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- value of materials

Topics: General: - value of materials

Matthew Patton

Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 01:03 pm Click here to edit this post
Democratic Union of Aensland
industry Air Transport 339 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
84 16

offensive Aircraft Carriers 1.67B SC$ per carrier 120 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Aircraft Fuel 1,016 SC$ per ton 120 0 1,000,000 buy / sell
7 93

hightech Airforce Maintenance 12,023 SC$ per unit 267 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Airplanes 200.87M SC$ per airplane 120 0 0 buy
100 0

mining Aluminum 708 SC$ per ton 180 0 0 buy
100 0

hightech Ammunition Components 9,135 SC$ per unit 183 0 0 buy
16 84

hightech Ammunition Quality Upgrades 21,156 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 15.39M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Anti Aircraft Missiles 2.10M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
32 68

offensive Anti Tank Missile Batteries 7.72M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Anti Tank Missiles 2.07M SC$ per missile 218 0 23,000 buy / sell
3 97

defensive Armored Vehicle Missiles 1.07M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Armored Vehicles 9.50M SC$ per vehicle 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Attack Boats 18.68M SC$ per boat 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Attack Destroyer Torpedoes 4.67M SC$ per torpedo 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Attack Destroyers 450.90M SC$ per destroyer 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Attack Drone Missiles 3.48M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
22 78

offensive Attack Drones 17.50M SC$ per drone 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Attack Helicopter Missiles 8.76M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
71 29

offensive Attack Helicopters 102.58M SC$ per helicopter 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Beans 500 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
22 78

industry Boats 424,501 SC$ per boat 173 111 2,439 buy / sell
73 27

industry Books And Newspapers 385 SC$ per unit 174 831,257 7,626,288 buy / sell
87 13

food Bread 338 SC$ per crate of 1000 121 108,803 524,752 buy / sell
16 84

industry Bricks 616 SC$ per ton 120 0 1 buy / sell
69 31

industry Building Materials 431 SC$ per unit 225 0 0 buy
100 0

food Butter 3,944 SC$ per ton 172 3,142 54,332 buy / sell
55 45

utilities Cable TV Services 204 SC$ per unit 167 344,912 5,590,187 buy / sell
44 56

industry Car Engines 1,748 SC$ per engine 120 0 0 buy
48 52

industry Cargo Airplanes 188.58M SC$ per airplane 223 0 5 buy / sell
100 0

spaceindustry Cargo Shuttles 25.50B SC$ per shuttle 120 0 0 buy
50 50

industry Cars 8,140 SC$ per car 170 98,140 1,647,933 buy / sell
20 80

food Cattle 1,344 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
1 99

agriculture Cattle Feed 785 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Cement 385 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
83 17

food Cheese 697 SC$ per ton 171 45,049 731,280 buy / sell
56 44

strategic Chemical Missile Batteries 2.90B SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Chemical Missiles 1.90B SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
50 50

industry Chemicals 508 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Chocolate 3,510 SC$ per ton 169 5,864 74,816 buy / sell
16 84

industry Clothes 5,364 SC$ per ton 167 117,764 1,465,416 buy / sell
11 89

mining Coal 370 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Cocoa 380 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Coffee 2,834 SC$ per ton 173 7,083 114,289 buy / sell
75 25

hightech Computers 631 SC$ per system 179 269,862 3,863,766 buy / sell
100 0

construction Construction 253 SC$ per unit 173 5,521,279 64,881,197 buy / sell
62 38

offensive Conventional Missile Batteries 410.57M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Conventional Missiles 192.56M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
50 50

mining Copper 893 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Corn 462 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Cotton 855 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Cruise Missiles Ship Based 28.26M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Cruise Missiles Ships 513.00M SC$ per cruiser 120 0 0 buy
75 25

hightech Def Weapons Maintenance 23,326 SC$ per unit 222 0 1 buy / sell
4 96

defensive Defense Fortifications 1.37B SC$ per location 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Defensive Military Airports 688.71M SC$ per airport 120 0 1 buy
49 51

defensive Defensive Military Bases 1.14B SC$ per base 120 0 1 buy
43 57

defensive Defensive Missile Batteries 13.66M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Defensive Missiles 1.80M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
4 96

