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Federation Stats 01/08/08

Topics: Federations: Federation Stats 01/08/08

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:54 pm Click here to edit this post
Kebir Blue

1Economic Powerhouse 1.048.562.245De Fakkelteit 81.004.174
2KB Coalition Forces 674.088.965Wild Cats 72.203.239
3Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 627.121.946Vandelae Empire 69.506.452
4The Commission II 616.130.512Economic Powerhouse 65.535.140
5The Protectorate 605.268.115The Eridana Collective 63.157.187
6LVT 448.716.764KB Coalition Forces 61.280.815
7Wild Cats 433.219.433Regional legue 57.020.775
8Protectorate Eridana 412.926.379Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 56.962.907
9Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 398.740.346Protectorate Hercula Major 54.119.944
10The Commission 354.363.837Pittsburgh Federation 54.057.756
11RA Defense 349.055.876Centura Donna Alliance 53.616.143
12DKU Federation of Vikings 347.581.316Protectorate Slavefed 51.266.049
13DKU Defence League 314.623.840The Commission 50.623.405
14Guardian Angels 301.968.705Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 48.240.150
15DKU power house 300.982.847The Protectorate 46.559.086
16Centura Donna Alliance 268.080.717the under world united 46.397.181
17Federation Blue Haven 244.278.794Protection of Indian Hills 45.665.723
18DKU Eridana Alliance 243.857.057LVT 44.871.676
19DKU AAARAD 234.547.908Bern 43.419.681
20DKU Power Alliance 221.189.325Centura Donna Defense Alliance 42.743.426

1Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 24.927.175Wild Cats 3.543.154
2Economic Powerhouse 24.782.068De Fakkelteit 2.281.630
3KB Coalition Forces 23.489.303KB Coalition Forces 2.135.391
4Wild Cats 21.258.921Protectorate Hercula Major 1.967.667
5The Commission II 20.235.712Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 1.917.475
6The Protectorate 16.470.031Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 1.916.867
7Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 13.418.070Pittsburgh Federation 1.822.262
8Brotherly Love 13.330.369The Kingkom of Someone 1.688.734
9The Commission 10.429.631Economic Powerhouse 1.548.879
10Freedom Cooperative 7.185.199The Commission 1.489.947
11DKU Defence League 7.059.575The Protectorate 1.266.925
12MOTHER NATURES SOS 6.597.812Protectorate Centura Donna 1.196.224
13RA Defense 5.463.724Protectorate Slavefed 1.035.748
14Patrick Alliance 5.270.410Freedom Cooperative 1.026.457
15LVT 5.205.625Brotherly Love 1.025.413
16DKU power house 4.841.599United World Assembly 995.234
17Ottello Monda Treaty Agreement 4.761.559The Commission II 919.805
18Protectorate Eridana 4.650.883Counsil of Socialist States 892.512
19World Power 4.311.554Lanconian Peace Treaty 883.535
20DKU Power Alliance 4.290.170Patrick Alliance 878.402

1Economic Powerhouse 10.904.131.011.326De Fakkelteit 1.027.826.962.796
2The Protectorate 7.688.690.582.831The Eridana Collective 710.177.067.975
3Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 6.364.816.009.063Wild Cats 705.708.043.585
4KB Coalition Forces Powerhouse 681.508.188.208
5The Commission II 4.675.576.818.416Protectorate Hercula Major 665.570.277.768
6Wild Cats Protectorate 591.437.737.141
7The Commission 3.828.722.239.202KB Coalition Forces 559.474.154.519
8Federation Blue Haven 3.048.795.227.393The Commission 546.960.319.886
9Brotherly Love 3.001.550.367.791United Free Nations 543.334.461.790
10Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 2.862.644.404.658Protectorate Slavefed 498.121.548.574
11Protectorate Eridana 2.756.334.275.508Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major 489.601.231.466
12Guardian Angels 2.622.480.586.162Pittsburgh Federation 469.751.090.351
13DKU power house 2.468.427.986.136Bern 454.597.061.209
14United Free Nations 2.173.337.847.160Auriga Bella Treaty Organization 408.949.200.665
15LVT 1.898.999.790.599Protectorate Centura Donna 366.850.726.845
16World Power 1.805.171.815.731Centura Donna Alliance 332.722.111.498
17RA Defense 1.730.301.731.633Guardian Angels 327.810.073.270
18Centura Donna Alliance 1.663.610.557.490Imperial Defense League 320.412.983.038
19The Eridana Collective 1.420.354.135.949DKU power house 308.553.498.267
20Patrick Alliance 1.255.671.084.006Ashville West Federation 275.700.570.614

