Friday, July 29, 2022 - 11:04 am Changes to the user interface Some menu functions have been changed to make it easier to navigate. The Departments menu option is removed and the separate departments became menu options. This change reduces the clicking when using these functions. Some options that appeared in more than one place have been removed. More such changes are underway as we try to streamline the user interface and reduce complexity. Corporations Many updates to corporations will in general improve profitability. Small updates to the corporation models will probably result in a slightly larger production level and with it higher profitability. Some corporations that are producing fractions of products each month, now produce a little bigger fractions. This kind of changes are aimed at reducing the production of fractions in general and make it possible to set up contracts for such products. Corporate sizes Many types of corporations continue to become larger. Changes are not very large to prevent major effects on the markets but the process of making corporations larger will continue. These changes, including a gradual increase in the numbers of workers, will prevent the need for an increase in the number of corporations in general. Countries with a very large number of corporations are harder to manage. Larger corporations will in time reduce the number of corporations that are needed in each country. Changes must remain small to prevent major changes to employment and will continue for some time to come. Natural Resources Corporations Natural Resources Corporations continue to be a major source of profits to countries that build them. The profitability of these corporations continues to increase. There are many countries with no president where many natural resources are available. These countries have a potential to become very successful. The Cost of War We continue the shift in the defense industry. The aim is to reduce the cost of war, both defensive and offensive. The cost of ammunition continues to decline. In previous changes, the reduction was mainly in the defensive ammo. Changes in this upgrade include offensive ammunitions. The cost of weapons is increasing a bit. In total, we expect these changes to continue the decline of the cost of war. We intend to continue the trend without disturbing the defense industry which is increasingly profitable. Defense related corporations are producing profits that are comparable to the profit of other corporations while they employ a substantially smaller number of workers which means that countries can set up more corporations with the same size of population. The upgrade is now implemented on KB. It will be implemented before 8am EST
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Friday, July 29, 2022 - 08:22 pm Andy, I like the new layout, much simpler and easier to manage in my opinion +1 For corporations can the GM look into Asset maintenance? It seems to have a huge issue with over ordering and paying for products. Regularly I find myself paying 200b in loans. The corporation orders cargo shuttles and because of huge demand then will spend a massive amount in "immediate buying". I buy at 220Q... Market price is 11B and last price paid is 31B... There is a huge discrepancy and it leads to some large problems. I am not suggesting any corp changes to supplies or anything like that, but maybe the GM can look at the purchasing or immediate cost buying. Buying smaller cost items is not a huge deal, but when your talking about big ticket items, it can bankrupt a corp if not found fast enough.
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Sunday, July 31, 2022 - 01:18 am Andy Please check my CEO "Melcorean Producers" on LU then check "Freemont Assets Maintenance". You can see the moment the corps cant order shuttles they stack orders. Right now they are trying to order 23 cargo shuttles. If all 23 got ordered at 220Q that would result in 557 billion, which would bankrupt the corp. Just trying to bring it to your attention so it does not cause any bigger game issues
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Monday, August 1, 2022 - 12:51 am @user interface (usability) Hi, I am with a Samsung S21 Ultra and I can only see up to Transportation menu. Trade menu is not available. Regards
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Monday, August 1, 2022 - 01:51 am Myers, does this happen if you hold your phone in landscape view?
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Monday, August 1, 2022 - 12:21 pm Hi Aries, yes. Portrait = Up to Education Landscape = Up to Transportation
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Monday, August 1, 2022 - 03:33 pm A very serious menu problem. we will resolve it ASAP. The Corporations option is both in the menu and on the left side of the page. The option can be removed from the menu. Supersoldier Some corporations become larger. one of the reasons is that we want to reduce the fractions problem. We have recently increased the loan limit for corporations and allow them to take much larger loans. the increase in size is accompanied by an increase in profitability. Cargo shuttle corporations were always nearly to large to handle. many players stayed out of it but some did build the shuttles and profits are very large. I will increase loan limits further in the next upgrade to make it all easier. Asset maintenance corporations and also other types of maintenance corporations are also very large and are also very profitable. Shortages are now smaller than recently but the cost of raw materials can be large. The cash flow can be reduced by a reduction in the size of orders. You can reduce the order size measured in months production. An increase of the loan limit will help too. We have also increased the amount of cash that can be transferred into corporations. I will recheck some limits and adjust to better support the increasing size of some corporations.
