Simcountry is a multiplayer Internet game in which you are the president, commander in chief, and industrial leader. You have to make the tough decisions about cutting or raising taxes, how to allocate the federal budget, what kind of infrastructure you want, etc..
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W3C - Game update March 22

Topics: General: W3C - Game update March 22


Monday, March 22, 2021 - 12:33 pm Click here to edit this post
Gifts to New Players

We are updating the gifts to new players.
new players receive gifts when they login, up to twice every day.

The gifts are either Cash or Population increase.

The cash gifts are now up to 500B from 400B
the population gifts are now 300.000, up from 200.000

It will take two to three minutes to take effect.


Monday, March 22, 2021 - 05:22 pm Click here to edit this post
The upgrade is now completed on KB and we are looking at details.
it will be completed on Tuesday before 4am EST.


Monday, March 22, 2021 - 05:22 pm Click here to edit this post
Cost of the army

The cost of the army is reduced again.

The cost of both weapons and ammunitions for the defensive army but also for the offensive army is reduced.
Also the cost of maintenance materials is down.

This will result in a general reduction in the cost of maintaining the army and of course, in the cost of purchasing the materials you need for the army.

The reduction of the cost of weapons and ammunition will be felt directly.
The maintenance cost will take longer to kick in as countries have many of these products in stock and new purchases will slowly reduce the average purchasing price which is used to compute the monthly cost.

All corporations producing weapons and ammunitions remain at least as profitable as before. In some cases the profitability is slightly improved.

Prices will of course depend on the market.

Raw Materials corporations

These corporations will become even more profitable. The improvement, with this upgrade and the previous one, accumulated to about 8%.

Closing Natural resources corporations

When such a corporation is closed before its resource is depleted, what happens depends on the remaining resource in the ground.

If <20 years availability, the resource will disappear.
If >20 and <40 years availability, it will remain available with about 40 years availability.

If the remaining resource is larger than what the corporation produces in 40 years, the remaining resource will remain available as is.

Showing how long the president is in her job

The date is now showing on the main country page as it did before. It was dropped some time ago by mistake and on requests by players, it is now restored.


Monday, March 22, 2021 - 06:21 pm Click here to edit this post
Great improvements. Thanks, Andy.

Dbl D

Monday, March 22, 2021 - 07:15 pm Click here to edit this post
Wonderful. Thank You.

Lord Mndz

Monday, March 22, 2021 - 08:09 pm Click here to edit this post
very good :) just be careful when reducing basic price for weapon maintenance products, as during the last updates profits in these corporations dropped from 2+ b to less than 1 b


Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 12:55 am Click here to edit this post
The president thing is not back on WG

Matthew I

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 04:37 am Click here to edit this post
Nice update!!


Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 08:36 am Click here to edit this post
The profitability of the defense industry did not change.
The drop in price comes very fast and can drag the profits down in the first several game months.
the increase in sales however, takes a little longer to materialize and profitability corrects itself.

We are computing the profitability potential of corporations all the time.
(assuming stable market conditions).
a price reduction with an increase in production, when the multiply of the price and quantity remains unchanged, results in unchanged profitability.

we have increased the number by a small margin and expect profitability to remain unchanged or slightly improve.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 08:39 am Click here to edit this post
I said in a previous message that the upgrade was completed on KB only.

It will be on all the worlds within 20 minutes from now.

we prefer to perform upgrades when the number of on line players is the lowest because upgrading stops the service for a couple of minutes.

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