Andy | Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 01:50 pm Tiny Atlas Overview Tiny Atlas is a very small world that was discovered outside the area where our current 5 worlds are placed. It has 677 countries. Tiny Atlas is further away than the current 5 worlds and reaching it will take much longer than the time needed to travel between the current worlds. Tiny Atlas is largely deserted. Countries have very few people, most of them have a population of 1.5 to 2 millions. It has no corporations, no education to speak of, no health care or infra structure. The economies of all countries are in chaos and nothing of any substance takes place in any of the countries. It is assumed that there was a time when Tiny Atlas did much better. Many countries have a space center but there are no materials stored and no cargo shuttles. Countries are currently kept as they are and do not deteriorate much further. There are shortages of everything but this does not result in a further decay of the countries beyond the current chaos. Tiny Atlas will run 6 game monts per real day. The functionality of Tiny Atlas in General Tiny Atlas is in fact identical in its functionality to all the other worlds. Differences result from the fact that there is no functioning economy. Only when some countries are boosted with external materials and support from the other planets will it become possible to start the production of materials on Tiny Atlas. In its current state, nothing of substance can be built. You cannot rely on the market in any way and you cannot produce anything to improve conditions. It is not possible to build anything or produce any products because there are no raw materials, no corporations and no workers that could work in such corporations. Everything you might want to have in Tiny Atlas will have to be transported from other planets. The existing space centers could be used to land cargo shuttles but these shuttles will have to come from existing countries in other worlds and they will need to transport everything and in large quantities. Even when corporations are constructed, the materials needed for production will have to come from other planets, moved from the space center to the country stock and then be sold to the corporation for it to be able to start, or maintain production. Large quantities will be needed or you will have to make such transactions, very frequently. Who can play on Tiny Atlas Players who have a country/empire on one of the current worlds, will be able to get a country on Tiny Atlas, Everyone can look around on this planet, click and zoom in, see the continents and regions. A player can make a choice for a country. Once you decide, the country can be reserved for 30 gold coins and will have to be paid for in gold coins as on the other worlds. It is not possible to start playing Simcountry with a first country on Tiny Atlas and it does not make sense at all. You cannot do anything, or build anything when there are no materials, no market to purchase goods on and no workers to do anything. Players who do have assets on the other planets and are able to purchase cargo shuttles and carry materials from their countries to Tiny Atlas, will be able to prepare a new country they have on Tiny Atlas, move population over and start developments. Developing a Country on Tiny Atlas A country you own on Tiny Atlas must be prepared to be able to accept new population. The initial population will be around 1.5 to 2.0 million. You will see the population declining because of disastrous shortages, hunger and emigration. The country will have no food products, no corporations and in fact no economy to speak of. A new country will not be able to build any corporations for lack of raw materials and workers. In the initial stage, the president's priority will be to transfer food and materials to the country by use of cargo shuttles, from other ountries on other planets. Everything must be moved over. There is no market to purchase anything and with lack of food, people will not survive. Players will have to find out what the population uses based on what they use in other countries they have and transport large quantities of supplies into their country. Once there are some materials, consumption numbers will start to show up and the situation will become clearer. Players will need many cargo shuttles and enough supplies in their other countries to be able to build sufficient supply levels in their country on Tiny Atlas. We will explain how to move people into Tiny Atlas but you are advised not to start moving people as they might not survive without sufficient supplies. Moving people can only start if you have enough supplies to maintain them and you have sufficient capacity of moving supplies over to sustain the numbers of people you have in the country. Government Functions and services Healthcare, education and transportation are non existing on Tiny Atlas. Countries have very low numbers of education facilities and very few hospitals and no roads or railways. As a result, the related indexes will be low and the supply index initially extremely low. All this will cause high death rates and diminishing population. If no food products are available, it will cause hunger and death rates will shoot up. These issues cannot be prevented and must be addressed with a high priority. With few schools, there will be very few