Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:03 pm If you have any questions of any aspect of the game contact your government official. http://home.simcountry.com/NLUO The Executive Administration http://nluo.webs.com/the-nluo-administration Majority: 12 Nation Alliance Hezekiah Administration Secretary General: King Hezekiah II (TNA) Israelite Empire Secretary of State: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Secretary of Defense: King James The Fair (TNA) The Anglo Saxon Kingdom Secretary of Intelligence: Prime minister: Jiang Hu Warrior (Sons of Anarchy) Dominion Of Anarchy Agency in the Dept of Intelligence: Director of the DISA(Defense Information Systems Agency) Secretary of Justice: King Herod VI (Hydra Auxiliary) Nation of Edom Secretary of Treasury: President Aries (Hydra Senate) Candinnalm Secretary of Security: President Carthaginian0 (TNA) Carthage Executive Administration Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:04 pm General Assembly: Federation Congress http://nluo.webs.com/nluo-federations 85 Seats/29 seats filled/56 Seats Vacant Speaker of the Federation Congress: Secretary of State King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Majority Leader: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Minority Leader: President Prizepack (LUFG) ANZ Federation Seats Federations in the Majority 17 Seats 12 Nation Alliance: 9 Seats Hydra East: 1 seat Hydra Senate: 1 Seat Unholy Alliance: 2 Seats LU Defense Organization: 1 Seats WGC LU West: 1 Seat WGC LU East: 2 Seats Federations in the Minority 13 Seats Think: 3 Seats Wolf: 3 Seats The Insane Assylum PM: 3 Seats MG Federation: 1 Seat LU Financial Group: 2 Seat The Great Hills Treaty Organization: 1 Seat King Hezekiah II (TNA) Israelite Empire 1 Seat President Shave (Hydra Senate) The Polarian Republic 1 Seat President: Carthaginian0 (TNA) Carthage 1 Seat Emperor: Mr. J. Skullz (Unholy Alliance) The Realm of Skullz 1 Seat President Aries (Hydra East) Candinnalm 1 Seat President Nix001 (THINK) Mother Nature's Army 3 Seats King James The Fair (TNA) The Anglo Saxon Kingdom 1 Seat President Sweetpea (TNA) Hallowed Fortress 1 Seat President PrizePack (LUFG) CBA 2 Seats Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01(Wolf)Tribute to MW 2 seats President Slayerofgods (Unholy Alliance) FortressHell) 1 Seat King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central 4 Seats King Lord Arbuckle (LUDO) The Lucion Republic 1 Seat Prime minister: Boris Johnson (The Commonwealth) New Britain UK 1 Seat His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (Insane Assylum PM) Machiavelli 3 seats The Honorable Emperor Mr. Baconator (TNA) Wendy's Capital 1 Seat President Arccuk (WGC LU East)Craven Park 3 Seats President Michael VII (Great Hills) The Republic of Mursiyah 1 Seat Prime minister: Jiang Hu Warrior 1 Seat President Megabutcher (MG Federation) Mega Butcher 1 Seat Federation Congress Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:05 pm General Assembly: Little Upsilon Security Council 4 NLUO Members Andy 28 March 2013 maclean 25 February 2013 Lord Lee (NLUO) 31 March 2013 Yankee 23 February 2013 Keto 20 February 2013 Arccuk (NLUO) 30 April 2013 Rick 24 February 2013 Bad Dukes 28 February 2013 Rob kennedy 6 April 2013 E is Easy 0 is like 0 16 March 2013 darcus 26 March 2013 Albert (NLUO) 13 March 2013 Aries (NLUO) 4 April 2013 SuperSoldierRCP 13 February 2013 Teddy Bear 26 March 2013 http://nluo.webs.com/lu-security-council https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgiw?scouncil