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Monday, August 1, 2022 - 06:52 pm Andy, Thanks for the update! I just wanted to let you guys know so it didn't become a bigger issue.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 04:35 pm Do corps like Defensive Weapon Maintenance make a profit now? My graphs say no.. Let me specify, enterprise-run ones, that pay for country resource use. Like this one https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=1457023 Went from a $15B profit last game year to not making any money in the current one. or this one https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=276030 Which has a harsh balance sheet for not being too new a corp. Military Base Maintenance corps look like too much trouble to be worth running too. I bet others are effected
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Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - 01:25 pm Airforce Maintenance corps too. Check just about any of them run by an enterprise. The main problem is they are required to use so many materials, their country resource used expense is atrocious. They can't make a profit. State corps just ignore that expense. If this is intended, say so. These corps will no longer make sense outside of running as a state corp.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - 07:31 pm Might as well add that Strategic Airport and Strategic Military Bases corps have the same problem.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - 11:50 pm I am in agreement with Aries as I am seeing the same issues. Shuttle, Maintenance corps, and some weapons corps all have the same issues. Some corps use so much resources on a month to month basis that when you add country resource fees they BARELY make profits. I used my CEO on LU and looked to buy the best "Airforce maintenance" corps. State corps all made over 1-billion monthly income, CEO's always lost or made very little (only a few million) With that said, I would like to propose a two possible solution to the GM --------------------------------------------------------- First suggestion, The GM can consider lowering the country resource fee game wide and allowing player set tax rates to play a bigger role. However, I know historically the GM seems hesitant to that idea in order to protect new players which is understandable. Second suggestion, Production levels and prices game wide are doing well. The GM has made changes in employment and other areas which have had positive effects on "State corps", but have not had the same effects for "Enterprise corps". Instead of making numerous corporations changes, what about giving CEO's corps a small percentage based production increase. If a corporation is state owned there is no increase, however, if the corporation is owned by a "enterprise's" it gets a 5% increase to it's production. A 5% enterprise production increase would not make a huge deal to smaller corporations as it would mean an extra 2.5-billion in revenue with most going to taxes/country resource fees for a corporation making 50-billion per year. However, the 5% to any of the higher tier corporations would help provide "10 to 20 billion" in yearly income which would help to offset the costs and some issues we are seeing.
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Thursday, August 4, 2022 - 01:17 am I don't believe any blanket changes are needed. Private and Public corps already get a higher cap to effectivity and quality upgrades over State corps that should allow them to make up the difference in paying the country resources used "tax". The problem is for the corps I mentioned, they don't. Those specific corps need a fix. I believe a recent patch broke the maintenance corps. I believe the strategic military base/airport corps have had the issue longer. All need their fundamentals fixed, and, in particular, the military base maintenance one should be far more rewarding to run based on the difficult defensive fortifications supply requirement.
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Thursday, August 4, 2022 - 04:31 am I agree that the "tax" system should be changed. However, my perception(and some others in discord) is the GM seems to not want to for a few reasons. Right now they are rebalancing and tweaking corp sizes at the moment, which have shown some positive results. With that said, I think their main reason is corps are increasing workforce sizes and a decrease in taxes would impact the new players much more. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I know in Discord many people have stated income issues with a number of corps. Robotics, certain corps with high consumption numbers(shuttles, maintenance, etc), and certain low income corps (Agriculture or food). I do think some type of tweak needs to happen to either production or taxation. Regardless of the changes the GM makes, I will say they've been on a good streak with the changes of late so anything I can do I'm happy to help with
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Thursday, August 4, 2022 - 07:43 am -I didn't say any general game system should be changed. Just the specific corps that were adversely affected to reduce the cost of war. Military Supplies corps not doing great. Aircraft Fuel and Gasoline aren't doing all that much better. It looks like if it is a corp that supplies the military that isn't Military Services, it's fundamentals got screwed to lower country costs. Andy, could this be addressed before we just decide to scrap all our corps, and let C3s fill up with unprofitable corps that will supply our militaries instead?