teachers even if education priorities are raised for education and health staff. When more population is moved into Tiny Atlas, such movements will include some professionals and may help improve the situation. With very low population numbers, transports of 100.000 people will be relatively significant. Moving Population to Tiny Atlas Once supply levels can support the existing population, supply levels must increase much further to support an increase of the population. A new booster was added to Simcountry to enable the movement of population. Using this booster, you can move 100.000 people to Tiny Atlas. The booster can be used once per game month and is free. There is no cost attached to the movement of population into Tiny Atlas. The population comes from one of your countries. The choice is automatic, not always from the same country. Be careful with these transfers. Supply levels on Tiny Atlas must be sufficient to sustain the growing population. Building an Economy on Tiny Atlas Increasing the numbers of the population is essential if players want to be able to start corporations and mainly, the production of rare metals that can be found on the planet. Once a country on Tiny Atlas manages to support its growing population, players will have to build a health system, education and transportation. Once in place, the country could start building corporations and create local production to be able to support the population and reduce the dependency on transports from other planets. Natural Resources on Tiny Atlas Each country on Tiny Atlas will have at least one deposit of a rare metal and will be able to mine it and transport products to the other planets. The rare metals that can be mined on Tiny Atlas will be essential in the production of advanced products, including several types of weapons and ammunition that have capabilities that are currently not available. The Transport of Materials to Tiny Atlas As we said before, everything must come from countries in the current worlds. Everything can be transported if it fits into a Cargo shuttle. Products that are traded on the direct market will be tradeable also for countries on Tiny Atlas. Energy production will be possible only if power stations can be built or with wind farms. Many wind turbined will have to be moved into Tiny Atlas if any wind turbines are to be constructed. We think that it will take a major effort and some cooperation between players to construct essential production on Tiny Atlas. We think that it is all possible but we realize that some questions might be raised in the process. Cargo Shuttle Transports Tiny Atlas is quite far from the current 5 worlds and cargo shuttle flight will be longer and require more shuttle maintenance units per flight. Sufficient numbers of shuttle maintenance units must be caried on the cargo shuttles with every transport flight and include more such maintenance units for the flight back. In cases when cargo shuttles do not have sufficient numbers of maintenance units, the cargo shuttle will deteriorate and it life expectancy will be diminished more quickly. You are advised to have many shuttle maintenance units in stock at your space centers, both at the source country and on Tiny Atlas to be sure missions can take place using maintenance units to preserve the life span of the cargo shuttles. Due to the longer flight time to Tiny Atlas, it will be probably necessary to keep a larger number of cargo shuttles to be able to run multiple transports. As in the current situation, transports will use up to 20 cargo shuttles simultaneously if these are available. Each flight to Tiny Atlas will be counted as 10 missions and also use 5 maintenance units. If no maintenance units are available, the cargo shuttle will age faster and the mission will count for 50 regular ones. The same numbers will be used for a return flight. |
rob72966 | Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 01:32 am Sounds good. Rob The Brain Fearless Blue |
JOEL | Friday, June 9, 2023 - 12:43 pm This will be available when? |
Andy | Saturday, June 10, 2023 - 03:19 pm We hope to turn it on coming Monday but small issues continue to pop up. we might turn it on anyway and continue to work on these issues. we do not think players will bump into any of them short term. |
Amalie | Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 05:26 pm turn it on monday so we could at least take a look around |
JOEL | Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 12:43 pm Alright Monday came and went. |
Andy | Sunday, June 18, 2023 - 01:38 pm Monday indeed came and went. we found more issues to be resolved. Tomorrow is another Monday. I hope it will work this time. |
rob72966 | Monday, June 19, 2023 - 08:22 pm I noticed Atlas disappeared from the home page. We all get that this will take time. Please don't give up on it. The concept is good. Rob The Brain Fearless Blue |