defensive Destroyer Torpedoes 2.74M SC$ per torpedo 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Destroyers 383.40M SC$ per destroyer 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Eggs 559 SC$ per box of 10000 176 26,533 514,474 buy / sell
56 44

industry Electric Components 400 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

utilities Electric Power 27,012 SC$ per million kwh 224 28,203 591,946 buy / sell
9 91

hightech Electronic Components 385 SC$ per unit 186 0 0 buy
79 21

government Elementary schools 18.30M SC$ per school 122 0 6,500 buy
100 0

hightech Factory Maintenance 585,200 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Fighter Missiles 7.25M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Fighter Planes 110.41M SC$ per aircraft 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Fish 1,719 SC$ per ton 166 13,847 246,949 buy / sell
90 10

food Fruit 1,078 SC$ per ton 120 260,226 933,186 buy / sell
100 0

food Fruit Juice 417 SC$ per m3 168 63,016 895,353 buy / sell
25 75

industry Furniture 416 SC$ per unit 171 2,021,484 29,376,580 buy / sell
100 0

mining Gas 1,340 SC$ per unit 175 119,768 1,959,993 buy / sell
100 0

industry Gasoline 693 SC$ per ton 173 1,366,993 28,837,782 buy / sell
100 0

industry Glass 601 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

mining Gold 42.01M SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
71 29

government Government facilities 169.05M SC$ per facility 120 0 284 buy
50 50

offensive Guided Missiles 4.54M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Guided Missiles Frigates 459.54M SC$ per frigate 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Heavy Armored Vehicles 18.44M SC$ per vehicle 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Heavy Artillery 17.81M SC$ per cannon 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Heavy Artillery Shells 55,373 SC$ per shell 219 0 100,000 buy / sell
100 0

offensive Heavy Jeeps 8.14M SC$ per jeep 120 0 0 buy
17 83

offensive Heavy Tank Ammunition 22,137 SC$ per grenade 218 0 1,236,502 buy / sell
4 96

offensive Heavy Tanks 18.80M SC$ per tank 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Helicopter Carriers 1.24B SC$ per carrier 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Helicopter Missiles 1.15M SC$ per missile 447 0 100,420 buy / sell
100 0

defensive Helicopters 51.30M SC$ per helicopter 230 0 0 buy
100 0

hightech High Tech Services 308 SC$ per unit 170 202,230 2,182,176 buy / sell
66 34

government Highschools 18.56M SC$ per highschool 121 0 3,500 buy
100 0

industry Home Equipment 412 SC$ per unit 167 1,887,552 32,059,266 buy / sell
60 40

government Hospitals 525.24M SC$ per hospital 123 0 390 buy
2 98

industry Household Products 2,171 SC$ per ton 188 134,650 2,799,234 buy / sell
100 0

industry Industrial Equipment 417 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Interceptor Missiles 1.16M SC$ per missile 441 0 50,000 buy / sell
100 0

defensive Interceptors 70.20M SC$ per interceptor 120 0 0 buy
100 0

hightech Internet 815 SC$ per unit 168 339,279 7,717,248 buy / sell
8 92

mining Iron 462 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Jeeps 5.89M SC$ per jeep 120 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Jewelry 2.51M SC$ per ton 167 52 1,015 buy / sell
72 28

offensive Land Based Cruise 24.35M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Land Based Cruise Batteries 216.00M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
50 50

offensive Land To Sea Missile Batteries 57.48M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
40 60

offensive Land To Sea Missiles 13.54M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Laser Guided Bombs 30.28M SC$ per bomb 120 0 0 buy
50 50

defensive Light Artillery 11.61M SC$ per cannon 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Light Artillery Shells 26,319 SC$ per shell 252 0 163,439 buy / sell
27 73

defensive Light Tank Ammunition 26,319 SC$ per grenade 218 0 200,000 buy / sell
19 81

defensive Light Tanks 14.69M SC$ per tank 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Long Range Radar Planes 1.81B SC$ per plane 171 0 2 buy / sell
8 92

industry Luxury Goods 149,307 SC$ per ton 171 1,422 22,932 buy / sell
43 57

industry Machine Parts 430 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
10 90

food Meat 4,851 SC$ per ton 170 45,504 756,865 buy / sell
20 80

food Meat Products 5,598 SC$ per ton 170 21,160 375,266 buy / sell
100 0

industry Medical Equipment 676 SC$ per unit 171 1,115,875 9,921,400 buy / sell
35 65

