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Buying prices for supplies in corporations

Topics: General: Buying prices for supplies in corporations


Sunday, March 29, 2020 - 04:30 pm Click here to edit this post
I have a question about buying supplies for my corporations. Currently I have the strategy set to buy at 95 and increase it by 8. I checked into my corp and it seems that I am paying almost double the market price for everything the corp needs. My country is The Republic of Berlingo on WG. Any advise on this matter would be appreciated.

Here is an example. Sorry if it is not posted correctly. This is my first post.

Product Stock (Unit) Monthly Use Stock Months Avg. Quality Last Price Paid Market Price
Aluminum 63,316 tons 15,000 4.2 162 3,992 SC$ 2,093 SC$
Chemicals 48,647 tons 15,000 3.2 157 2,223 SC$ 1,573 SC$
Electric Components 111,920 units 25,000 4.5 167 1,402 SC$ 927 SC$
Electric Power 680 million kwhs 150 4.5 157 43,290 SC$ 32,768 SC$
Electronic Components 115,464 units 30,000 3.8 162 1,064 SC$ 726 SC$
Factory Maintenance 34 units 9 4 156 357,823 SC$ 248,084 SC$
High Tech Services 58,744 units 5,000 11.7 178 1,762 SC$ 1,005 SC$
Plastics 125,821 tons 10,000 12.6 172 2,420 SC$ 1,343 SC$
Robotics 148 units 9 17.4 187 282,563 SC$ 191,703 SC$
Services 56,398 units 12,500 4.5 163 1,608 SC$ 750 SC$
Steel 118,526 tons 37,500 3.2 162 2,925 SC$ 2,019 SC$
Weapon Grade Components 5,785 units 1,500 3.9 157 81,925 SC$ 59,868 SC$

Daniel Iceling

Sunday, March 29, 2020 - 04:55 pm Click here to edit this post

'Market Price', is the base price, it doesn't factor in the quality of the goods. The price you pay does. That's why there is a large gap.

Generally speaking, I recommend using the 'best price' buying/sales strategy, because it is the most reliable.

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