Monday, December 10, 2012 - 03:59 am NLUO Federations (Legislative & Military Branch) Federations: Federations are groups of countries that have linked together to share resources and cooperate. Countries can share resources in case of war. Note that you can only be member of one federation. The federations would be the military arm of the NLUO. The federations can help new nations learn how to use their militaries as well as buy and sell arms through the NLUO common markets. The Chairmen of these federations who join the NLUO would come together and vote on a federation to use if there was any aggression at all on LU after the Security Council pass a resolution for war. This would give the security council some relevance, instead of just passing foreign Aid resolutions. No wars would go on unless they were allowed by the Federations of the NLUO. This would help the peace of LU. Federations are also the legislative arm of the NLUO, which is shared by the NLUO Common Markets, and Security Council.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 03:59 am The Legislative Process: If a Nation wanted to go to war or was threatened, that Nation would Bring it to the Chairman of his or her federation, and the Chairman would bring it up for a vote. If it is passed, it then goes to the Joint Chief of Staff representing that region, and they would bring it to the floor for consideration. If the Majority Leader considers it. The propasal is then debated, and brought to a vote. If Passed it must then be approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Secretary General. If approved, then that orginal nation has the backing of his federation, and the Joint Chief of Staff's federation representing that region. If the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff blocks the measure, then if the Majority and Minority Leader agree to push it through, and or the Secretary General approved then the measure is passed. This is the legislative process for war, presidential boycotts, buying and selling Nuclear Materials ect...
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 04:17 am Executive Oversight: Secretary of State Chief Jackseptic (E) California Republic The Majority Leader: Chief Jackseptic (E) California Republic The Minority Leader: President Arccuk (I- Craven Park ) 29 Expansionists Seats 24 Isolationists Seats Most Powerful: The LU Defense Organization Represents 11 Regions Centura Donna Continent 13 Seats Centura Donna- Decambra Seat: King Hezekiah (E) Israelite Empire Federation Representing this Region: The NLUO Federation Centura Donna- Fornax Musica Seat: Cesar Mclean (E) Ergot Blossom FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION Centura Donna-Great Salman Seat: Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Glarus Modo Seat: Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Micron Bellero Seat: President: Carthaginian0 (I-Carthage)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: The NLUO FEDERATION Centura Donna-Hora Est Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Apache Tribe FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION Centura Donna-Melana Sud Seat:Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Putman Minolta Seat: Emperor: Mr. J. Skullz (E) The Realm of Skullz FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Unholy Alliance FEDERATION Centura Donna-Mercury Mundo Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Great Portland Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-North Franklin Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Marbella Maxima Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Centura Donna-Melodia Granda Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There are 8 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 04:57 am Draca Mixor Continent 2 Seats Draca Mixor-Cantonnia Bella Seat: President Nix001 (I-Mother Nature's Army)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Draca Mixor-Bavaro Bello Seat: King James the Fair (E) The Saxon Band FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE NLUO FEDERATION
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:03 am Lacerta Continent 15 Seats Lacerta-Unicron West Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lacerta-South Dade Seat: Emperor Xaldin (E) Krondarian Empire FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE KRONDARIAN EMPIRE FEDERATION Lacerta-East Valley Seat: This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lacerta-Jura Fantastica Seat: President PrizePack (E) CBA FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU FINANCIAL GROUP FEDERATION Lacerta-Kusbara Verde Seat: Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01 (I-Tribute to MW) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WOLF FEDERATION Lacerta-Great Veronica Seat: His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Decay)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Pictor Veronica Seat: Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lacerta-Ottella Monda Seat: His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Deep Unknown)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Taurus Grande Seat:His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-Apparition)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Taylor Desert Seat:His Holiness Kanzler Ambien (I-The Anti)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE UNIVERSAL WEALTH CARE FEDERATION Lacerta-Marco DodaSeat:Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lacerta-ShafieldSeat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lacerta-Salem Kadury Seat: President Slayerofgods (E-FortressHell)Federation Representing this Region: The Unholy Alliance Federation Lacerta-Fortuna Donna Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There are 6 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:10 am Hercula Major Continent 15 Seats Hecula Major-Cabana Magnifica Seat: King Lord Arbuckle (I-The Lucion Republic)Federation over this Region: The LU Defense Organization Federation Hercula Major-Carina Kanji Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Hercula Major-Xango Ho Seat : VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Hercula Major-Indian Hills Seat : Prime minister: Boris Johnson (E) New Britain UK Federation over this Region: The Common Wealth Federation Hercula Major-Berco York Seat : President Rick (E) XBUS Federation over this Region: The NLUO Federation Hercula Major-Winsor Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Hercula Major-Lake Yorma Seat: Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01 (I-Tribute to Prying Eyes)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WOLF FEDERATION Hercula Major-Bellago Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) Machiavelli FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Hercula Major-Great Palms Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) America FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Hercula Major-Great Palms Seat: President Arccuk (I- Ravenser )FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Hercula Major-Lions Club Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Hercula Major-Vanguard Seat: President Arccuk (I- West