Nominal Value
1Economic Powerhouse $1.645,5Economic Powerhouse $102,8
2The Protectorate $821,5Wild Cats $94,9
3KB Coalition Forces $617,9Vandelae Empire $67,1
4Wild Cats $569,1The Protectorate $63,2
5Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major $546,3Protectorate Hercula Major $60,0
6The Commission II $525,8De Fakkelteit $56,3
7Auriga Bella Treaty Organization $369,6KB Coalition Forces $56,2
8The Commission $361,2Auriga Bella Treaty Organization $52,8
9Protectorate Eridana $284,0The Commission III $51,7
10LVT $281,3The Commission $51,6
11World Power $249,7The Eridana Collective $50,3
12Guardian Angels $227,2Pittsburgh Federation $48,5
13DKU Defence League $226,0Protectorate of Northern Antilia Major $42,0
14DKU power house $219,9Bern $34,6
15RA Defense $198,9Protectorate Slavefed $31,2
16DKU Federation of Vikings $176,5Regional legue $31,0
17Brotherly Love $171,0Guardian Angels $28,4
18Federation Blue Haven $166,3Centura Donna Alliance $28,4
19DKU Eridana Alliance $144,2LVT $28,1
20Centura Donna Alliance $141,8Protectorate Centura Donna $27,9

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Fearless Blue

1FBC Antilla Major 578.117.831Canadian Militia 71.116.840
2THE 300 562.594.096Nemo 65.190.012
3SFO Allied Forces AM 554.714.142Northern Star Alliance 63.070.113
4Three Musketteers federation 538.303.191guardian 57.796.602
5Green Barets 494.722.902NSA Defense Community 55.554.346
6RSPCA 451.918.589Borderline Personality Disorder 53.234.313
7SFO Allied Forces CD 416.863.471SFO Boot Camp 52.436.390
8The Roman States Heritage 403.052.068The Roman States Heritage 44.783.563
9NSA Defense Community 388.880.423SFO Allied Forces Headquarters 44.586.320
10Blade Fed 302.591.474Paova Defense Initiative 42.989.802
11Federtion of the World 283.620.649Green Barets 41.226.909
12Air Forces 263.719.733Freedom 40.796.371
13Paova Defense Initiative 257.938.813Robin Hood 40.471.619
14Prosperity 242.036.760Prosperity 40.339.460
15SFO Allied Forces Academy 226.341.484Raiders of the Lost Cheese 35.913.347
16Gadsden Maulers 221.505.649THE 300 35.162.131
17Mongol Invasion 219.411.832Crushing Victory 32.842.263
18Raiders of the Lost Cheese 215.480.079SS2 32.165.537
19Alexandrian Empire 193.697.855TFC 31.825.743
20Northern Star Alliance 189.210.340FBC Antilla Major 30.427.254

1Three Musketteers federation 22.756.955Robin Hood 4.169.792
2SFO Allied Forces AM 15.985.144Nemo 2.461.041
3Green Barets 14.951.204Borderline Personality Disorder 2.228.089
4SFO Allied Forces CD 13.823.353Freedom 2.219.310
5Blade Fed 11.383.387Canadian Militia 2.010.714
6RSPCA 10.989.241SFO Boot Camp 1.964.007
7Paova Defense Initiative 10.351.348Paova Defense Initiative 1.725.225
8THE 300 10.235.585Northern Star Alliance 1.362.029
9FBC Antilla Major 9.818.538Green Barets 1.245.934
10The Roman States Heritage 8.181.864SS2 1.152.587
11SFO Allied Forces Academy 7.338.833SFO Allied Forces Headquarters 1.079.317
12Mongol Invasion 6.868.198Three Musketteers federation 948.206
13Borderline Personality Disorder 6.684.267The Roman States Heritage 909.096
14Freedom 6.657.930Prosperity 896.970
15GB Eastern Bloc 1 6.400.853Crushing Victory 855.025
16Gadsden Maulers 5.951.736Raiders of the Lost Cheese 850.879
17Prosperity 5.381.820Friend in need is a friend in deed 795.860
18Raiders of the Lost Cheese 5.105.273SFO Allied Forces Academy 733.883
19World Order 4.990.007SFO Allied Forces AM 726.597
20Federtion of the World 4.496.548RSPCA 646.426