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:08 pm If you have any questions of any aspect of the game contact your government official. Maybe you should re-word that to contacting a member of the nluo government. Nluo is not the LU government.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:10 pm The Little Upsilon International Criminal Court Associate Justice: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Associate Justice: His Holiness Emperor: kingdictator (TNA) The Democratic Union of Texas Associate Justice: President Shave (Hydra Senate) The Polarian Republic Chief Justice: Brother Leader: Mohamar Al Gaddafi (Hydra Auxilery)Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Associate Justice: King Lord Arbuckle (LUDO) The Lucion Republic LU International Court Attorney General: King Herod VI (Hydra Auxilery) Nation of Edom LU International Court Public Defender: Caesar: His Holiness Carthaginian (TNA) Carthage Link to Court Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/ Link to Courtroom http://nluo.webs.com/lu-international-court
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:12 pm The NLUO is the world government of LU.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 11:13 pm SHow me another world government that is active on Little upsilon and I will recant my statement. Until then, I say what I want.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 12:09 am Here we go again Hezzy. NLUO is an organization on LU. Nobody rules or governs all of LU.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 02:52 am Show me another world government on LU.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 04:18 am There never has been a world government on earth. There is even less likely to be a world government in a online war/eco game where consequences don't actually hurt. Also, how can the "majority" of the WORLD government be 12 Nation Alliance? It's the 4th largest fed on the planet, and many times smaller than the others. Need to get some stuff straightened out. Just because you WANT to be THE world government, doesn't mean you are. North Korea tells its people that its leaders are "peerlessly great." Most of the world begs to differ. Perhaps a similar situation is going on here until you fix some of your statements. I think an accurate statement is NLUO aspires to be the world government on LU, and aspires to teach new players the basics of the game (thanks to the inclusion of hydra fed members). You annoy players who have the power to squash you by making ridiculous statements such as these. Would it really be that hard to be truthful?
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 04:41 am
Blasphemous fools! HELLO, the Illuminati! They have ruled the world from the shadows for as long as history has been recorded. Where have you been all these years EO? Lol!
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 04:43 am Are you likening the Illuminati to NLUO? If so, LOL
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 05:54 am lol no way, the NLUO is way more transparent than the Illuminati.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 06:14 pm right you don't even know who is in their government. I posted exactly who is in our government.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 06:16 pm Do I need to kick someone's ass before you will shut your mouths telling me how to speak.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 08:32 pm Well....that's always an option.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 08:33 pm LMFAO!!! Hez is going to kick someones ass. ROFLMFAO!!! You would stub your toe kicking a coke can Hez. Be real. Seems you're straight back to your old ways there buddy. Either you're a sucker for punishment or you come from the LH school of thought.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 08:42 pm I'd be happy to see you TRY to kick someones (my) ass. I won't start it, but if you look, I'm not in war protection. Feel free.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 08:51 pm You talking to me? I'll kick your ass so hard you'll need to shite through your nose.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 08:53 pm Haha no Crafty, though it'd be quite the shootout, neighbor. Meant Mr. King Hezekiah the threatener from war level 1.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 10:42 pm I did not threaten anything. I love the spin people like to put on what I say.
