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Attencion fellow north ammericans! (Fearless Blue)

Topics: Federations: Attencion fellow north ammericans! (Fearless Blue)

shane vataja (Fearless Blue)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 - 04:53 am Click here to edit this post
uncle sam needs you! to figth with 'NA Washington' just go over to Fearless Blue | Virgina Bella | Canis and help with the war effort by taking a c3 and building it up to destroy the evil terrrorist funding european union! theyu are the #1,2,3 reason our gas costs so damb much! we need you to help us lowwer our gas cost just put NA at the start of ur name and fight with us!

hey canuks the queen just insulted us! she didnt even know what canada was she thought it was a dinner meal! we need to go show that ungreatful SOB what we are and what we are made of guns up!

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