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Poll: Who stirs the pot the most?

Topics: General: Poll: Who stirs the pot the most?


Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 08:08 am Click here to edit this post
My fellow SC users:
I submit for your approval, The Brown Spoon contest.
We know what is in the pot, what it smells like, and that it leaves a nasty stain when stirred. So I leave it to you to vote, as we must award someone or it wouldn't be a contest. Who has/adds the most drama?


Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 08:09 am Click here to edit this post


Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 08:42 am Click here to edit this post
Justin Bieber! :p


Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 04:58 pm Click here to edit this post
Lenpeat or Altered Carbon. cant decide between the 2.


Sunday, May 4, 2014 - 03:58 am Click here to edit this post
Easy ...jan hands down O:-)

Alterd Carbon

Sunday, May 4, 2014 - 05:11 am Click here to edit this post
Jack I was hoping for more votes for me. I do stir the pot a bit. I guess your right though Good old jan puts out more verbal sewage than anyone that lil fuzzy bunny does try though.


Sunday, May 4, 2014 - 11:09 am Click here to edit this post
Aha! That looks like some stirring. Can I change my vote?

The Why

Sunday, May 4, 2014 - 07:41 pm Click here to edit this post
well lenpeat is definitely in the race for "who stirs the pot the most" but he already has won the title for "who smokes the pot the most" indubitably


Monday, May 5, 2014 - 04:01 am Click here to edit this post
I think its funny at how you guys are so irritated by Mr. lenpeat.


Monday, May 5, 2014 - 04:59 pm Click here to edit this post
Exuse me!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not and have not ever spewed "verbal sewage"!!! You are self projecting again, Alterd Carbon. SCOWLS!

My rule of thumb here in SC: You call me a name, you will be answered in kind. You treat me bad, you will be answered in kind. If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. If you are a friend of mine, I'll be the best damn friend you will ever have.

You pick on me and my mafia are TOAST! BUT if you really hurt my feelings, I'm telling Andy!!!! :P

Thank you, Jackseptic. *curtsies and smiles I accept that with great pride. I love being a drama queen. :P

Actually Serpent, Lenny doesn't bother me. I've already accepted that intellectually, he is just so far above me that I just can't comprehend. :P

I love everyone who contributes to these forums and the chat. We all play our parts. I just wish people were kinder to each other. :P

PS. "Good Old Jan"........let's not forget "Good Old Eb (Alterd Carbon) who is ONLY a few years behind me in AGE!!! ha ha ha Old fart!!!


Monday, May 5, 2014 - 09:43 pm Click here to edit this post
Russia must be a contestant

The Brat

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 01:14 am Click here to edit this post
Putin is awesome. If we went to war with Russia, Obama would be screwed. Putin would come in on a bear with a RPG lol


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 01:45 am Click here to edit this post
Russia is getting poorer as we speak thanks to Putin. lol Russia would be defeated quickly.

The Brat

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 01:47 am Click here to edit this post
I dunno lol...with the power of their nuclear weapons and again, Putin, they may win lol. Wolfker, give me shelter in your home lol


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 06:06 am Click here to edit this post
Missile shields and a more technologically advanced Europe, US and Japan/SKorea :)


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 06:42 am Click here to edit this post
wolfker, i generally agree to your stir the pot contestant. Even big well prepared armies are not always ready. War fare is dirtier than ever and you never know what weakness one will pick to try to give an upper hand. I would not discount putin's resolve nor would I make obama the forerunner in war experts, but you think he calls all the shots on his own? lol


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 08:11 am Click here to edit this post
Seems it's the new craze coming from some youngins, which is to always shout how much
tech the us has compared to russia, or how much money we have compared to the poor slavs.

I can agree obama's half of the army does have the edge... but there is a reason for this!

russia is sadly a soft dictatorhip, always been that way, and putin had years to upgrade
his forces to at least come close to what the nwo army has, but as much as i like him
the man is kinda of a dick head, he spent 50 bil on the god damn winter sports hahaha,
now that money could have did wonders for his armed forces in a few areas, but he didn't
see the need or don't care, maybe he thinks the usa is not as strong as obama says?

My hope is soon everyone stops playing both sides, finally choose whom they wish to be
with russia/china or the nwo, if this choice is not made real soon i fear WW3 is coming.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 09:54 am Click here to edit this post
Neither Russia nor the U.S could defeat the other. There is simply too much distance, too much military focused on defensive positions and too many logistical challenges for either to do so.

