Andy | Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 11:37 am 1. Simcountry App - Notifications Notifications are now available on both Android and IOS mobile devices. All you need to do is to download the Simcountry app. find it in the google game store by searching for "simcountry" and on the apple store by searching for "simcountry game" All in game messages you receive will show (or sound) a notification on your phone. You can use the feature to set up the notifications you want. Please check the available notifications. suggestions for other types of notifications are welcome. 2. Nuclear Weapons Nuclear weapons are now on the market in all worlds and can be produced anywhere. The cost of such weapons is reduced recently and reduced again in this current update. All premium members can purchase nuclear weapons. Game level 4 is required if you want to set up your own nuclear weapons corporations. 3. Lower cost of Defense and of War The cost of many weapon and ammunition types is reduced again, this time the reduction is quite steep, making it easier to build up an army. Also production levels in war related corporations increased a bit so that more products become available on the market. The maintenance of the major weapon systems, bases, and nuclear weapons is reduced. In most countries, the cost of defense will probably decline. 4. Beginners Support Functions We have made corrections to the beginners support functions and made all these functions dependent on the automation settings. This was the intention from the start but with time, and with evidence of failing countries because of beginners errors, some became standard procedure for all countries. We have now corrected the procedure and all support functions depend on the settings of the automation options. If you do not need any beginners support, you can go to the automation page and turn off whatever you want. We advise beginners to keep the automation on. It is on by default when you start and it helps countries a lot, balancing the employment groups, adding money in some cases and helping in creating more work, increasing employment, health and education. The beginners support functions, if turned on, work for countries in game levels 1-3. 5. Population Population growth is faster for countries with lower numbers of population. We have now lifted the limits, and growth will be faster and continue into higher population numbers. At population levels of 70 or 80 millions, growth will depend more on the health index in the country and numbers can keep growing. All this is true for premium accounts and growth can be accelerated by the purchase of additional population on the direct trading market. For free accounts, population numbers will increase fast up to a population level of about 20.000.000. Growth will then stop and these countries will stay at around that number. Free account countries with a population larger than 20.000.000, will see further declines and the number will settle at around 20.000.000. 6. The Simcountry app Many small errors and some additional improvements are now part of the app. To have full advantage of the new features we advise you to download the latest version of the app. As we have said before, waging war is now part of the app and the missing function, "War Declaration" will be added very soon. There are more missing functions in the Simcountry app and we will add them ASAP. work is in progress to complete such functions and they will be added in the coming weeks. |