Andy | Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - 09:39 am Shortages continue for a long period. This happened many times before but the scale of shortages is now more severe. Simcountry has an emergency procedure that is monitoring the market and intervenes if there is a danger to the market in general. The danger is that some essential products that are used in the production process in many types of corporations, become unavailable and cause large parts of the world economy to stop. This never happened because of our interventions and the number of such interventions was always very small. We now see the number of interventions growing. In the coming weeks, we will make some small changes that might help. - We will further reduce the cost of mainly ammunition. As before, we will do this by increasing the production levels of ammunition corporations. It will reduce the cost of war and might reduce the number of corporations producing ammunition, making room for other types of corporations. - we will also slightly increase the output of some other corporations. It may result in a small reduction in shortages. As before, changes we make will be small. The profitability of corporations will remain unchanged. |
johnV | Sunday, July 4, 2021 - 09:28 am On the finance spending page products that are listed as used by population decrease their monthly consumption as the quality increases. The monthly cost will be the same at Q120 as Q330 because your using 1/3 the amount, so you can increase the supply index with no additional cost. The products I'm talking about are listed as spending by the government. They don't follow the same rules. Here are two examples taken at 6 month intervals. CONSTRUCTION: Country A quality, use and cost are about the same. Country B quality increased by 43%, use dropped by 30%, monthly cost is the same.
| | Month 1 | | | | Month 6 | | | Quality | Used | Cost | | Quality | Used | Cost | A | 209 | 3,033,633 | 10,645.78M | A | 209 | 3,033,837 | 10,646.49M | B | 163 | 3,903,702 | 10,692.56M | B | 234 | 2,724,046 | 10,685.74M | | ASSETS MAINTENANCE: Country A quality, use and cost are about the same. Country B quality increased by 21%, use about the same, cost increased by 21%.
| | Month 1 | | | | Month 6 | | | Quality | Used | Cost | | Quality | Used | Cost | A | 330 | 48,329 | 7,104.28M | A | 330 | 48,329 | 7,104.28M | B | 222 | 54,183 | 5,358.19M | B | 270 | 55,070 | 6,697.74M | | If Assets Maintenance consumption and cost was calculated the same as Construction then there would be a lot less demand because it would make sense to buy it at a higher quality. |