1Green Barets 6.488.077.710.954Canadian Militia 791.061.437.881
2SFO Allied Forces AM 6.026.973.195.031Green Barets 540.673.142.580
3Three Musketteers federation 5.581.544.690.196Nemo 533.075.065.085
4RSPCA 5.547.778.783.187SFO Allied Forces Headquarters 523.592.372.511
5SFO Allied Forces CD 4.416.053.031.412Borderline Personality Disorder 518.120.322.916
6Blade Fed 3.828.616.458.839Northern Star Alliance 502.213.846.421
7THE 300 3.786.982.630.596Paova Defense Initiative 500.548.852.480
8The Roman States Heritage 3.696.282.260.368SFO Boot Camp 489.151.921.084
9FBC Antilla Major 3.662.863.400.336Raiders of the Lost Cheese 415.594.549.698
10Paova Defense Initiative 413.879.147.985
11Raiders of the Lost Cheese 2.493.567.298.188The Roman States Heritage 410.698.028.930
12Mongol Invasion 2.240.795.670.542Prosperity 353.214.865.096
13Gadsden Maulers 2.219.479.043.548RSPCA 326.339.928.423
14Unidad Cubana Alliance 309.407.185.622
15NSA Defense Community 2.152.321.589.480NSA Defense Community 307.474.512.783
16SFO Allied Forces Academy 2.128.938.230.799SFO Allied Forces AM 273.953.327.047
17Prosperity 270.346.914.319
18SFO Allied Forces Headquarters 2.094.369.490.042Fearless Blues 249.597.242.357
19Ivalice Alliance 1.856.443.113.733THE 300 236.686.414.412
20GB Eastern Bloc 1 1.761.530.603.604Three Musketteers federation 232.564.362.092

Nominal Value
1Freedom $640,0Freedom $213,3
2Three Musketteers federation $588,2Robin Hood $141,8
3Green Barets $512,5Nemo $92,5
4THE 300 $488,5Northern Star Alliance $84,9
5SFO Allied Forces AM $463,5Canadian Militia $83,5
6RSPCA $449,1Borderline Personality Disorder $61,0
7FBC Antilla Major $426,1Paova Defense Initiative $60,8
8SFO Allied Forces CD $415,1The Roman States Heritage $45,9
9The Roman States Heritage $412,7Green Barets $42,7
10Paova Defense Initiative $364,9SFO Allied Forces Headquarters $41,1
11Blade Fed $273,8SFO Boot Camp $40,3
12Federtion of the World $258,7Raiders of the Lost Cheese $37,8
13Northern Star Alliance $254,7Ivalice Alliance $32,4
14Unidad Cubana $227,8NSA Defense Community $31,6
15Raiders of the Lost Cheese $226,8guardian $31,1
16NSA Defense Community $221,3THE 300 $30,5
17SFO Allied Forces Academy $198,8Prosperity $28,4
18Air Forces $197,9RSPCA $26,4
19Ivalice Alliance $194,6Three Musketteers federation $24,5
20Borderline Personality Disorder $183,1Crushing Victory $24,4