Technically, the U.S has a much better and larger military, but that doesn't guarantee success even against a much smaller and weaker force.

Also, the Russians have shown twice in the past century that they can withstand a much larger and technologically advanced foe. I don't think that is much different today.

ian Cameron

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 12:35 pm Click here to edit this post
We all know they'll send in us hardy Canadians to fight Russia in the colder areas.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 06:07 pm Click here to edit this post
HEY!! How did this get turned into RUSSIA junk?!!! I thought we were talking about Simcountry. ha ha ha ha :P

Oh and Drys, whatever I happen to isn't brown or stinks!!! I stir up shoe discussions and threats of heaving shoes upon thy heads. What's that got to do with poo???? I cast my current vote for the STENCH AWARD to go to Alterd Carbon. After all, he has admitted that he is rather gassy most of the time in his old age. ha ha ha ha ha

The Brat

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 06:43 pm Click here to edit this post
IMO, I think Russia would win. Or at least both sides will loose.

Air Force:
The number of US attack planes and fighters/interceptor aircraft is 4,872. All the aircraft involved in the Russian Air Force (trainers, transports, helis, attack planes, etc) is 3,082. 1,790 less planes than we have! So air force would be a win for us.


The United States has 10 carriers. Russia has 1. We have 72 sub's. Russia has 63. Which most are soviet era sub's. We have 15 frigates. Russia has 4. We have 64 destroyers. Russia has 13. Russia, although has 74 corvettes. USA has none. Most ships in Russia's navy are soviet era. American ships are newer with better technology. USA would win the naval battle.

United States has 8,325 tanks (all are M1 Abrams). Russia has 15,500 tanks. Most are soviet era. America has 27,582 AFVs. Russia has 27,607.

Troops: Russia has more troops than USA.

The USA would win a conventional war with Russia. BUT Russia contains the most nuclear weapons. Russia has 369 ICBMs and 1,248 warheads. Russia also has 13 submarines with 591 warheads. Russia has 76 bombers with 884 bombs. The united States has 450 ICBMs, 113 bombers and 350 bombs, and 14 ballistic missile submarine 280 bombs.

Also, we have troops deployed in Europe that is close to Russia. We also have bases in Hawaii and Alaska. We would reach Russia easily.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 07:06 pm Click here to edit this post
So, you are saying that Russia can't reach the U.S (lack of navy and air force), the U.S would be able to dominate the air and the U.S has large troop deployments within range of Russia...but Russia might still win?

As for is still MAD. Doesn't matter who has more. They each have more than enough. Many, many times more than enough. Also, as far as ICBM's go...don't forget the U.S defence missile network which at least nullifies some of the Russian advantage. Also, don't forget that though the NATO partners don't have large standing militaries, they do have high tech and well integrated specific capabilites and have the industrial capacity to rapidly expand. Russia does not have such a capability.

If we go back in time to the pre 90's USSR, that would be a much more even battle. Russia can by no means be considered a major threat to the U.S. Not unless they had serious help (which doesn't really exist on the planet, save for China who happens to really dislike the Russians and have since the 60's).


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 07:10 pm Click here to edit this post
Even then... even with the Chinese (again it must be stressed that China would go no further than a very, very tepid statement against hostilities) there is simply no possible alliance which could threaten the U.S in a conventional battle.

It's fun to think about and run the numbers on. But, seriously...this has been analyzed so many times and there is just no serious argument for Russian superiority. Now, of course there is a serious argument for a continuing build up (an argument I disagree with) in order to prevent falling behind.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 08:57 pm Click here to edit this post
OH dear Craig, you're leaving out a key nato advantage the united part.. are we still as
united like we used to be?

The answer is no we're not even close to the america of our fathers, america has been pissed on & burned and buried,
most men i know & talk too admit they will never i repeat will never ever sacrafice they're lives for nato.

Another current problem for "nato" is the populations is hooked on hard drugs & Burger king & are deemed unfit for service,
plus the boomers are now the majority with their hand out begging for free healthcare which is bankrupting america add social security
to the mix & the violent gang shootings of young males and girls everyday, now you think we can destroy russia?

Nah i don't think so we're the one who are destroyed, 102 million out of work plus other abuses in the usa.

