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W3C - Military Units

Topics: General: W3C - Military Units


Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 02:07 pm Click here to edit this post
When you set up a new military units, there are always some "blue prints" that are set for numbers of weapons.

You are able to change these numbers and create your own types of units. You are limited by the total number of weapons set for each unit.

When the unit is created, the blue prints you have customized and set, become part of the unit.

If the unit is damaged in war, supply units will supply whatever is lost. the supply units use the individual blueprint as set in the unit during creation and will try to resupply the unit and return it to these numbers.

When there are games changes to units, these changes will only apply to new units created after the change.
All existing units remain unchanged and the numbers of their weapons will be managed by their own existing blue prints.

Military units might become larger in the future while the number of weapons they can use in a single attack might remain the same or even decline. This will allow units to have reserves within the unit and reduce the need to recreate them during fighting.

The only way for you to adapt units to changes is by using the change function on the unit page and in fact change the blueprint.

Following such a change, supply units will detect the change and supply weapons and ammunition (or remove some), to adapt the military unit to the updated blueprint,

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