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Whie Giant

1The States of the Fraternal Order 1.494.928.112WGC Guardians 88.667.955
2Cuckoos Nest 1.314.296.659Muertos y Sangre 84.588.051
3SFO East 1.005.510.706Pandoras Box 83.359.738
4WGC Eridana 914.314.702The States of the Fraternal Order 78.680.427
5Imperial Defense Union 897.533.226Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 78.648.861
6WGC Lynx Minor 865.815.438Furry Federation 75.701.667
7WGC HM 851.997.985Allied Forces White Giant 73.592.529
8WGC Rapid Response 795.397.809Fun 71.080.399
9Nexus Stellar Alliance 789.555.924Lemmebe 69.819.027
10WPU World Headquarters 739.892.942Cuckoos Nest 69.173.508
11Equine Disease Research Centre 687.408.401WPU Ashes 67.970.238
12WGC AB AM 678.504.968SFO Central 66.839.149
13WGC Eridana Central 656.749.183Aurora Australis 66.121.452
14Girls on Top 655.582.289Girls on Top 65.558.229
15WGC Lynx MInor 2 648.155.857SATO 64.776.658
16WGC Draca Mixor 601.385.995SFO Draca Mixor 64.377.759
17TGDF 586.664.918Equine Disease Research Centre 62.491.673
18WGC Draca Mixor South 580.206.275Nexus Stellar Alliance 60.735.071
19Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 550.542.026Imperial Defense Union 59.835.548
20WPU Resurection 535.981.016TGDF 53.333.174

1The States of the Fraternal Order 68.359.589WPU Ashes 4.762.350
2Cuckoos Nest 57.590.180Furry Federation 3.640.154
3WGC Rapid Response 49.119.299The States of the Fraternal Order 3.597.873
4Imperial Defense Union 44.491.671WGC Rapid Response 3.274.620
5WGC HM 42.206.827WGC Guardians 3.117.379
6WPU World Headquarters 36.284.399Cuckoos Nest 3.031.062
7WGC Lynx Minor 33.827.440Imperial Defense Union 2.966.111
8WGC Eridana 29.932.762Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 2.920.705
9SFO East 29.071.785SFO Central 2.901.422
10WPU Ashes 28.574.100Aurora Australis 2.808.676
11WGC Lynx MInor 2 28.474.637TransOcean Union 2.456.898
12Nexus Stellar Alliance 26.456.361Equine Disease Research Centre 2.299.071
13Equine Disease Research Centre 25.289.785Allied Forces White Giant 2.240.636
14WGC Eridana Central 23.497.671WGC HM 2.221.412
15WGC AB AM 21.979.215WPU World Headquarters 2.134.376
16WGC Draca Mixor 21.379.553Nexus Stellar Alliance 2.035.105
17Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 20.444.936Girls on Top 1.965.817
18WPU Resurection 20.260.261Fun 1.854.127
19Girls on Top 19.658.167Federation 420 1.843.992
20WGC Guardians 18.704.274WGC Lynx MInor 2 1.779.665

1The States of the Fraternal Order y Sangre 1.267.619.984.684
2SFO East 13.575.797.898.293Furry Federation 1.257.741.730.504
3Cuckoos Nest 12.367.760.777.146WGC Guardians 1.216.343.811.400
4WGC HM 11.762.396.630.320The States of the Fraternal Order 957.113.222.089
5WGC AB AM 11.416.830.266.212Girls on Top 922.750.413.548
6WGC Eridana 10.945.012.153.839Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 914.023.024.534
7WGC Lynx Minor 10.674.575.732.649SFO Central 913.971.788.976
8WPU World Headquarters 10.520.765.589.948Allied Forces White Giant 895.861.894.169
9Imperial Defense Union 9.278.727.401.576Lemmebe 843.084.915.197
10Girls on Top 9.227.504.135.476Pandoras Box 840.422.361.116
11WGC Rapid Response 8.697.059.634.079WPU Triumvirate 819.017.634.046
12WGC Eridana Central AB AM 815.487.876.158
13WGC Lynx MInor 2 7.835.333.006.168Aurora Australis 766.111.113.583
14WPU Resurection 7.364.737.711.608SFO East 714.515.678.858
15WGC Guardians Rose Commonwealth 661.709.315.482
16Nexus Stellar Alliance 7.079.322.389.659Cuckoos Nest 650.934.777.745
17Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks 6.398.161.171.741Market Traders 646.972.987.579
18Equine Disease Research Centre 5.970.678.009.181WGC HM 619.073.506.859
19WGC Draca Mixor 5.956.913.849.369WPU World Headquarters 618.868.564.115
20WGC Draca Mixor South 5.952.957.114.223Imperial Defense Union 618.581.826.772

