Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 10:48 pm I am Bain the president of Roswell.I come before everyone today to ask for your assitance.To ask you noble,wise,and great leaders of other countries to hear my call...I would like my federation one day to be a great federation for all the members,but without you to jion us that would be impossilable. |
Judge_Dredd (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 10:59 pm Judging by the logs of your conversations in Chat, i would seriously discourage anyone from joining. |
Stuart Taylor (Little Upsilon) | Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 11:07 pm Oh no.....LH is back!!!!! |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 10:11 pm Jion us now.A great oppurtunity for you,and the federation.Long live the federation. |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Friday, November 28, 2008 - 05:35 am I know not of this LH.I am a Sioux brave,my right by my ancestors good sir.But our federation is looking for active members on WG. Names bain and it will be a pleasure to speak to anyone interested,thank you all for the time,and Gods speed to you all. |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Friday, November 28, 2008 - 08:48 pm A growing empire.Now controlls 4 state with it's own common market where everything is 25% discount.We are looking for full members to jion our ranks.We are the Independent States Union,and all is welcome.Gos speed to you all,and have a pleaseant day. |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Friday, November 28, 2008 - 08:54 pm Jion now,as our empire grows stronger so will your state,If you decide to stand with us. |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Monday, December 1, 2008 - 04:48 pm Come'on you know you wanna jion.Wht be left behind when you can sore above the rest.And establish yourself as one of the brothers,of this great federation...Added with a thriving common market,don't hesitate or give it a second thought.This is where you belong here with us,and ready to stand togather aginst the darkening tides of our enemies. |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Monday, December 1, 2008 - 04:51 pm *why |
Joseph Stalin (White Giant) | Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 01:54 am and he is on WG hmmmm intresting |
Bainthewarrior | Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 02:18 pm Yes I am,this could be for you if your interested in jioning us. |
Orbiter (Little Upsilon) | Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 05:29 pm lmao, @bain, thats really funny, sorry dude to derail your thread, but thats pretty funny |
Bainthewarrior (White Giant) | Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 07:40 pm,just trying to keep it alive here,as you can |
Fritz Blitzkrieg (White Giant) | Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 05:42 pm I would like to join you guys |
Fritz Blitzkrieg (White Giant) | Sunday, March 1, 2009 - 05:43 pm im new but i be a game member soon. |
Zentrino (Little Upsilon) | Monday, March 2, 2009 - 03:28 pm jion = join I just couldn't take it anymore. |