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Q:reason for taking full production from corp & local market vs country stock

Topics: Beginners: Q:reason for taking full production from corp & local market vs country stock


Friday, May 12, 2017 - 12:35 pm Click here to edit this post
if i contract full production from a state owned household product company to me(country) does that mean that my state owned factory maintenance will use the the products i purchased from the household company

also whats the difference between local market contracts and country supply stock


Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - 04:15 am Click here to edit this post
No. It will be sold to your country stockpile, and only used for the country's monthly needs. For another corp to use it, you have to set up corporation contracts.

I don't quite understand the second question.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - 04:49 am Click here to edit this post
Country supply stock I believe is the amount of products you have in stock.

(products in your supply stock are used by your people and other things in your country each month and can be set to be automatically ordered by turning this on in Automation, by default it's on.)

This is accessible via clicking the [products in stock: buy and sell] tab located under trade.

Local market contracts are contracts directly between your own corps and your country or other corps you own.

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