Nominal Value
1The States of the Fraternal Order $2.099,6Fun $152,8
2Cuckoos Nest $1.648,4Pandoras Box $141,7
3SFO East $1.543,3WGC Guardians $131,4
4WGC HM $1.222,6Furry Federation $114,3
5Imperial Defense Union $1.195,6Muertos y Sangre $113,0
6WGC AB AM $1.181,4The States of the Fraternal Order $110,5
7Nexus Stellar Alliance $1.139,7Girls on Top $105,9
8Girls on Top $1.059,4WPU Ashes $105,9
9WGC Eridana $1.028,5WPU Triumvirate $94,2
10WPU World Headquarters $1.003,0Aurora Australis $91,8
11WGC Lynx Minor $979,8Nexus Stellar Alliance $87,7
12WGC Rapid Response $865,5Cuckoos Nest $86,8
13TGDF $829,7Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks $86,4
14WGC Guardians $788,3WGC AB AM $84,4
15WGC Eridana Central $748,6SFO East $81,2
16Equine Disease Research Centre $689,0Imperial Defense Union $79,7
17WPU Ashes $635,1SFO Central $79,5
18WGC Lynx MInor 2 $615,8TGDF $75,4
19Fun $611,0tester fed $74,1
20Drunk Ninja Gay Robot Peacocks $604,8Lemmebe $65,9

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Golden Rainbow

1Sleeping Giants 1.349.105.637Diamond fed 78.771.684
2The United Confederation 953.816.251Sleeping Giants 71.005.560
3Allied Forces Eridana 924.316.125Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 67.861.616
4Allied Forces Antillia Major I 861.230.227Allied Forces Hercula Paova 64.802.835
5Lacerta Safe Harbor 773.265.323Lacerta Safe Harbor 64.438.777
6United Confederation Crane York Branch 625.842.063International Council 61.154.059
7United Confederation Lynx Minor 592.720.117United Confederation of Perpetuality 54.443.688
8United Confederation Antilia Major 510.418.699new 54.148.597
9Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 475.031.310GR Operations 54.044.001
10Federation of Islamic States 448.248.290United Nations Alliance 52.901.185
11Allied Forces Antillia Major II 445.748.572Allied Forces GR HQ 50.430.978
12Allied Forces GR HQ 403.447.820Ragnarok 49.955.607
13United Confederation of Perpetuality 381.105.819Allied Forces Draca Mixor 48.111.808
14Allied Forces Antillia Major III 345.960.765The United Confederation 47.690.813
15United Confederation Centura 344.082.628ballsweat 46.694.502
16Allied Forces Academy Annex 342.871.788United Confederation Antilia Major 46.401.700
17United Confederation Academy 332.216.253Allied Forces Eridana 44.015.054
18United Confederation Auxiliary Branch 323.686.992new federation 43.802.400
19United Nations Alliance 317.407.112United Confederation Lacerta Liberation 42.446.963
20Allied Forces Centura Donna 298.458.450The Western Front 42.429.499

1Sleeping Giants 71.476.602Sleeping Giants 3.761.926
2United Confederation Lynx Minor 45.459.585United Nations Alliance 3.023.555
3Allied Forces Eridana 37.071.069Diamond fed 2.653.157
4United Confederation Crane York Branch 34.195.868United Confederation Lynx Minor 2.525.533
5Allied Forces Antillia Major I 30.347.381United Confederation Crane York Branch 2.137.242
6The United Confederation 26.671.057United Confederation Lacerta Liberation 2.134.106
7Lacerta Safe Harbor 23.678.392GR Operations 2.049.165
8United Confederation Antilia Major 21.497.316Lacerta Safe Harbor 1.973.199
9Allied Forces Academy Annex 19.571.435United Confederation Antilia Major 1.954.301
10United Nations Alliance 18.141.330ballsweat 1.897.256
11Allied Forces GR HQ 15.101.437Allied Forces GR HQ 1.887.680
12Federation of Islamic States 13.646.953fed 1.815.898
13Allied Forces Antillia Major III 11.968.355Allied Forces Eridana 1.765.289
14United Confederation Centura 11.405.934Allied Forces Hercula Paova 1.737.674
15United Confederation Draca Mixor 10.172.487Allied Forces Virginia Bella 1.609.097
16Allied Forces Centura Donna 10.169.783Ragnarok 1.559.789
17United Confederation Maintainance of Peace 10.131.549United Confederation Draca Mixor 1.453.212
18United Confederation Academy 10.126.367United Confederation Maintainance of Peace 1.447.364
19Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 10.067.631Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 1.438.233
20United Confederation Lacerta Liberation 8.536.423Russian Mafia 1.342.349

