Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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Easy play game

Topics: Beginners: Easy play game


Friday, November 20, 2020 - 07:45 pm Click here to edit this post
1. set salary cooperate (100%) and goverment (150%)
2. dismiss all army units and sell it all at best price.
3. Tax 30% and 100% trasfer profit.
4. Build elementary school , high school, university, Hospital , Road , Rail and water Treatment double they need it. EXP good quality need 100, u built 200.

Anyone want add more tip?


Friday, November 20, 2020 - 08:17 pm Click here to edit this post
My advice:

Don't follow the above advice. The results of that will not make for a great economy.

If you want to read up on how to play the game read the guides in the bottum thread on this forum. It takes a bit more work but the results are worth it.


Friday, November 20, 2020 - 09:23 pm Click here to edit this post
So far I doing this, my county still OK. Number 63.


Saturday, November 21, 2020 - 01:48 am Click here to edit this post
Please read a little bit more. There is a lot of good information on this forum for country settings. I do not doubt that you are doing ok. But there is a lot of room for improvement.

The following is taken straight from the guide as written by JG:

Hey everyone! Here are the settings that I use for my countries and corporations. Everyone has different opinions on these settings, but this is what I use. All my settings have been tested and compared to other settings, and I found that these ones are optimal for me.

Country Settings:
1) Salaries of Government Workers:

Click Finance --> Salaries --> Salaries of Government Workers

Set Salary Target to 250.

The reason I choose 250 is so that the salaries I pay to my government workers is higher than the salaries I pay to my corporate workers. This ensures that the schools, hospitals, and military stays staffed in the event of worker shortages. Workers aim for the highest salary jobs, so you would rather have a corporation lose some staff than have a hospital close down for example.

2) Education Priorities:

I run a very high tech economy. This means I build many corporations that belong to the high tech sector. In order to maintain an economy in this sector, you need a high education index. I aim for an index of around 200. The priorities I use are as follows:

Teachers: 5
University Teachers: 5
Nurse: 5
Doctor: 5
Senior Doctor: 5
Low Level Manager: 5
Medium Level Manager: 10 (I set this to 10 so that I have extra MLMs incase I need to mobilize my army. MLMs become officers in the army)
High Level Managers: 10
Executive: 10
High Tech Engineer: 20
High Tech Senior: 20
High Tech Executive: 20

3) Indexes:
I aim for the following index targets:

Transport: 130
As far as I can tell, the only purpose of the transport index is to help compute your welfare index. Welfare index affects how much your corporations can produce. Aiming for a transport index of 130 is all you need to get the highest possible welfare index.

Health: 130
Aiming for a health index of 130 is all you need to get the highest possible welfare index. You can push it higher to decrease your death rate. I don't recommend this because it is very expensive, and also you actually want your population to die off before age 65 so you don't have to pay them social security.

Education: 200
An index of 200 is more than you need for welfare index, but we require this high level for our high tech economy as I mentioned earlier.

4) Goods for Country Use

Click Trade --> Order Strategy and Quality

Set the requested quality to 120 for all goods except weapons and ammunition.

You can order between 120Q and 330Q. Ordering at the maximum quality will boost your welfare index by 8 points. However, the added production gained by these 8 points is not enough to compensate for the massive increase in cost you will incur from buying such expensive goods for your people. My recommendation is to buy the lowest possible quality goods for your population and take the minor hit to your welfare index. You will save lots of money, which will significantly increase your profits. For weapons and ammunition, I always recommend that you purchase at the maximum quality of 330.

5) Corporate Taxes

Click Finance --> Corporate Tax

I recommend leaving it at the default 30%. It is low enough at 30% to still attract CEOs, but not so low that you are giving them a free ride.

6) Corporate Profit Sharing

Click Finance --> Corporation Profit Sharing

Set this number to 100%. There is no way to remove money from a state corporation. You can only put money into it. I choose 100% here so that money is always coming out of the corporations and into my treasury. If the corporations get too low in cash, the country will automatically move money from the treasury to the corporation, so there is no risk. Having access to your money is the most important, and choosing 100% is the best way to ensure this.

State Corporation Settings:

Salary: 200
For your state corporations (corporations owned by your country), 200 salary is the optimal number to maximize profits. It also has the added benefit of ensuring that the CEOs who have built corporations in your country will always have 100% hiring, because they typically run at salaries of 300+. You want to keep your CEOs happy, so it's better to lose some hiring in your state corporations than to lose hiring in CEO corporations. Since you are in charge of your country, and you will be doing a good job, you won't run into any worker shortages anyway!

Supply Quality: 215
All corporations have a maximum output quality. Ordering your supplies at 215 allows your corporation to produce at this maximum level. Ordering more expensive supplies than this will be wasted, as the corporation will not produce anything higher.

Trade Strategies: Best Price
I have experimented many times with trade strategies, and at this point in time they appear to be broken. I recommend setting the buy and sell strategies to best price. If trade strategies are ever fixed, you may want to revisit this setting.

CEO Corporation Settings:
Salary: 400
For your CEOs, you will want to have a higher salary so that you can always ensure 100% hiring. The default salary of most players is 300, so having yours at 400 will ensure that your corporations stay staffed even if a country has shortages. I only recommend a salary this high for CEOs, as it is not the optimal number for maximizing profits. However, maintaining 100% hiring is more important than optimizing profits in my opinion. When you have big CEOs, you will not have time to micromanage every corporation.

Supply Quality: 215
All corporations have a maximum output quality. Ordering your supplies at 215 allows your corporation to produce at this maximum level. Ordering more expensive supplies than this will be wasted, as the corporation will not produce anything higher.

Trade Strategies: Best Price
I have experimented many times with trade strategies, and at this point in time they appear to be broken. I recommend setting the buy and sell strategies to best price. If trade strategies are ever fixed, you may want to revisit this setting.

CEO Profit Sharing: 0%

Click Finance --> Corporation Profit Sharing

For your CEOs, you want to aim for 0% profit sharing because they can freely move money in and out of their corporations. The game will automatically move money out when there is too much, and move money in when there is too little. You can also do this manually. Also, having profit sharing at 0% increases the market value of the corporation, which means you can get more money if you decide to sell it on the share market or if someone hostile bids it.


Saturday, November 28, 2020 - 11:05 pm Click here to edit this post
Thank you, fellas! Your contributions are so appreciated for the newer players. :-) AND even for this old lady player! Hugs!

Matthew I

Sunday, November 29, 2020 - 02:55 am Click here to edit this post
There does need to be an easy-access guide for 2020.

Lots of good information on here, also some really outdated info as far as the war game goes as well.

WL2 Followed a war guide that ended up costing me like 3T extra.


Friday, December 4, 2020 - 01:03 am Click here to edit this post
I have tried several times to set my Supply Quality to 215. It stays that way for 2-3 game months then changes automatically to 180.

Any help please?

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