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Saturday, August 6, 2022 - 01:01 am When are the maps being upgraded?
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Saturday, August 6, 2022 - 07:09 pm Looking forward!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 05:01 am Aries, What are you seeing in the markets? I'm trying to track any issues in the hopes of giving feedback to the GM. I've been tracking "Assets main, Def weapons main, Airforce main, Cargo shuttles, and now I've even seen military supplies showing issues". Just wondering what you are seeing. State corps seem fine, but CEO are still showing losses. I do agree it seems like the country resources are sucking up a ton of profit, but it also seems like some of the corps that make a ton also see higher then normal "monthly resource costs", which drags the costs down heavily.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 11:05 am I think the issue was caused by pursuing reducing the cost of standing militaries. Recent game notes fluctuate between that standalone goal or combined with being more palatable versus storing weapons in enterprises. This is why a general change to all corps shouldn't be needed. One focused on fixing the corps that were broken in pursuit of that goal is necessary. These corps I have been watching the most closely and appear to have no current reason for players to run Military Bases Maintenance Airforce Maintenance Def Weapons Maintenance Off Weapons Maintenance Str Weapons Maintenance Military Supplies Strategic Military Bases Strategic Airports Cargo shuttles fundamentals I don't think were affected by those specific changes. I believe they weren't originally designed as a money maker. They weren't traded on the world market and you either built them for your own use or sold them for coins. I was okay with that model, but they were added to the world market and now don't seem to make sense. Oh, here are some of Andy's corps that fit these categories on WG: https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=3883002 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=5014006 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=3267007 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=6216050 They all either lose money or barely break even. This is with max market price. Strategic corps do very slightly better, but wouldn't be worth a corp slot in your enterprise.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2022 - 02:26 pm Question: I have been adding weapons to my country but this month I went -593 for soldiers. Is this part of this update? Just ongoing? I checked the news and no weapons have been destroyed. I had not been online for the previous 2 months so I didn't deactivate any weapons either.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 07:50 am Andy, The GM has to do something, this is horrific!!! I have many corps taking out 300B in loans and are still 200B in debt. An asset main corps just went 600b in total debt within 6months(24 real hours) because they are trying to rush order products. Please the GM needs to make adjustments. --------------------------------------------------------------------- https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464035&miColumn=vCorpTotalLoans https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464035&miColumn=vCorpCash
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 08:02 am Here are some other corps you can track for massive increase in loans. I'm tracking this issue in IPO'ed "Cargo shuttle corps" and private Asset main corps. Just providing info, hope it helps. ----------------------------------------------------- https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=2102021&miColumn=vCorpTotalLoans https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464893&miColumn=vCorpCash https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464431&miColumn=vCorpCash
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 01:26 pm I gave up on them and went back to the basics.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 02:46 pm Super, it looks like Ramon Assets Maintenance changed its ordering strategy in September. Highlighted by the fact that corp has no less than 26 cargo shuttles, a 115 month supply. In that month, it purchased nearly $500 Billion worth of supplies. I mean, sure, you can sit on $1 Trillion worth of supplies, but you have to pay for them, and that's where your cash went, and still is. https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464035&miColumn=vCorpValueOfMaterials Fresno too https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=corphist&miKey=3464893&miColumn=vCorpValueOfMaterials Tell us more about what your order strategy for supplies was before September, and what you changed it to. It looks like a change was made, possibly to account for the lack of SC maintenance units that your other asset corps are missing, that caused them to buy 100s of billions worth of all their supply types, including costly shuttles. I think your asset corps have more cargo shuttles than I currently own.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 06:33 pm Aries, This has been an ongoing issue I have pointed out to the the GM, but nothings changed. Andy can confirm this, my strategies have been the same for a long time, I have not changed them in many REAL months. My strategies run 30 months low water and 12 month buy. From my perspective and record keeping. What seems to happen is corps that use high cost in demand items (bases, cargo shuttles, etc) will order them. When they are not delivered they order more and its a snowball effect. After some time of no production the corps immediate buy causing these issues. Go back to the top of the thread and I posted about this issue 10 days ago. This seems to be a repetitive issue with some corps.