V_Putin (Kebir Blue) | Monday, January 9, 2012 - 07:52 am The corp doesnt seem to be selling any of its production and none of my corps use nuclear power... what are you supposed to do with this? I would like to know before I decide to close it. |
Arccuk (White Giant) | Monday, January 9, 2012 - 01:13 pm Several possibilities for nuclear corps, here's two:- 1) If current price of NP is similar to that of EP then sell to market. If $ NP is lot lower than EP contract to your country/enterprise and then sell as EP to market when EP reaches its $ peak. 2) Contract NP directly to your corps to gain cheap EP and increase their profits e.g. intentially run your NP corps at a loss to provide greater benefits to your other corps. NP corps can take a little extra effort to make money from, but if you have the patience, they are worth it. |
Azyren1 (White Giant) | Monday, January 9, 2012 - 01:21 pm If you buy it, it converts into Electric power |
V_Putin (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 02:51 am How do you calculate contracts with corps for nuclear power? I am not sure how it works.... I just sell them nuclear power and they convert it into electricity? What about their normal electricity need? |
V_Putin (Kebir Blue) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 02:55 am I see how it sells like electric power when you see its contract... 13500 kwhrs... but if I try to accept the contracts automatically the corps wont accept it as electric power. I have to manually create a contract for each corp to get the power from nuclear plant? Thanks a bit confusing. |
Homerdome (Fearless Blue) | Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 07:17 am Yes.. it is an alternative form of electricity and all your electrical needs for your country. Just contract to your country and it will use your nuke power instead of your country auto buying from the market "Electric power" or "Coal generated" power. I'm no 100% sure the number of corps you need to have it so you have enough for all your countries needs, think 10? if anyone knows just post. Now, for the bad news. It was an idea from the GM to make something of this long ago and it never actually went anywhere other then these corps still exist. There was suppose to be some sort of carbon tax if you bought from the market instead of using clean energy and think it was suppose to be cheaper.. anyway, its an expensive way to produce electricity for your own country and an non profit corp. so, ya, close it. |
Psycho_Honey (Fearless Blue) | Monday, January 16, 2012 - 10:05 pm I just buy it. I won't say what I do with it afterward. |
Keto (Fearless Blue) | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 01:00 am Nuclear Power powers my carriers, and nuke subs. |