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Idea for Gamemaster

Topics: General: Idea for Gamemaster


Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 07:45 pm Click here to edit this post

If I may make a suggestion
I would like to propose the Gamemaster consider updating corps to make sure all corps(non-military) have some form of standard production use.

These are only a few examples,
Country only(single use items): Shows, Sports, Vacation, Wine
Two or only a few sources: Telephone, Cable TV, food products

What I propose is adding products with only a single or two production users to allow more economic diversity.

For example Cable TV Services. We can subtract 10,000units of Books and News papers, Computers, and High Tech Services. This cuts their monthly consumption for all three items by 25%-33% and we instead replace it with Shows, Sports, and Vacation.

Books and Newspaper: $1210 base price @ 10,000units = $12.1m
Computers: $2000 base price @ 10,000units = $20m
High tech services: $1180 base price @ 10,000units = $11.8m

Show: $1220 base price into $12.1m = 9,918(round to 10,000)
Sports: $1200 base price into $20 = 16,666(round down to 16,00)
Vacation: $1250 base price into $11.8m = 9,440(round to 10,000)

Based on the math I provided the numbers are IDENTICAL, we just moved 43.9m in production from 3 super red products to other areas. It would not effect those already high demand products as they are already massively desirable and each 100 "Cable TV" would now need 1 Shows, Sports, and Vacation corps. It wouldn't do much as a single corps, but when we consider changing dozens of corps with would create a much more dynamic system and allow more in-depth play with a single change.

Food has very little uses, adding a few more small changes would dramatically effect they production and desirability.

If the GM is open to the idea, I would be happy to spend my own time writing up a few ideas on corps and basic reworks.


Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 07:55 pm Click here to edit this post
One big idea.

Reduce "Airtrans" from vacation from 225,000 to 100,000. This would reduce(based on 700 corps) roughly 157,500,000units monthly. This would be a large change in the "Airtrans" markets, it would effect that market and would be noticeable, but would not change in from red to green. In fact according to the market, it would only cut the "Red(in demand) market" by 50% or less. The market would keeps in high income and demand, but allow other areas to grow.

I would suggest diverting the $153.75m in monthly costs into food corps. That is a massive boost to food corps(which are known to fluctuate wildly) and offer a bit more stability.
This single change would provide a base price change of $107.62b from air trans alone into the entire food service side of the game.

Lord Mndz

Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 08:29 pm Click here to edit this post
food market needs more demand for sure, they are all good corporations but too verstatile.


Friday, December 4, 2020 - 11:33 am Click here to edit this post
Super you've been quiet for awhile. Good ideas.

In my opinion most if not all of the country use only products could use some diversity in their sales.

The services use a lot of Air Trans, could be replaced by Cars and Trucks and why do you need Air Trans to manufacture cell phones?

I have to ask why doesn't my country use Air Trans, my interstates are clogged.

In this day and age, do will still have separate Cable, Internet and Telephone?


Friday, December 4, 2020 - 02:09 pm Click here to edit this post
This proposal is aimed at reducing the use of products in the production by corporations.

So will corporations just spend less on the raw materials to prevent shortages?

will profits go sky high?
We could reduce all quantities of materials used in production and the market will go green.

There are many other ways to balance the markets.

The use of many products in the production process is a challenge.
We could replace it by using a smaller number of products but then increase the quantities to keep the cost of raw materials at the same level it is now.

This will trivialize the production game. and it will change nothing in terms of shortages.

Realistically, we should have 1000 s more products and produce for example cars using 200 different raw materials.

This will make it very very complex and impossible to play.

so we have chosen to limit the raw materials list per corporation to less than 20, many times just several and would like to keep it this way.


Friday, December 4, 2020 - 10:23 pm Click here to edit this post
I've been around, just not active on the forum. Last few months have been super crazy for me in terms of work.

Understandable Andy,

Then I wont push it. Just figured I'd offer some free help and ideas


Saturday, December 5, 2020 - 12:44 am Click here to edit this post
In my opinion the markets need to be in high demand in order for any of us to make cash
If the market goes over supply a lot of corps would lose their value and cost of products and services would be so low that u wouldn’t even see it as a profit

U might not even get it sell tbh

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