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The Cost of peace (Fearless Blue)

Topics: War and Peace: The Cost of peace (Fearless Blue)

Joseph Stalin (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 10:03 pm Click here to edit this post

Today a thinly veiled threat came to the secretary of the king of The Unied Kingdom of Mobius in the form of a message. This message was no les then seeking to impose its will upon the great Mobian nations and threatening to destroy and cruch the will of the civillian morale.

We will not capitulate.
We will not surrender.
We will march on!.
Guthixania will fall!

Joseph Stalin (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 10:09 pm Click here to edit this post
Breaking news:

After a valiant offensive against Guthixania, the country fell within the same day of war being decalred. This untamate goal was achieved by the Mobian Blitz tactics and all opposing forces were either swept aside or destroyed with relative ease.

This is a historic day for The United Kingdo mo Mobius, and the former imbasidor who visited the country a game year earlier said "The king is indeed pleased with the results but our hearts go out to those brave Mobian heroes who are not coming back for the victory celebration. Their great sacrivice shal never be forgotten and shal no doubt become a historic day of both victory and rememberance".

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