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 06:47 pm Looking at "Fresno Assets Maintenance" and others you can see the immediate orders taking effect. I buy at 220Q for supplies. When you look at products you can see the market price vs last price paid is around the 2.2 times increase However, Cargo shuttles and SC main units are 3 times higher then the market price (220Q plus the immediate order request). Like I said I think there is a snowball issue going on with those high cost high demand items that are causing a hang-up in the system. To the GM, I hope I'm not coming across as upset or aggressive, I am trying to help problem solve to make sure we don't have a larger issue.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 06:56 pm On LU There are is 6200 shuttle requested on the market(down from 6600 a few game months ago), but only 700 asset main corporations. https://sim05.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=w3graph&miTable=tldhist&miKey=273&miColumn=vTradeSurplus Based each corp orders .25 shuttles or 3 per year the demand should be less then 2100. This means that players are requesting around 4000+ for personal stocks, but since I think corps are ordering many months in advance this supports my theory of a snowball effect. I checked the purchase list for the corps and the buying in large amounts and much higher then market price also supports this idea(Check the purchase list for corps, you can see it orders dozen or more shuttles in many transactions). Regardless, I'm open to suggestions on order strategies or similar changes. Extra data or experimentation never hurt the problem solving process
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Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 09:31 pm So, all you are really saying is: 1. You want a clarification of what happens when your ordering strategy is low-water mark 30 months/12 month buy if your 12 month order is made and not fulfilled for many months under your low-water mark. Specifically, Is another order placed before the first one is completed? I would think the way it should work is that if the current order would no longer bring you over your low-water mark once it is completed. In your case, if you still have an order pending for a 12 month supply and your current supply falls under 18 months, your corp should place another order for a 12 month supply. Additionally, if neither order is completed when you fall under a 6 month supply a third order for 12 months is made. 2. Immediate orders appear to be occurring without your permission.
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 06:33 am Here's THE REAL "updates": 8 FULLY UPGRADED, PROFITABLE, CORPORATIONS FILLED WITH 119 MONTHS OF SUPPLIES, FULL OF 100% WORKERS, AND 133% PRODUCTION, wiped off the map by " Gamemaster ", because he/she/IT absolutely HATE anyone, anywhere, anytime making ANY Profits. Hypocrites, Scammers, and Abusers. ... Dos Daily Telegraph, Feb 03, 4751 Country News Shortage Citizens are complaining of shortages. The country is not purchasing the products that are needed for the population. Thu Jan 4, 4751 The citizens of Dos are complaining of shortages. There is a shortage of Military Services and Military Supplies. Recovering from a Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 04, 4751 The population of Dos is trying to recover from this disaster 12284 of the wounded persons recovered. 31216 people returned home. 1318 victims of the disaster died this month. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Train Tracks Maintenance WG 28 The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Train Tracks Maintenance WG 28 is very severely damaged. The factory Train Tracks Maintenance WG 28 will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Quakat Air Transport The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Quakat Air Transport is very severely damaged. The factory Quakat Air Transport will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Polata Air Transport The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Polata Air Transport is very severely damaged. The factory Polata Air Transport will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Montford Air Transport The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Montford Air Transport is very severely damaged. The factory Montford Air Transport will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Madera Air Transport The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Madera Air Transport is very severely damaged. The factory Madera Air Transport will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Kussoto Air Transport The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Kussoto Air Transport is very severely damaged. The factory Kussoto Air Transport will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Greenfield High Tech Services The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Greenfield High Tech Services is very severely damaged. The factory Greenfield High Tech Services will be closed down. Factory damaged by Major Earth Quake Thu Jan 4, 4751 A recent Major Earth Quake caused severe damage to Melrose Services The Major Earth Quake had a magnitude of 8.2. Melrose Services is very severely damaged. The factory Melrose Services will be closed down
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 06:58 am So, you are ruined because 8 corporations got closed? wow
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 07:45 am FILLED WITH 119 MONTHS OF SUPPLIES O.o
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 12:31 pm Obviously a vast communist plot to ruin you financially.
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 01:03 pm We must launch an investigation in the subcommittee of the world council of looking into things to find out which Hypocrite/Scammer/Abuser made you give these corporations 119 months of supplies immediately. There shall be no rest until such a heinous act is dealt with by the full force of an elite team of squirrel commandos.
