Gothamloki (Little Upsilon) | Sunday, January 22, 2012 - 04:05 am Sonneillion, these are the basic starting settings I use for my enterprises across all worlds. (Adjusting as needed of course.) Trade Strats: Sell at + 20-40 "follow quality" (-5 ea month not sold); buy 115 market (+5 ea month not delivered) Supply quality: 120-160 Salaries: 200-300 Make sure you change your Automated Systems (found on your Corporations page) to reflect the settings you want for new corps, and they "should" have the correct settings as soon as they're built. ALSO, MAKE SURE TO RE-CHECK YOUR TRADE STRATEGIES... OFTEN! (There's an evil little gremlin in the code that likes to reset them to default values every now and again.) Oh, and you may want to auto upgrade also. |