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Friday, February 15, 2013 - 11:06 pm Lol, whats that then Hez. Do act your age, not your shoe size.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 12:40 am A threat usually does not come in the form of a question Mr. Spindoctor Crafty.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 12:46 am Do I need to start an embargo on your country Hezekiah? <---- question.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 12:47 am It is so funny how when ever I post anything involving this gov, parts of Hydra wants to get their panties in a bunch, then you got The Fed always going up and arms. Now the Sleeping Giant Fed is waking up to speak against my words as if I am referring to any of you who do not support this government. This Government is the World Government of LU until someone can produce another one, and only then we be competing world governments. I am simply letting all new nations know, that if they need help learning the game in all aspects, and also participate in international politics, they should contact the government representative of their region. If there is no reprsentative of that region, then they call always contact the Secretary of State's Office. The Links are available, and the Nations of our members, so you can contact them via PM. Thank you Little Upsilon Secretary General's Office Hezekiah Administration 2nd Term
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Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 06:01 pm Ok then Hez, have it your way:- Yes, you do need to kick someones ass before they stop telling you how to speak So get kicking or shut the f*** up
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 07:24 pm f you have any questions of any aspect of the game contact your government official. http://home.simcountry.com/NLUO The Executive Administration http://nluo.webs.com/the-nluo-administration Majority: 12 Nation Alliance Hezekiah Administration Secretary General: King Hezekiah II (TNA) Israelite Empire Secretary of State: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Secretary of Defense: King James The Fair (TNA) The Anglo Saxon Kingdom Secretary of Intelligence: Prime minister: Jiang Hu Warrior (Sons of Anarchy) Dominion Of Anarchy Agency in the Dept of Intelligence: Director of the DISA(Defense Information Systems Agency) Secretary of Justice: King Herod VI (Hydra Auxiliary) Nation of Edom Secretary of Treasury: President Aries (Hydra Senate) Candinnalm Secretary of Security: President Carthaginian0 (TNA) Carthage Executive Administration Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 07:24 pm General Assembly: Federation Congress http://nluo.webs.com/nluo-federations 85 Seats/29 seats filled/56 Seats Vacant Speaker of the Federation Congress: Secretary of State King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Majority Leader: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Minority Leader: President Prizepack (LUFG) ANZ Federation Seats Federations in the Majority 17 Seats 12 Nation Alliance: 9 Seats Hydra East: 1 seat Hydra Senate: 1 Seat Unholy Alliance: 2 Seats LU Defense Organization: 1 Seats WGC LU West: 1 Seat WGC LU East: 2 Seats Federations in the Minority 13 Seats Think: 3 Seats Wolf: 3 Seats The Insane Assylum PM: 3 Seats MG Federation: 1 Seat LU Financial Group: 2 Seat The Great Hills Treaty Organization: 1 Seat King Hezekiah II (TNA) Israelite Empire 1 Seat President Shave (Hydra Senate) The Polarian Republic 1 Seat President: Carthaginian0 (TNA) Carthage 1 Seat Emperor: Mr. J. Skullz (Unholy Alliance) The Realm of Skullz 1 Seat President Aries (Hydra East) Candinnalm 1 Seat President Nix001 (THINK) Mother Nature's Army 3 Seats King James The Fair (TNA) The Anglo Saxon Kingdom 1 Seat President Sweetpea (TNA) Hallowed Fortress 1 Seat President PrizePack (LUFG) CBA 2 Seats Her Majesty Emperess thetheth01(Wolf)Tribute to MW 2 seats President Slayerofgods (Unholy Alliance) FortressHell) 1 Seat King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central 4 Seats King Lord Arbuckle (LUDO) The Lucion Republic 1 Seat Prime minister: Boris Johnson (The Commonwealth) New Britain UK 1 Seat His Holiness Emperor Kasper Quinn (Insane Assylum PM) Machiavelli 3 seats The Honorable Emperor Mr. Baconator (TNA) Wendy's Capital 1 Seat President Arccuk (WGC LU East)Craven Park 3 Seats President Michael VII (Great Hills) The Republic of Mursiyah 1 Seat Prime minister: Jiang Hu Warrior 1 Seat President Megabutcher (MG Federation) Mega Butcher 1 Seat Federation Congress Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 07:25 pm General Assembly: Little Upsilon Security Council 4 NLUO Members Andy 28 March 2013 maclean 25 February 2013 Lord Lee (NLUO) 31 March 2013 Yankee 23 February 2013 Keto 20 February 2013 Arccuk (NLUO) 30 April 2013 Rick 24 February 2013 Bad Dukes 28 February 2013 Rob kennedy 6 April 2013 E is Easy 0 is like 0 16 March 2013 darcus 26 March 2013 Albert (NLUO) 13 March 2013 Aries (NLUO) 4 April 2013 SuperSoldierRCP 13 February 2013 Teddy Bear 26 March 2013 http://nluo.webs.com/lu-security-council https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgiw?scouncil
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 07:25 pm The Little Upsilon International Criminal Court Associate Justice: King Lord Lee (TNA) AA Central Associate Justice: His Holiness Emperor: kingdictator (TNA) The Democratic Union of Texas Associate Justice: President Shave (Hydra Senate) The Polarian Republic Chief Justice: Brother Leader: Mohamar Al Gaddafi (Hydra Auxilery)Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Associate Justice: King Lord Arbuckle (LUDO) The Lucion Republic LU International Court Attorney General: King Herod VI (Hydra Auxilery) Nation of Edom LU International Court Public Defender: Caesar: His Holiness Carthaginian (TNA) Carthage Link to Court Schedule http://nluo.webs.com/apps/calendar/ Link to Courtroom http://nluo.webs.com/lu-international-court
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 08:31 pm So much spam...