1The United Confederation 10.880.930.914.250Allied Forces Hercula Paova 921.779.883.194
2Allied Forces Eridana 8.010.340.990.467GR Operations 850.149.457.370
3United Confederation Crane York Branch 6.991.433.975.461Ragnarok 745.406.789.780
4United Confederation Antilia Major 6.853.507.424.437United Confederation Antilia Major 623.046.129.494
5Allied Forces Antillia Major I 6.441.093.489.065The United Confederation 544.046.545.713
6Lacerta Safe Harbor 6.336.099.028.090Lacerta Safe Harbor 528.008.252.341
7United Confederation Lynx Minor 5.748.595.128.321United Confederation of Perpetuality 508.112.551.968
8Sleeping Giants 5.131.618.349.515United Confederation Draca Mixor 504.003.717.270
9Federation of Islamic States 4.171.636.341.945United Nations Alliance 502.401.593.548
10United Confederation of Perpetuality 3.556.787.863.779Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 488.623.665.850
11United Confederation Draca Mixor 3.528.026.020.892United Confederation Lacerta Liberation 474.897.261.624
12Allied Forces GR HQ 3.497.794.354.380Diamond fed 463.217.105.123
13Knights Of The Golden Rainbow 3.420.365.660.953Allied Forces GR HQ 437.224.294.298
14United Confederation Centura 3.195.317.581.611United Confederation Crane York Branch 436.964.623.466
15United Confederation Auxiliary Branch Forces Draca Mixor 423.868.525.369
16United Confederation Academy 3.016.854.065.343ballsweat 403.482.919.948
17Fury of Sekhmet 3.014.549.698.809United Confederation Centura II 401.713.781.940
18United Nations Alliance 3.014.409.561.286Allied Forces Eridana 381.444.809.070
19Allied Forces Antillia Major III Forces Virginia Bella 379.045.592.978
20Allied Forces Centura Donna 2.523.219.038.023Russian Mafia 344.985.981.617

Nominal Value
1Sleeping Giants $1.781,4United Nations Alliance $102,4
2Allied Forces Eridana $938,9Allied Forces Hercula Paova $97,9
3The United Confederation $929,8Sleeping Giants $93,8
4Lacerta Safe Harbor $921,4International Council $89,1
5Allied Forces Antillia Major I $649,4Lacerta Safe Harbor $76,8
6United Nations Alliance $614,2GR Operations $71,3
7United Confederation Antilia Major $608,2Allied Forces Draca Mixor $69,2
8United Confederation Lynx Minor $559,8United Confederation Lacerta Liberation $61,5
9United Confederation Crane York Branch $462,2Ragnarok $60,4
10Allied Forces GR HQ $406,2Diamond fed $60,0
11Knights Of The Golden Rainbow $363,1United Confederation Antilia Major $55,3
12Allied Forces Antillia Major II $331,5Knights Of The Golden Rainbow $51,9
13United Confederation of Perpetuality $328,0Allied Forces GR HQ $50,8
14Federation of Islamic States $298,3United Confederation of Perpetuality $46,9
15United Confederation Auxiliary Branch $296,5The United Confederation $46,5
16United Confederation Centura $286,9Allied Forces Eridana $44,7
17Allied Forces Academy Annex $283,2United Confederation Centura II $42,5
18United Confederation Academy $279,1ballsweat $31,2
19Allied Forces Antillia Major III $269,9United Confederation Lynx Minor $31,1
20Allied Forces Lynx Minor $248,0new federation $29,9

