Curtis Herbold | Monday, April 11, 2022 - 05:07 am There is a new discord out currently. Its got a little bit of everything. HOWEVER it is NOT a replacement for the Official Simcountry Discord unless it is stated to. It is meant as a fun alternative unless stated otherwise. Bots this discord has: Discord economy, Epic RPG, Pokemon, Twitter, Unbeliveaboat Premium, Crypto Trading, Poll Bot, Giveaway, Translation, Reaction Roles and a couple others. AGAIN, this is meant as a fun alternative unless stated otherwise and is 100% optional to join. Andy if you are reading this, We also have a role made for you IF you decide to join. Mods that work the forums. We have a role for you too. Discord Link: Courtesy of: Deathconn LU - Head boss of this discord. Unamused Hamster GR and WG - Admin Helper. |