T for country not currently suffer natural disaster and 4T for country suffers from major natural disaster? We can go to 5T only if the Natural disaster is extreme and the player owns no more than 2 countries?
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 - 03:49 pm That sounds reasonable to me, Just Spock.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - 02:37 am New Request! Beo has requested aid for Tatooine. From the previous discussion, can a security council member please nominate him for $3 trillion in aid? Also, here's the original message he sent me:
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Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 05:04 am I hate when people beg for money. Some of them act like the Security Council is just one big welfare office. There are allot of returning presidents that already ask for aid and got it in the past and now they�re asking for it again. How many times should a president get aid for his crap country? This is like what�s going on with GM. Government gave them bailout money, and still they fail to make a profit. And the government is going to give them another bailout. If a president already ask for aid and still runs the country into the ground, why give them any more money?
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Friday, February 13, 2009 - 03:43 am
I'm not sure about that statement. I'm sure there are some returning presidents, but what do you qualify as "a lot". And even if there are returning presidents, that doesn't mean they run crap countries. And why not help them get up and running again? We all know this game changes quickly, and there could certainly be drastic changes if the player was gone for any substantial amount of time.
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Friday, February 13, 2009 - 09:03 pm I would say one president can only receive one aid with the exception of major natural disaster. Of course this is an honor system. However, the members of security council have many means of revenge if they have been fooled.
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Friday, February 13, 2009 - 11:01 pm
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Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 01:53 am Heck I couldn't get aid when I started my country... but I'll still vote to give it to others, heck if you're going to give it to everybody I could still use it though, I mean, my infrastructure still isn't where i'd like it to be, so say $3 trillion for Yooperland? PS I just finished recovering from a big earthquake and since I was low on capital the recovery ate that up and I racked up some dept. Only half a trillion because I was really careful but still I could use some aid. Yooper
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Saturday, February 14, 2009 - 04:20 am Please support YooperLand as it recovers from the destruction caused by a major earthquake.
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Monday, February 16, 2009 - 05:19 am Just entered proposal at Security Council to give YooperLand 4T aid. Please vote yes.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 01:08 am as stated by Kevin Henry my country " prussia " needs bail out money because i just started losing money for no reason and i'm trying to control my country's costs but its going to need time and money to work out the infrastructure.
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Saturday, March 7, 2009 - 02:10 am Free money! I just started a new country and could find some use for free money. Trestles on KB
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Monday, March 9, 2009 - 05:32 pm I am pres of asria through no fault of my own I am in debt and would like to get out. I would like just 3 trillion I will use this money to pay of debts and make my country more ceo friendly
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 09:00 pm Could someone please explain how "The Empire of Karl Drais" got recommended for SC aid when it has nuclear capability and does not show its financial status. Thank You.
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Friday, March 20, 2009 - 09:37 pm Im am on the council and I voted against it in council and in general voting!
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 04:42 am I am the president of Empire of Karl Drais and I am sorry that the financial information was not available. I thought it was. Also I am sorry for ever starting this game. I have worked with some experienced players and they have helped me build up my economy and I had my money built up to 6.5 trillion dollars. the earthquake hit and hurt the production or closed 11 factories & dropped my education and health ratings. I finally have them all back. In the meantime My finances dropped down to less than 1 trillion dollars. If it was not for the Republic of Missouri, I would have encounter major debt. (thanks to all of you great protectors that are so bent on ruling this world with all of you support) I purchased a nuclear weapon from the experienced player as I felt that I needed some type of protection since I had to sell most of my weapons and ammunition to stay in the black. Like you guys care, this way you guys can come in and destroy me when you want. I was told by a couple other players that I would not get the aid because I am not on any sides and the people are very petty about what side or alliance I may be with. I could see where this could be a fun game, too bad the players make it not. I'll make it now on my own, my financial rating is finally making a comeback. I'll be sure to set off my nukes before My time runs out though. Great posts and diplomacy on part of the council.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 05:24 am The PLAYERS make this game not fun? I've never heard that one before. Secured main countries do not need any protection of any sort as they cannot be attacked by other players. Really, Beerfan, with an attitude like that I'll never vote for you to get a dime and I'm not going to shed any tears when you leave.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 12:32 pm Empire of Karl Drais is a secured main country and cannot be attacked. I am glad your finance is open for review. Sell off your nukes can help your finance too. Nuke is not necessary. Beerfan , please get rid of your nukes. Do you make a fool out of me.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 02:59 pm I'll sell the nukes, but where does that put me? Some of the same presidents complaining about me having nukes, have nuclear power themselves. So since I am a new player, I am not allowed that luxury. Do I have to become a board member in order to have them? These posts and rules are pretty good from the cheap seats with a lot of people and money. Just spock, are you aware you are the only in the top ten of helping people for disasters? I don't have a problem with the outcome, I just have a problem with people making uninformed decisions and then putting out posts about the travesty that it would be to give a new country money. NO ONE sent me site mail asking why, they just jumped to a conclusion since I have 5 nuclear missiles. For the record, this is how my first month and a half has gone for me. The first week was the meltdown with the cash market. It took support three days to get my population back. It went from 12 million people to 500,000 people. Every corp went into the negative and had to be bailed out. Next my neighbor had an earthquake that affected me, but it didn't take much to recover. Then I got hit by the major earthquake. I sold everything but the nukes and lost 5 trillion dollars. I don't know where I would be if I wasn't still getting cash bonuses. I would love to try and take over another country, but at this rate I may not get the chance. My defense is at a 20 and my offense is less than 2. I can understand that I would be a pretty big threat, but since EVERYONE else has the information hidden I really can not tell where I stand. My goals are not to take over other people , but to build a small empire using computer countries. (not much different than a lot of other people in this game) I was not asking for money because I was power hungry, just had some bad luck. When my gold coins are gone, my country will be available, and there will be as much money and people in the country so all you experienced players can come in and pillage it to make you countries even stronger. (And no one can deny that, that procedure is not happening)
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 08:07 pm Beerfan, you are correct about nuke is a luxury. You do not need and should not have nuke. Build up your economy first. You are a developing country, try to be humble and call for people's sympathy so they will vote for you to receive aid. Not having nuke also allows you to spend money on more important area such as schools and roads.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 09:55 pm I understand your situation Beerfan, but instead of mocking the vets, why don't you try to win their support. They can be very helpful especially to new players like yourself. This game is based on friendship and respect. If you have both, you will be very successful in this game. Forge an alliance and make friends with other players, I assure you, you will find this game as enjoyable as watching the superbowl.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 10:04 pm Did someone say Emory?
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 12:47 am Coolhand, you just sponsored an aid for Indira, please advise the president of Indira to open its financial and military parameters for review. thanks.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - 09:22 am Someone give me Empire of Green or Ryan green aid
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 03:09 pm i agree with kevin on this if a country has been hit by a earthquake or something like that and they can prove that it would go to their ecomony for rebuilding and not for a war. then give them the money but it would be up to the S.C to make sure he right countries get the right amount of aid and for he right reasons.
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Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 07:26 pm I'm back on the security council and am looking forward to helping players in need receive aid. @ Ryan Green Please remove the military secrecy on your countries.
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Monday, April 27, 2009 - 11:52 pm This thread has become overly lengthy. Please direct all future requests and conversation to the new thread titled, "Security Council Aid 2." Thank you!