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:55 pm Click here to edit this post
Little Upsilon

1Tempus Fugit North 1.214.936.046Kantarian Federation 81.984.547
2Federated States of Little Upsilon Highlands Collective 77.312.234
3Valde Subsidium 1.052.439.709NATO FEDERATION 73.921.049
4Tempus Fugit South Subsidium 65.777.482
5Lacerta Defense Initiative 843.887.342Lacerta Safe Harbor 65.087.650
6Tempis Fugit Diem 842.937.987The Millard Fillmore Society 63.694.268
7United Nations of LU 730.090.589LDI HQ 62.948.146
8LDI HQ 629.481.455Fun 61.786.747
9Confederacy of Independent Nations 454.943.456Lacerta Defense Initiative 60.277.667
10Porta Bellissima 451.659.722Federated States of Little Upsilon 59.945.288
11Federation of West Walton 431.503.477United Liberalists Federation 59.060.447
12Federation of English Counties 390.939.139APAN 57.527.901
13Government 377.671.865The Frayed Roman Alliance 56.109.320
14Shroud 370.453.426M33 55.471.877
15League of Nations 342.611.521Byzantine Alliance 55.258.859
16JJland SDF 321.016.647Patria Kabana 54.636.836
17Ricks Italic Fed 316.039.899Government 53.953.124
18Lancashire Regiment 305.061.876Antilia Major Residents Only 53.548.761
19Federation of Phil 301.084.522Tempis Fugit Diem 52.683.624
20NATO 268.126.769Honor Virtutis Praemium 52.514.843

1Tempus Fugit North 54.445.269Lacerta Defense Initiative 3.338.851
2Lacerta Defense Initiative 46.743.920Tempis Fugit Diem 2.594.011
3Tempus Fugit South 43.624.887Fun 2.551.676
4Tempis Fugit Diem 41.504.182Tempus Fugit North 2.268.553
5Federated States of Little Upsilon 32.323.800Dave Chappelle 2.260.512
6Valde Subsidium 27.553.951Corporate Security 2.078.454
7Porta Bellissima 18.460.201Government 2.040.211
8United Nations of LU 16.687.427united we stand 2.026.658
9Confederacy of Independent Nations 16.525.171Tempus Fugit South 1.982.949
10Government 14.281.480Federated States of Little Upsilon 1.795.767
11JJland SDF 11.883.388The Millard Fillmore Society 1.779.231
12Shroud 11.295.050Kantarian Federation 1.729.531
13LDI HQ 11.048.661Valde Subsidium 1.722.122
14NATO 9.934.127CorporateTrust 1.561.841
15Federation of English Counties 9.765.857NATO FEDERATION 1.514.388
16Federation of West Walton 8.219.654Byzantine Alliance 1.469.828
17Dave Chappelle 6.781.537Freedom Fighterz 1.425.207
18Clan MacKenzie 6.500.954Porta Bellissima 1.420.015
19daffys quacker jacks 6.406.499Clan MacKenzie 1.300.191
20Lancashire Regiment 6.176.671Zondor Union 1.264.939