Park)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Hercula Major-Octavia Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Hercula Major-Octavia Seat: His Highness Caesar: maclean FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION *There are 5 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:22 am Auriga Bella Continent 6 Seats Auriga Bella-Gasden Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Auriga Bella-Great Liberty Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Blackfoot FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LDI FINANCIAL FEDERATION Auriga Bella-Nassau Seat: His Highness Caesar maclean (E) Spanish Fly FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Auriga Bella-Botana Norda Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Auriga Bella-Patria Kabana Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Auriga Bella-Karabi est Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Dakota Sioux FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION *There are 3 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:24 am Antilia Major Continent 4 Seats Antilia Major-Andrea Mama Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Antilia Major-Great Hunter Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Antilia Major-West Walton Seat: Caesar Mclean (E) Lotus Blossom FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU Defense Organization FEDERATION Antilia Major-Mercury Yugo Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There are 3 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:32 am Paova Major Continent 15 Seats Paova Major-Crane York Seat: President Yankee (I-Faded Glory)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE TRES LOBOS FEDERATION Paova Major-North Portmuth Seat: President Yankee (I-Enigma)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE TRES LOBOS FEDERATION Paova Major-Great Almond Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I-Jewelsland)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION Paova Major-Nakomo Valley Seat: His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (E) Quintalius FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Insane Assylum PM FEDERATION Paova Major-Painted Valley Seat: President Arccuk (I- West Park)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Paova Major-Araba Mida Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I-The Republic of Morana)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION Paova Major-Bandria Grand Seat: President Nix001 (I-The Forces of Nature) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Paova Major-Volusia Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Paova Major-Amanda Banus Seat: President Nix001 (I-Mother Natures SOS) FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE THINK FEDERATION Paova Major-Volusia Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Paova Major-Amherst Seat: Vacant This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Paova Major-Pasta Basta Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Paova Major-South Kadmon Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Paova Major-Southern Fish Seat: The Honorable Emperor Mr. Baconator (E) Wendy's Capital FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGIONl THE BACON FEDERATION Paova Major- Austral Bergo Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There are 6 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:37 am Lynx Minor Continent 10 Seats Lynx Minor- White Highlands Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lynx Minor- Auruga Deserts Seat: President: Thraw (I-Kegit)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: COALITION OF STATES FEDERATION Lynx Minor-Scorful Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lynx Minor-Octana Banus Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Lynx Minor- Menlo North Seat: President: Mr. SuperSoldierRCP (E) Melichor FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Lynx Minor-Great Vosana Seat: President: SweetPea (I- Tisiphone)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE NO QUARTER FEDERATION Lynx Minor- St. Lucie Seat: President: Gaz (I-Viper)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE DOGSOFWAR FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Metasta Gloria Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Cherokee Nation FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Elizabeth Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) California Republic FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE INDEPENDENT DEFRENSE COALITION FEDERATION Lynx Minor- Taurus Kulma Seat: President NATRAVMAN (I- The Kingdom of Nikaola )FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE JOYA FEDERATION *There are 3 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:40 am Eridana Continent 2 Seats Eridana- Pegersus Seat: Chief Jackseptic (E) Back to the Primitive FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE LU DEFRENSE ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Eridana- Canis Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There is 1 vacant seat in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in this vacant regions to claim this vacant seat.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:43 am Virgina Bella Continent 6 Seats Virgina Bella- Great Hills Seat: President Michael VII (E) The Republic of Mursiyah FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE GREAT HILLS TREATY ORGANIZATION FEDERATION Virgina Bella-Santa Rosa Seat: President Arccuk (I- Tigers)FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE WGC LU EAST FEDERATION Virgina Bella- Concorda Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Virgina Bella- Ashville West Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. Virgina Bella-West Seneca Seat: President: Kitsune (E) L9 Nibiru Colony FEDERATION REPRESENTING THIS REGION: THE Vulpinian Empire FEDERATION Virgina Bella- Realmo Labano Seat: VACANT This Region just needs a Federation over it, and find one of the Presidents of this region to start a federation. *There are 3 vacant seats in this region. The More seats you have the more power you yield. Empires of federations are encouraged to take over C3 nations in these vacant regions to claim these vacant seats.
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Monday, December 10, 2012 - 05:48 am If you are interested in getting in this legislature, the first thing you should do join the gov site: http://home.simcountry.com/NewLittleUpsilonOrder Once you have joined the site, join a political party. Once you do those 2 things will get you on your way. Where ever region you live in, check to see if there is a representative. If it does just simply join their federation. If it does not have a representative. Join one of the federations in the government,or start your own federation, and email the Secretary of State to be considered. Good Luck and have fun!!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 06:03 pm Any questions or comments you have please post them here on this thread. Even bring your concerns here as well.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 10:13 pm All feds reply to this thread for any deatils.