Andy | Sunday, May 1, 2022 - 12:10 pm All awards for April are now paid. Some are paid in SOL but some SOL awards, even first place awards of 0.6 SOL were paid in gold coins because no wallet number is entered into the game. Please enter wallet addresses into simcountry to win SOL awards. Many winners of awards in the past months did not receive an award this month because of the score penalty that is reducing their "award score". this gave more space to other players to receive the awards. we will now increase the pace of recovery and allow players to restore their score a bit faster. |
PorterI'm back | Sunday, May 1, 2022 - 06:28 pm For the sake of clarity. The awards page shows 80 GC for 1st place on LU. SOL rn is valued at $94(ish) and .6 of that is roughly equal $55. If you do not enter a wallet would you get $55 dollars worth of (roughly 550)Gold Coins? Thanks! -Porter |
Lakan or High King Rene B. Sarabia Jr. | Monday, May 2, 2022 - 12:48 pm Thanks for giving the awards and making the distribution more equal! |
Andy | Monday, May 2, 2022 - 03:27 pm The SOL awards are higher. We could give a SOL award valued at 80 gold coins but the idea was that if players do enter an wallet address, they may win SOL awards. we have never said anything about making the SOL awards the same value as the gold coin awards that are running for years. Our intention is to increase the SOL awards even further if more players join and enter their wallet addresses. we have paid cash awards in the past and it was a success. |