industry Medical Materials 4,220 SC$ per unit 172 102,700 1,147,380 buy / sell
100 0

offensive Mid Range Missile Batteries 57.35M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Mid Range Missiles 8.69M SC$ per missile 223 0 5,000 buy / sell
43 57

hightech Military Bases Maintenance 714,182 SC$ per unit 163 49 1,620 buy / sell
4 96

services Military Services 286 SC$ per unit 154 7,268 106,798 buy / sell
8 92

industry Military Supplies 601 SC$ per unit 169 7,680 231,344 buy / sell
35 65

offensive Military Transport Airplanes 188.09M SC$ per transporter 303 0 2 buy / sell
100 0

food Milk 689 SC$ per m3 171 65,633 1,460,698 buy / sell
100 0

food Milk Products 523 SC$ per ton 169 108,185 1,657,059 buy / sell
100 0

mining Minerals 570 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Missile Interceptor Batteries 13.77M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Missile Interceptors 3.26M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
48 52

offensive Navy Base 1.34B SC$ per base 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Navy Fighter Missiles 5.78M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Navy Fighter Planes 94.55M SC$ per aircraft 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Navy Helicopter Missiles 4.35M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Navy Helicopters 83.16M SC$ per helicopter 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Interceptor Missiles 1.49M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Interceptors 74.51M SC$ per interceptor 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Missile Batteries 28.71M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Missile Interceptor Batteries 31.93M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Missile Interceptors 2.75M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Navy Missiles 2.81M SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

hightech Navy Vessels Maintenance 37,440 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Nuclear Defense Batteries 1.02B SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

defensive Nuclear Defense Missiles 194.40M SC$ per missile 147 0 20 buy / sell
100 0

strategic Nuclear Missile Batteries 940.00M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Nuclear Missiles 5.70B SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
50 50

utilities Nuclear Power 13,730 SC$ per million kwh - 0 - buy
2 98

strategic Nuclear Submarine Missiles 4.90B SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Nuclear Submarines 5.00B SC$ per submarine 120 0 0 buy
50 50

offensive Off Anti Aircraft Missile Batteries 40.30M SC$ per battery 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Off Anti Aircraft Missiles 5.99M SC$ per missile 225 0 6,180 buy / sell
61 39

hightech Off Weapons Maintenance 28,324 SC$ per unit 121 0 0 buy
12 88

offensive Offensive Military Airports 1.40B SC$ per airport 120 0 1 buy
79 21

offensive Offensive Military Bases 1.36B SC$ per base 120 0 1 buy
20 80

mining Oil 323 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Other Food Products 3,779 SC$ per ton 171 86,100 1,664,786 buy / sell
17 83

industry Paper 662 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Peanuts 907 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
69 31

hightech Pharmaceutical Products 10,549 SC$ per unit 122 33,575 156,315 buy / sell
38 62

industry Plastics 545 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Plutonium 220.00M SC$ per kilogram 120 0 0 buy
50 50

mining Potassium 431 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Potatoes 631 SC$ per ton 164 77,944 1,256,914 buy / sell
18 82

food Poultry 683 SC$ per ton 163 65,249 982,867 buy / sell
100 0

offensive Precision Bombers 90.16M SC$ per bomber 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Precision Bombs 7.76M SC$ per bomb 120 0 0 buy
100 0

industry Production Plants 3.54B SC$ per plant 121 0 4 buy / sell
100 0

defensive Radar Planes 955.36M SC$ per plane 221 0 2 buy / sell
56 44

offensive Rapid Deployment Ammo 205,424 SC$ per grenade 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Rapid Deployment Units 459.00M SC$ per RD unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Rice 816 SC$ per ton 168 50,598 1,146,066 buy / sell
7 93

government Road Maintenance 14,676 SC$ per mile 121 47,000 244,968 buy / sell
100 0

government Roads 8.48M SC$ per mile - 0 47,000 buy
100 0

mining Rubber 508 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

spaceindustry SC Maintenance Units 63.00M SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
50 50

mining Sand 196 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Seals Ammo 297,000 SC$ per grenade 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Seals Units 48.76M SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