So i'll just add this last line, if push comes to shove i'm not sure whom i'll choose....

The Brat

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 09:11 pm Click here to edit this post
No. Russia could reach us. I am not saying Russia would win, but neither would we. I second that, Craig. Russia is a threat to America. Like you said above, it would still be MAD, wouldn't you consider that a threat? In a conventional war, Russia wouldn't be a threat....but they have a good amount of nuclear weapons that could reach all of the united States. Yea, I agree. China and Russia both can't defeat America together in a conventional war


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 12:53 am Click here to edit this post
Why do you talk of NATO as if it is solely the US...
The US has a superior army, Germany has a superior army, Japan has a superior army, Britain, France... My point was who stirred the pot the most (Russia). In a conventional war, maybe after a long war, victory would be shown to the west. If Germany and Japan, both very rich and technologically advanced countries were to rearm to match a Russian threat, the Russians would be wiped off the face of the earth. The US has a lot of support. And the Chinese, as Craig mentioned above, dislike the Russians ever since that commie split in the 60's.
I agree with the fellows above, nukes would lead both countries to a MAD scenario. Craig, I couldn't agree with you more.
I think, that even though with Supreme's states US troubles, the rest of the US allies remain well united in the face of the Russians, there is also the fact that not all Russians are stupidly patriotic and would oppose Putin if he takes it to the next level (Like the recent Anti-Putin march they had in Moscow). Lets hope it all ends up like WWI :) (Concerning Russia)


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 03:39 am Click here to edit this post
The empire of Serpent would destroy all of them! :)


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 05:45 am Click here to edit this post
Tru Dat Serp


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 07:12 am Click here to edit this post
TWL its brewing, one must be patient.

Its too close to tell, cause russia has key allies too that can start something that it appears they aren't. too many way to win, from economics to convent war. everyone loses no matter what happens. Ukraine is just one little step closer to the middle east and Europe. Serp take them out! lol


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 09:05 am Click here to edit this post
Aussteigen, The reason i talk of "NATO" as if it is solely the US...

Do you remember the balkans adventure?
where "NATO" bombed all those evil women & children, oh and at that time "NATO" had the finest military on earth so much so that
russia had to bend over and take it deep, while their slavic brothers & sisters were exterminated..

China's embassy was also bombed with a few of their people still inside, oh and if i remember it correctly it was mostly organized
by GERMANY, hmm why would they do such a thing against russia at that time, oh then once the war started the US carried the weight of
the bombing campaign after the germans slid back into the shadows, just as it done again with another slavic nation...

UKRAINE, ah yes "NATO" is gearing up once again to rid the world of evil, as it did in LIBYA,IRAQ,AFGHANISTAN,AFRICA,LATIN AMERICA & so on.
but maybe this time "NATO" superior forces will finally get boots on the ground in the east,and leave US air carriers out of it.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 09:08 am Click here to edit this post
Although i don't know SERPENT Very well, still i'm inclined to agree with him on this lol.

ian Cameron

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 01:06 pm Click here to edit this post
I swear I am the only Canadian in this game that still talks on the forums. Russia has superior troop numbers on the ground, but come on... AK47's, talk about out of date.
Nato just needs to gain air superiority over Russian air bases preventing them from scrambling fighters, bomb their airfields to free up the fighters to provide air support to Euro Nato forces advancing from the West and American, Canadian, and Japanese forces coming from the Pacific sea. Once allied forces have boots down in Russia with air support, Russia would be finished. If they tried to use missiles, it would be useless as Europe, Japan, America, and Canada all have anti missile defense networks set up and would bring the missiles down harmlessly.

But then again, i'm just a 16 year old who is a strategy fanatic.

The Brat

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 02:40 pm Click here to edit this post

Russia stated a long time ago that if they were attacked, they would use nuclear weapons. We don't have enough anti missile systems to shoot all Russia's missiles down. Even all of us put together. Even America doesn't have enough anti ICBMs to kill half of Russia's missiles. Unless we can get Putin and his briefcase that holds the nuclear missile codes. But I doubt that would happen


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 03:11 pm Click here to edit this post
Pfft my shoes will take down anyone!!!!!! I have mastered the art of throwing them for MANY know, my ancient years and all ha ha ha :P

In all seriousness though, I wouldn't mess wif the mighty Serpent. He scares me!!!!


Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 01:05 am Click here to edit this post
Well Germany is a modest nation and does not take to leadership, until recently that is, it will begin to use its influence abroad. Not to mention it doesn't like to exercise militarily too much. (One of the reasons it has a low military...). Organization, planning, meh, what does that have to do with you talking as if NATO were American alone, you're the one that's doing all the military flexing because YOU want to. Euro countries have found no need to rearm, I remind you that the Bundeswehr was one of the best and most advanced armies in the world during the hottest moments of the Cold War, with almost 500,000 personnel, why? Because Germany was the front line. So saying that NATO has always been "just the US" is ignorant.

Drys, please list those key allies, other than Belarus, Kazakhstan, Syria and Iran of course.

And yes Nico is right unfortunately... The missile defence system was born recently, and they have a long way to go to completely guarantee the stopping of thousands of war heads moving to different places. Maybe in a future not far away, that will be accomplished, making ICBMs obsolete. Ukraine should have been left as a Nuclear Weapons State, all of this would be avoided.

The Why

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 02:36 am Click here to edit this post
Air Superiority is all that matters now a days and even though our newest fighter jets are largely failures we still have a significant edge on russia in this regard not to mention our greater mobility and access to russia through allies.... honestly its no contest

Supreme is a fool

i imagine if we got in a war we would accept many people into the military regardless of if they are hooked on burger king

i doubt social security which has been around for over 50 years will impede our war effort nor socialized medicine

i also don't see how Gang violence has anything to do with the hypothetical war effort against Russia

ill give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were drunk and had an above average number of disparate thoughts and talking points running through your head

The Brat

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 02:51 am Click here to edit this post
I think the United States should wait till they can build up on anti missile defense then take on Russia :P

ian Cameron

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 02:59 am Click here to edit this post
Canadian Special Forces (C.S.F), we can to the cold places where American Special Forces complain about the cold.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 05:49 am Click here to edit this post
Aussteigen I would not discount china and their group as not specifically key allies, but may side with russia despite their petty disputes. They have been getting along more lately. And US key allies can cause issues as well as help. for example if Japan or Israel were attacked then who is going to be called on the big red phone to come help. I would also think possible Palestine and Lebanon as entities that might join as well. just depends on how good Putin is at playing his cards with the countries that are on edge, but not a "ally".

The why, you must not for get that nuke explosions even ones at high altitudes emit EMP and could disable the TECH advantages. yes, military is able to withstand EMP and not kill its electrical, but that truck fueling it and the electrical grid disruptions could prove to be a problem in a modern system. It shuts down the system and could make for problems at home, in which our reserves would need to be on hand to deal with. We also have them fighting our wars. No doubt the US/allies could win, but I say in this imperfect world Russia has a chance. Kinda like what if WW2 ended with US nuked by germany instead and they beat us to it.
just for fun, i would fire a whole bunch of fake rockets first, then the real ones. hope to beat the system, if I was russia that is.
another example to the above is russia in past knew where our subs were at all times. Spies leaked that info out, whose to say they don't know more that you think. It could change the odds.
The why, never discount economic warfare as part. if china and russia, or the middle east were to destabilize the US currency as the Worlds reserve it would really change the odds. The US mentality would even make it worse and can't discount that as possible build up to other events and how we can respond.
As is, I agree Russia has a very slim chance, but in a slightly different world, that slim chance could grow and he is playing the same games that others play in the world affairs market, how can you call him out? can't make ourselves hypocrites can we. And to not recognize that you could lose is the failure of many and the narrow mindedness has cost many their lives before. complacency leads to mistakes and failures. We must always expect the unexpected or we set ourselves up. Nothing is too big to fail.

LB Musty

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 07:22 am Click here to edit this post
I don't think American SF would complain about the cold, there is a reason they're special forces(those guys are nuts). Same goes for JTF2.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 09:16 am Click here to edit this post
Drys, that was beautiful softer tone but spot on i hope you reach out to others and feed the sheep a little of your knowledge.

Now for the boy calling me a fool... once you have to resort to name calling you have made my point much stronger no need to continue convo
with such a person like you.

Aussteigin Right now the US has over 800 bases & worldwide spy network, massive drone warfare program along with the wonderful missile defence
sheild being placed in EU to protect it from.... RUSSIA, yes germany is a modest nation on paper but let's not forget
2 world wars were organized by the germans, the US against the wishes of the people keeps getting dragged into europe old beefs.