Andy | Monday, June 19, 2023 - 09:30 pm Tiny Atlas is coming to life tonight. There are several issues outstanding that will be resolved ASAP. 1. The location of Tiny Atlas is wrong. It will be moved to its designated location ASAP. 2. Some countries might have a corporation or even two. These corporations cannot produce anything and will probably close quickly. There are probably not enough workers abd there are no raw materials for the production of any product. At a later stage, players will be able to start building corporations. we will look at activities and make the neccessary tuning. 3. With no working corporations, no market to speak of, there is also no trading at all. Countries cannot place orders for products and no immediate order as everything must be transported from other worlds. At a later stage, trading will become possible and the market will start. we will then selectively restart trading functions. 4. Discovery of natural resources has not taken place yet. we know that there is at least one natural resource in each country and are waiting for the resources to be discovered. 5. Many functions/indexes will probably be slow to kick in. Initial values might be unstable and will find their real values within a coupla of days. more updates will follow. you are welcome to place comments or questions and we will answer. |
rob72966 | Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 07:32 am 1) How will we be able to increase the population? 2) Pop is just over 1 mil but cannot transfer unless pop is over 35 mil 3) The game adds around 5000 per month? 4) Shuttles will take longer and more maintenance. When will we be able to start moving products? 5) Beyoud the purchasing of space stations, shuttles and maintenance are there other requirements? (Docking Stations?) 6) I already see massive over-ordering. This will cause countries to go bankrupt anyway to control the automatic ordering? Changing the settings did not seem to help. I will recheck again tomorrow. I have many ? but if you can answer these Should give me a better grasp on how to proceed. Atlas 1 Tiny Atlas |
Andy | Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 09:53 am rob 1. please read the document. It explains most details. population can be moved, 100.000 per game month at no cost. Population will be taken off your main country. 2. if there is a problem, please copy and paste the message here. 3. The game might add 5000 per month now but it might turn into a steep decline if there are no supplies. this too is in the document. don't start moving people before you have all supplies. 4. you can move products now and players are at it. 5. nothing is required. you can just move products. 6. I do not think that the shortages will bankrupt countries. the shortages are there for a long time. |
JOEL | Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 04:13 pm My existing Space Center isn't showing up on my New Transfer request page even though a new month have passed. Union States Alpha Site. |
nathan | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 02:30 am Are we supposed to start with this much military hardware? I dismantled my starting units and how I have at least a few trillion $ worth of equipment |
rob72966 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 06:40 am Just a couple of problems, 1) I cannot find any documentation on Tiny Atlas. There was a sign when I purchased the country but no information was acquired when pushed. 2) Still unable to transfer the population from my main country or any country to countries on Atlas. My countries on Atlas do show up on my home page, and on my space page when I Go into (List Transport request) I am able to transport products to Atlas. However my countries on Tiny Atlas do not show up as an option when trying to transfer the population from my country. There is no message to paste. Main Country The Brain World Fearless Blue Countries on Tiny Atlas 1) Atlas 1 2) Atlas 2 Rob |
JOEL | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 01:38 pm Rob you have to go to boosters and click on the one that says Boost population for Tiny Atlas. |
rob72966 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 01:49 pm Thank You Joel. Rob |
Andy | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 02:34 pm Joel I see that you have started space transports to the Alpha Site space center. there are materials there so it seems to work. Nathan, the materials were there. Many countries have them. you can transport them out with the returning shuttles and sell them on the market if you do not need them. kind of a bonus? Rob, I assume them that you have already brought a lot of materials to Tiny Atlas. If the supply index is low, you might witness very high death rates and population decline. I have placed a document of the forum expaining Tiny Atlas. The document is in fact at the top of this page. W3C - Tiny Atlas is Running - what to expect Please read. I also placed more comments on this page explaining some problems and the wrong location of Tiny Atlas. |
Andy | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 06:37 pm Tiny Atlas Update We discovered some errors and resolved them. in the process, Tiny Atlas disappeared for several hours but it is back. Shttles did not deliver automatically. they quickly started doing this correctly. 1. The location of Tiny Atlas is wrong. It will be moved to its designated location ASAP. This will be done within several days. 2. Some countries might have a corporation or even two. There are no corporations 3. With no working corporations, no market to speak of, there is also no trading at all. Countries cannot place orders for products and no immediate order as everything must be transported from other worlds. Trading will become possible within a week or two. Currently, no products are being produced. 4. Discovery of natural resources has not taken place yet. will be done in the coming few days. 5. Many functions/indexes will probably be slow to kick in. Initial values might be unstable and will find their real values within a coupla of days. Population numbers and death rate start to change. the reason is non existing health system and hunger. more updates will follow. you are welcome to place comments or questions and we will answer. |
