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Atlas Stuck April 30, 2237

Topics: General: Atlas Stuck April 30, 2237


Friday, July 28, 2023 - 05:36 am Click here to edit this post
Atlas appears to be frozen on April 30, 2237.
Atlas 1


Thursday, August 3, 2023 - 12:33 am Click here to edit this post
Tiny Atlas should run 6 times per 24 hours and most days it did.

However, from the start, we had several incidents when errors occured that were caused by the very low population numbers on TA.

The same problem caused delays in the introduction of TA.

the number of errors declined quickly and when an error occured, it was fixed very quickly. Twice it happened at night and was only fixed in the morning.

In the mean time, we have made additional corrections and we think that the problem is resolved.
During the entire period, TA was running 6 times per day although not always following the fixed schedule.

In the past 5 days it was running without any error.

I think that July 28 was the last time we had this error.

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