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Monday, February 18, 2013 - 11:54 pm Really.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - 01:52 am in the immortal words of Shrek: That'll do Donkey, That'll Do.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - 05:42 am LOL
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 11:32 pm Hez you need to calm down. Ive always respected you and been kind in my dealing. The problem isn't with your government but your actions. Calling yourself the world government is much like me calling myself the best player in Simcountry. Instead of the LU world government call yourself the LU world devolpment org. If you want to help players I'm for that and I'll support that. But you can't keep pushing this same name and ideas. Just some food for thought
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 05:41 pm My country is new so I'm just getting involved in international affairs. Yet everytime I come on here I see NLUO downgrading other feds claiming to rule lu. If I remember correctly Hydra destroyed NLUO if NLUO can't defend themselves how are they gunna control the world populance? Well ill see how this develops but I know me personally won't ever bow down to a "world goverment". To any new players who read this please know that there are other feds look into all your options and don't just fall for NLUO propaganda.
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 06:37 pm doschuurman, you touched on the nice thing that the NLUO currently offers. You can join and not be committed to a fed. Hez will be Hez. Working on him being less confrontational on the forum. If you join the NLUO web site, you can participate on the treasury forum where I have posted articles about running your economy. There is currently a three-part beginners series and a two-part intermediate series. I also monitor that forum frequently and can answer questions you may have. If you have any questions, you can message my country in game "Candinnalm".
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 10:32 pm Yeah, well Hez is the self proclaimed ruler of the world government so he hardly inspires confidence in the NLUO does he ?
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 10:35 pm Aries is a great guy to learn economics and other ways to make your country profitable. I have personally learned under his wing and have developed to Top 300 in less than a month. Not sure if top 300 is a big deal, but I am there none the less. Also, the NLUO is not a Fed., merely a place for federation and non-federation players alike to discuss game play, help new players, and teach you the inner workings of a government style Federation, without it being a federation. Join the forums and read what you will to benefit your country and you as a player. Good Luck!
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Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 10:41 pm Jjust future reference guys call me dj I havnt figured out how to change my name. And thanks for the offer but I joined the sleeping giants for the reason you are offering. If I need any help ill make sure I message you aries I'm currently trying to get the eco game down so thanks for the offer.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 06:51 am " ss ~ Calling yourself the world government is much like me calling myself the best player in Simcountry. ~ " You mean your NOT the best ? :-o !st Wendy is no longer my super hero ( i fergot why not. >.< ) and now SS is not the best player in all of SC... I think i am going to go hide back under my rock for another month. :-/
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 05:21 pm False prophets Alyan. You should have followed the doctrine of The Crafty One from the beginning.
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Thursday, February 28, 2013 - 10:55 pm Nobody wants to talk straight. Everyone wants to put their personal spin on it instead of using the government for their benefit. Using this government will allow all nations to have a voice, and be able to learn the game. Right now the game is set up for all huge empires to have all of the power, and prestige. All nations need a voice. This is how you stimulate nations to last.
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Friday, March 1, 2013 - 01:37 am your intelligence report is nearly ready........ho haa whooeee woopeee!
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Sunday, March 3, 2013 - 05:32 am Thank you Mr. secretary Chiwoo. I appreciate it.
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Sunday, March 3, 2013 - 08:01 am I can report on your Intelligence! My report is ready now!