1Valde Subsidium 14.821.021.797.065Kantarian Federation 1.465.402.751.451
2Tempus Fugit North 14.674.963.992.986White Highlands Collective
3Tempus Fugit South 14.347.171.979.755LDI HQ 1.030.408.738.732
4Federated States of Little Upsilon 13.890.793.833.754Valde Subsidium 926.313.862.317
5Lacerta Defense Initiative 10.643.671.919.609La Familia del THE EMPIRE 857.724.275.406
6LDI HQ 10.304.087.387.323The Federation of Awesomeness 781.645.287.090
7Tempis Fugit Diem 9.547.004.926.059Federated States of Little Upsilon 771.710.768.542
8United Nations of LU 7.905.665.137.097Lacerta Defense Initiative 760.262.279.972
9Porta Bellissima 6.356.363.199.799Draconic Empire 720.877.979.777
10Federation of West Walton 5.683.037.839.836Byzantine Alliance 695.777.376.588
11Confederacy of Independent Nations 5.517.527.728.949Government 692.844.364.440
12Government 4.849.910.551.079Tempus Fugit South 652.144.180.898
13JJland SDF 4.596.618.204.982NATO FEDERATION 638.517.923.971
14Federation of Phil 4.415.193.731.326Tempus Fugit North 611.456.833.041
15Federation of English Counties 4.277.348.114.909Tempis Fugit Diem 596.687.807.879
16Shroud 4.127.707.253.658Lancashire Regiment 576.395.039.063
17daffys quacker jacks 3.805.196.846.928CorporateTrust 556.427.220.123
18Ricks Italic Fed 3.668.721.909.843Grinder 535.628.804.376
19Lancashire Regiment 3.458.370.234.375M33 529.289.327.471
20La Familia del THE EMPIRE 3.430.897.101.625Ricks Italic Fed 524.103.129.978

Nominal Value
1Valde Subsidium $1.971,2White Highlands Collective $194,7
2Tempus Fugit North $1.537,6La Familia del THE EMPIRE $144,9
3LDI HQ $1.356,4LDI HQ $135,6
4Federated States of Little Upsilon $1.184,5Valde Subsidium $123,2
5Tempus Fugit South $1.177,2NATO FEDERATION $121,4
6Lacerta Defense Initiative $969,9Kantarian Federation $114,7
7Tempis Fugit Diem $921,0The Federation of Awesomeness $104,4
8United Nations of LU $768,8Fun $97,9
9Porta Bellissima $594,8Government $77,5
10La Familia del THE EMPIRE $579,6Lacerta Defense Initiative $69,3
11Government $542,3Draconic Empire $67,8
12Federation of West Walton $477,3Federated States of Little Upsilon $65,8
13Confederacy of Independent Nations $438,5Tempus Fugit North $64,1
14White Highlands Collective $389,3Narobund $61,1
15Ricks Italic Fed $378,5Tempis Fugit Diem $57,6
16Shroud $354,9jefferson defence force $55,9
17JJland SDF $314,4Church of Simcountry $54,3
18daffys quacker jacks $301,8Ricks Italic Fed $54,1
19Federation of English Counties $268,3Tempus Fugit South $53,5
20NATO $259,8The Dragons Circle $48,3

John R

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - 11:58 pm Click here to edit this post
Federation Networks

Federation NetworkPopulationArmyProductionNominal ValueMembers
Allied Forces 4.671.034.184159.988.30737.914.928.330.685$4.063,5153
The Protectorate 2.336.280.45862.377.11321.453.585.072.723$2.183,263
United Confederation 4.768.860.882196.297.87451.893.740.411.681$4.519,7131
Valde Subsidium 4.117.366.641167.128.28953.390.162.695.865$5.607,078
States of the Fraternal Order3.687.475.194133.372.86243.585.251.763.854$4.759,189
White Giant Commonwealth 8.272.811.370323.909.70798.483.426.882.461$9.401,7212
White Phoenix Union$2.831,156

sfo Treasurer (White Giant)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 12:06 am Click here to edit this post
Cool. Thanks Laguna.

Phatz (White Giant)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 02:52 am Click here to edit this post
WOW, thanks for your work.

Loki of Azure (Little Upsilon)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 03:01 am Click here to edit this post
Amazing work. Ha I can see why its a big issue when the AF and UC bump heads.

~ Loki

Danneh Turner (Fearless Blue)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 11:12 am Click here to edit this post
Nice work Laguna, thanks for posting.

Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 01:14 pm Click here to edit this post
Nice work Laguna!

John Fire (Golden Rainbow)

Friday, August 1, 2008 - 04:37 pm Click here to edit this post
A pleasure as always!

Kris McCraw (Little Upsilon)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 03:25 am Click here to edit this post
Sweet Thanks

Lasagna (Little Upsilon)

Friday, August 15, 2008 - 09:23 pm Click here to edit this post
DO IT AGIAN ! ! ! :P thanx Lg

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