Andy | Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 08:25 am Dumping Products The max spending space of countries is 2.4T. Selling products had no limitations and proved recently to become a problem. We had to intervene in the market to prevent a large scale disruption with a declared intention to harm. we have now put a limit of 10T per game month on selling products on the market. This limit remains very high and is probably much higher than what 95% of the countries would ever want to sell in a single month. It might become a little more difficult for a single player to manipulate the markets. Depending on what we see in the markets, we might tune this max down a bit more. Bankrupted Countries Countries that are close to bankruptcy, used to start selling their assets to raise cash. It happened when the cash level went under -10T and the country reached the max loans it could have. At the time, if a country cash went negative, there were automatic loans given to it to prevent is from bankruptcy. Later, at the request of players, we stopped the automatic loans. As a result, the selling of assets never happened because although cash went very low, there were no loans. We have now removed the loans condition. Countries where the cash level goes under 10T will start selling assets and raise cash. Defensive vs. Offensive power balance After several rounds of "balancing" and testing, we have now seen that a little more is needed. We have now slightly reduced the size of the defensive air force wings. These wings are essential in the defense of countries but proved to be too powerful and caused more damage to the attacker than considered reasonable. More such changes will take place. we think that the defense should cause much damage to the attacker and come at a lower cost but the process must be more balanced. Enterprises and the Army Maintenance Cost Enterprises will start to incur cost for maintenance of weapons they store. The cost will start to kick in at a low level in the coming weeks and months. It will remain lower because enterprises do not have soldiers and officers they need to operate the weapons but the cost of maintaining the army will become more proportional to its real size. Lower Cost of Weapons and Ammunitions More reductions take place in the base cost of weapons and ammunitions. The actual cost depends on the market but when the base price declines, the general trend is also a reduction of the market price. Setting up an army has become less expensive than before. more reductions will gradually take place. although countries in general are very profitable, the maintenance of the army will represent a monthly cost and will probably be the limiting factor in the size of the army. The profitability of corporations that produce weapons and ammunitions remained unchanged. Electric Power The market keeps fluctuating. The base price of electric power continues to decline. The price wind farms receive for power that is delivered to the country keeps increasing with full market price implemented and higher quality taken into account. Maintenance of Wind Farms The maintenance problem of wind farms, in countries where there are shortages of wind turbines for maintenance will become a major problem in the coming weeks and will severely reduce or diminish the power output of wind farms. |