Andy | Saturday, October 5, 2024 - 05:20 pm For the first time in a long period. we see enterprises approaching bankruptcy point. we get such alerts to warm players. When net cash is reaching -60T the enterprise will be terminated. We cannot restore bankrupted enterprises. Please resolve the problem. As an emergency measure, to prevent it from taking place, we will intervene and move 5T from the account cash to the enterprise. we cannot babysit accounts and we assume players do not want it to take place. If you do not want the enterprise, you can delete it. Net cash is: Cash in the enterprise Minus debt Plus amount given in loans to others. We are not completely sure the function works. it did not occur for many years and was tested a very long time ago. we checked the code and it looks like it will take place. |
Andy | Saturday, October 5, 2024 - 10:13 pm It seems to be the cash level. please make sure it stays above -60T. The warning does not come through. we will fix it ASAP. the warning comes at 50% of the max which is -30T. |
Andy | Monday, October 7, 2024 - 07:47 pm We have checked all the details again. This is a serious warning to all enterprise players. do not let the enterprise cash go too low. There is a limit to how low the cash can go. The limit is -60T!!! this is in fact far too high. -60T cash negative means that the enterprise can only survive with a cash donation, then made profitable and start improving its cash position. An enterprise with -30T or lower in cash will be warned and if not corrected, it will bankrupt. Don't let your enterprise bankrupt. You can sell some of the products the enterprise holds. It will raise its cash level. |
Laguna | Monday, October 7, 2024 - 08:30 pm I think the account that enterprise belongs to is abandoned. I don't see a last login message for it. If an enterprise bankrupts, all of it's materiais are sold on market on immediate order, and the corps transfered to the GM, right? |
Andy | Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - 08:04 am The account is active. If bankrupted, products will be sold but not so fast. corporations will be transferred to the gamemaster enterprise. These corporations are very easy to purchase. |
Andy | Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - 09:32 am The bankruptcy of enterprises did not function correctly. We have now corrected it and added many warnings to prevent surprises. we do not think that enterprises that are close to the limit received enough warnings. we will now allow enterprises to go even lower on cash to prevent a bankruptcy without proper, multiple warnings. we will allow them, temporarily, to go down to -80T and there will be many warnings. later, gradually, we will go back to -60T which is huge and should not happen. This change will be part of the next upgrade this week. |