Andy | Thursday, March 4, 2021 - 03:41 pm As promised, here are some clues to the way the Enterprise score is computed: It is show as is. It is unchanged for a long period. - The base score is 3000 less any outstanding penalties from previous award wins. - The score also includes: the game level multiplied by 160 - If a full member, add 250 points. - Enterprise total assets divided by 680 Billion. - The welfare index divided by 5 - Total number of employees divided by 900.000 - Average market value of corporations in billions, divided by 3.6 (max 200 points). - The utilization factor x 1.8 (120-210 points). - The number of corporations * 0.88 (a max will be applied). - Production index x 1.6 Several more minor factors also contribute to the Enterprise score. We are now evaluation the score and may have additional comments and possible updates. |