Andy | Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 10:56 am Simcountry Chat The Simcountry chat is now replaced by the Simcountry server on Discord. When you click on the chat link on Simcountry you are directed to Discord. Army Units More army units are becoming larger. The size increase is about 20%. More such gradual changes will take place in following upgrades. Sneak attacks Sneak attacks now include strategic missiles and the numbers of weapons that can be used is larger. Nuclear weapons The cost of nuclear weapons is increased, as in our plan. The cost will increase more in the next upgrade. Cost of War and army maintenance More reductions in the cost of defensive and offensive ammunitions will reduce the monthly maintenance cost and the cost of war in general. The reductions in the cost of defensive ammunitions is now completed. Over the last few months, the cost was reduced by a factor of 3 to 4. Land Units Land units are now more powerful. Several land weapons are more powerful and with the growing size of military units, land forces will become more powerful. Jeeps As part of the plan to eliminate some weapons, defensive jeeps will be the first to be targeted. As a first step, new military units do not include Jeeps. Trade and production continues. Existing units keep using defensive jeeps. We will, at a later stage, convert jeeps into different weapons. Weapons range Several weapons with a very long range are now updated. The range is reduced a bit. Such changes will be repeated. The change includes defensive weapons but also strategic long range weapons. War limit - 200 There was a war limit in Simcountry. The limit was 200. It is now removed. All these changes are part of the short term plan we have published on the forum. |