mining Selenium 582,400 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

services Services 216 SC$ per unit 169 3,672,281 73,755,864 buy / sell
80 20

recreation Shows 255 SC$ per unit 166 196,897 3,454,244 buy / sell
100 0

spaceindustry Shuttle Boosters 4.23M SC$ per booster 120 0 0 buy
50 50

spaceindustry Shuttle Components 2.09M SC$ per Component 120 0 0 buy
50 50

spaceindustry Shuttle Engines 1.22B SC$ per engine 120 0 0 buy
50 50

spaceindustry Shuttle Extentions 414.00M SC$ per extension 120 0 0 buy
50 50

spaceindustry Shuttle Fuselage 4.73B SC$ per fuselage 120 0 0 buy
50 50

mining Silver 346,478 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
31 69

hightech Software 390 SC$ per unit 149 410,056 3,510,782 buy / sell
100 0

industry Solid Missile Fuel 5,709 SC$ per unit 180 0 0 buy
27 73

agriculture Soybeans 416 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

spaceindustry Space Centers 9.00B SC$ per center 248 0 1 buy
100 0

offensive Special Forces Missiles 913,303 SC$ per missile 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Special Forces Units 131.22M SC$ per SF unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

food Spices 8,316 SC$ per ton 166 2,514 39,297 buy / sell
100 0

recreation Sport 611 SC$ per unit 173 347,177 6,958,900 buy / sell
86 14

offensive Stealth Bombers 2.20B SC$ per bomber 120 0 0 buy
50 50

industry Steel 861 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

mining Stone 197 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

strategic Strategic Airports 1.34B SC$ per airport 120 0 0 buy
5 95

strategic Strategic Bombers 5.10B SC$ per aircraft 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Strategic Bombs 7.45B SC$ per bomb 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Strategic Military Bases 2.34B SC$ per base 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Submarine Torpedoes 4.73M SC$ per torpedo 120 0 0 buy
100 0

offensive Submarines 834.30M SC$ per submarine 120 0 0 buy
50 50

food Sugar 265 SC$ per ton 169 39,997 751,532 buy / sell
74 26

mining Sulfur 288 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
3 97

offensive Supply Ships 534.60M SC$ per ship 120 0 0 buy
100 0

strategic Tactical Nuclear Weapons 3.10B SC$ per bomb 120 0 0 buy
50 50

strategic Tactical Weapons Launchers 3.10B SC$ per launcher 120 0 0 buy
50 50

food Tea 7,259 SC$ per ton 165 1,168 17,517 buy / sell
26 74

utilities Telephone 406 SC$ per unit 121 480,565 2,524,273 buy / sell
100 0

government Train Tracks 5.55M SC$ per mile - 0 20,000 buy
100 0

government Traintracks maintenance 10,518 SC$ per mile 168 14,453 342,146 buy / sell
18 82

industry Trucks 427,756 SC$ per truck 122 0 10,386 buy / sell
37 63

government Universities 473.20M SC$ per university 122 0 55 buy
100 0

mining Uranium 4.80M SC$ per kilogram 120 0 0 buy
56 44

recreation Vacation 408 SC$ per unit 169 886,269 17,103,759 buy / sell
23 77

food Vegetables 1,032 SC$ per ton 163 186,196 3,815,886 buy / sell
100 0

government Water maintenance 2.77M SC$ per installation 121 95 428 buy / sell
90 10

government Water treatment facilities 364.00M SC$ per installation - 0 95 buy
100 0

hightech Weapon Grade Components 28,563 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
23 77

industry Weapon Grade Uranium 108.00M SC$ per kilogram 120 0 0 buy
50 50

hightech Weapon Quality Upgrades 257,933 SC$ per unit 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Wheat 283 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
4 96

food Wine 2,671 SC$ per crate of 1000 166 10,764 217,063 buy / sell
62 38

mining Wood 524 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
100 0

agriculture Wool 3,840 SC$ per ton 120 0 0 buy
98 2

jacksonz Dorsey

Friday, November 7, 2014 - 07:17 am Click here to edit this post
yea my total vauke went form 40 t 31 t how the heck that happened


Friday, November 7, 2014 - 09:13 am Click here to edit this post
This is a big change and cannot take place in a very short time unless you had a large war and had a lot of damage.

changes take place all the time. A lot of materials are used each game month.

also, changes in the price of materials can create large fluctuations, especially when your stock is high (40T is a lot of materials to have).

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