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 01:36 pm very late response. Enterprise Corporations enterprise corporations were not changed much in the past upgrade. Nothing that could make a big change in their performance. however, I checked many enterprises and some have corporations with some problems while others are doing very good. In some cases there are spikes in raw material cost during trading. I have shifted some max values during trading, widening some ranges. I am not sure this was a problem but it might, in time, reduce strong jumps during trading that can increase raw material costs. we will see where it goes in the next week. Earth quakes This example is dramatic and very infrequent. we have implemented many types of natural disasters a long time ago with a diminishing chance of a very large damage. smaller quakes are more frequent. We had the plan to introduce more natural disasters but it seemed at the time that players did not have much appetite for any losses due to disasters. we ended up implementing earth quakes only. I do not think countries are devastated because of earth quakes. it can be a small, and in this case a larger setback.
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 01:39 pm Andy, I believe the issue is with the changes you made to the costs of war. I am saying the problem is readily apparent not in all enterprise corps, but the ones you effected with this change. Please, specifically, look into the corps I specified as run by enterprises. These are: Military Bases Maintenance Airforce Maintenance Def Weapons Maintenance Off Weapons Maintenance Str Weapons Maintenance Military Supplies Strategic Military Bases Strategic Airports
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 01:51 pm Small changes to the cost of weapons indeed. but: all corporations using these as materials, are checked one for one to make sure their profitability remains very high. The potential profit of these corporations is more than twice higher than that of other industries. They are very very large and prone to to more instability when the market changes but none of that happened. I will however recheck under more and different conditions.
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Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 02:00 pm Andy, you don't have to look far. You run a corp called Brown Airforce Maintenance on WG. Let's see you make a profit with it comparable to any other tech company. These Airforce Maintenance corps are also a pain to keep supplied compared to other corps. https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=5014006
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Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 01:40 am I would agree with Aries I checked and found even Gamemaster corps that are not turning a profit. I can post the links the the GM ones I found that are not doing well on LU
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Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 07:43 am I am currently experimenting with having much lower supply quality for these corps. I just saw some corps doing this, and I am going to give it a shot for the very few of these corp types I didn't already close. Essentially, I kept my public corps of these types. Based on some research, there may be a varying supply quality that is ideal based on corp type, centered on the expense of their supplies. The corps I identified in particular here, represent the extreme of the spectrum, but I wonder if other corps can benefit from slightly lower supply quality than others, based on material expense, especially for those run by enterprises dealing with both heavy material costs and country resources used.
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Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 09:00 am Aries, Please delay the quality reduction by a day or two. I think I already see some results and changes of quality might may it harder to see the results of our tuning.
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Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 02:55 pm Ignorant, Abusive, Presumptuous, and a General Misinformed Immature Selfish Punk named "Aries", apropo to the name, Knows Nothing, Says Nothing of Meaning, and Does Nothing Useful to Anyone, because in ' The Aries Country ', it's All 'SimAries', literally that's what this idiots mind thinks, a complete and total Moron. If someone wants to Destroy Anything of the Assets of'Aries', feel free to Message me, and I will Support your efforts. Less Trash in the World, is inly a Good Thing for Everyone else. Welcome to War, SimTrash, a.k.a.'Aries' the Fraud. Welcome to War. Welcome to the End of you, 'SimTrash'.
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Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 04:10 pm You should send him long messages with random capitalizations in it. He loves those.
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Monday, August 22, 2022 - 10:00 am Aries, Andy, My military maintenance coprs are quite profitable except for Airforce, I don't own Offensive. My order quality is 120, first realized this with Str Weap Maint, that corp cannot make a profit with higher quality supplies. The others I lowered because of making direct sales at high quality during shortages. On WG owner Meliora Holding Company https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=910061 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=910023 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=780025 https://sim03.simcountry.com/cgi-bin/cgi2nova?SN_ADDRESS=wwwCountry&SN_METHOD=ccorp&miCorpNumber=782065
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Monday, August 22, 2022 - 10:22 am Gamemsier, post your disaster log here: Worst Earthquake? The game gods don't pick on players, it just happens. Your whiny reaction to it got the response it deserved.