Anthony King | Saturday, December 29, 2018 - 08:19 pm I am almost in 1st place on KB world guys and women and also the thing is, I cant have Swasticka Flag for my country like the Nazi Germans otherwise I would be banned. |
EnverHoxha | Sunday, December 30, 2018 - 03:06 am Hey coward, why don't you advance to war level 3 so I can show you what happened to the Nazis. Youre Nazi idealizing garbage that needs to be taken out. |
Anthony King | Monday, December 31, 2018 - 12:11 am Looks like I'll have to put some more money into the game to buy Counntries. |
EnverHoxha | Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - 02:56 am youre a fascist idiot who has no idea how to play the game. just because the beginners boost puts you to the top rank doesn't mean anything. get to war level 3 so I can teach you what happens to Nazis. Buying countries wont level your war level, dumbass fascist. COWARD. |
Johanas Bilderberg | Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - 12:40 pm A National Socialist arguing with a Socialist dictator. That my friends is irony. |
EnverHoxha | Wednesday, January 2, 2019 - 02:03 pm hahaha yeah. dude was such a coward he deleted his country rather than face my economic attacks and my sanctions from the security council. Like I said, fascist coward. |