rob72966 | Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 07:09 am 1) Without being able to buy products or transfer products from direct trading (presently) or move these items to space stations to be shuttled to your country (on Tiny Atlas) How will we be able to build new Corps, Schools, Hospitals ect? 2) You do mention in your above document. Products that are traded on the direct market will be tradeable for countries on Tiny Atlas. 3) Later on you mentioned in another post. At a later stage trading will become possible and the market will start. we will then selectively restart the trading function. What needs to be done by us the players to initiate the selectively restart of direct trading? I have looked at multiple countries it appears that many of the players were well prepared for the initial hardships of basic survival. Until I know I can start building my government and corps I cannot see a reason to increase the population. I feel like I'm stuck in pause. Rob |
Andy | Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 02:21 pm 1. direct trading transfers will be operational one week after registration of a country on TA. There might have been a wrong message before but it is resolved. You can try to transfer and you will see the number of days. All other products can be transferred now. you will need raw materials transferred to TA before you can have an operational corporation. 2. Yes they will as described in the previous answer. 3. Nobody is stuck. I moved many products to TA and my supply index started to increase. shortages are diminishing already. some products like services and energy will become available when direct trading will start (for me in 4 days). in the mean time, I do not move population but instead, I will be building stocks of materials to enable the building of corporations in a couple of days. Transfer now! TA will be moved to its designated location in a couple of days. that will be much further away. make sure you use shuttle maintenance units or your shuttles will age very quickly. you use these maintenance products by loading some on your shuttles. |
Andy | Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 02:31 pm Another update for Tiny Atlas. the direct trading market closure is removed. Now there is only the 7 days delay for new countries. counted from the moment of registration. Population numbers, birth rates and death rates, depend more on the supply index and the health index. Countries on TA will grow to about 1.4 millions. slowly if supplies and health remain very low. Population will probably get stuck at about 1.4 million and transfers of additional population will have a smaller effect until the supply index and health are improving. |
JOEL | Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 03:04 pm Andy, During one of your recent statements, you mentioned that players need to move raw materials and supplies to initiate corporation construction. However, it has come to my attention that certain crucial components such as electric power, wind farms, specific mining materials, and various high-tech materials cannot be transported through the space center. This poses a challenge for players. I was wondering if there are any plans to remove these limitations in the future. If so, it would certainly make sense and provide players with more flexibility in starting their corporations. On the other hand, if the restrictions are intended to remain in place, as mentioned by Rob, I would appreciate some guidance on how we, as players, can adapt and overcome this obstacle. While many players, including myself, have accumulated sufficient food and materials to sustain our nations for years, we are eager to progress further. Joel |
Andy | Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 04:03 pm It is explained above. The direct market trading is aimed at trading of products that cannot be move by shuttles. The market allows the transfer of products starting one week after a country is registered. for me, as I saw it today, it is in 4 days. In the mean time, you can move a lot of other products by shuttle and you can prepare products in your country to be transferred using the direct trading pages in a couple of days. Transfer now. Tiny Atlas is for now very close. we intend to move it next week to the designated position. It will be further away and it will take more time to get there. |
Andy | Friday, June 23, 2023 - 10:07 am The space window is not always updated in full. sometimes, for some seconds, the update is incomplete. we always had this in a low frequency but now, with many more cargo shuttles moving around, it happens more often. we have now found a way to optimze the processing. it will require some recoding to make it possible. we will try to do it in the coming weeks. |
Andy | Monday, June 26, 2023 - 10:58 pm Tiny Atlas will move to its definitive location tomorrow. it is further away and we will also, in time move some of our space stations closer to Tiny Atlas. |