So when WW#3 breaks loose all i hope for is that people of the world see who is behind the crimes of NATO.

As for tech which i swear i keep hearing about everywhere i go lately hmm, anyways yea germany japan have great tech advantage over russia
yes yes it is true, as i said before putin spent $50B on the winter sports he could invest in hi-tech items but he don't see the need.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 07:12 pm Click here to edit this post
Firstly, the United states has something more like 10 million out of work, not 100 plus million...not even if you count the retired, the babies and those in prison. That number is just completely out there.

Aussteigen, The Why and Ian Cameron are all essentially correct in their analysis.

Air superiority is critical. Even with blunders, the U.S leads. That's not to mention the rather small, but mostly competent contribution from NATO (including Canada, where I am from).

Aussteigen's point about Germany is important to note. The sole reason for the E.U is Germany's desire not to lead. Regardless of whatever else happens in Europe, Germany will do its best to keep it together. That is as long as the current though continues (let's all hope it does ;)

As for NATO's crimes, and those of the's far from perfect. Pretty terrible at times. But, I'd think one would be hard-pressed to find anything better (now or in history). There is no U.S decay. It just was never as good as the narrative said it was.

ian Cameron

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 11:29 pm Click here to edit this post


Friday, May 9, 2014 - 12:15 am Click here to edit this post
LOL craig good take.

Unfortunate we speak of things as if no one is guilty on whatever side you are on. Everyone is just as guilty as the next and that is not in perspective of which is worse, its black and white. Guilty or not. In history every nation is guilty as charged and has no room to speak about the other.
There is the common ground in which us the people might entertain, but the ones in power do not entertain as much. History will continue to repeat itself until we learn our lesson or kill each other off.
I think the US and allies would do good craig and EU would jump in. they act unstable at times about what they want to do, but if it came down to it, they would jump in just like we would and canada, ect. I guess to my point, its harder to pin point who has the advantage today vs 20 years ago and can back it up. there are too many ways now that we use all kinds of methods to attack people. expensive weapons not needed, they can steal a jet or resources or make it. The world is a different beast now and unlike the rank and file war fare of WW1 and the US civil war, the aggressors are using tactics that are not common and less predictable. Not to ever say a few dozen these type attacks on US successful is going to do much to how we can respond to a major event worldwide.
for me its less a question of who is who and what can be done, its more about those odd changing events that would be used if this went that far to become a world war start.
The problem is getting people to agree with each other on this matter and to have some trust to go off of, which has bitten the world in the butt before. think it can be achieved?

oh and Jan and Altered are tied for the simcountry stir the pot award. any more votes? I think russia won the stir the pot for the real world hands down. lol
Runner ups are lenpeat and Justin Bieber BTW, sorry Justin you stink anyways and need not a nasty spoon to help you.


Friday, May 9, 2014 - 02:06 am Click here to edit this post
Well it is clear i lost this round on the russian-nato topic, but it was a fun debate hope we can have many more in the future.

As for stir the pot award, i vote for Jan she is a very interesting lady.

The Why

Friday, May 9, 2014 - 02:11 am Click here to edit this post
sorry supreme your assertions were foolish and irrelevant..... how silly of me to make conjectures about your person based on what you write

drys yes war is unpredictable but any rational person (hopefully including Putin) must see the superiority of American military in any situation regardless of if our president makes us look as weak (according to fox news)


Friday, May 9, 2014 - 02:42 am Click here to edit this post
Ah again with the name calling, hmm maybe it's a age difference so i'll remain cool for now.... you really need to calm down on the insults.


Friday, May 9, 2014 - 03:44 am Click here to edit this post
People get so worked up over nothing


Friday, May 9, 2014 - 04:47 am Click here to edit this post
Complete rubbish, Germany is a responsible nation today and owes that to the Second World War. You pretend to believe that all the actions (Necessary, intended, or not) the US has done recently was orchestrated by Germany? Germany shows no interest in your country's crusades. Do you have to refer to Germany's past crimes to prove your claim over something happening today? Perhaps you might want to point that hypocrite finger of yours at the British, which are your closest collaborators.

Let me do some ignorant enlightening here (again): World War I was not planned by the Germans, as you foolishly claim, it was a chain reaction of the geopolitical situation in Europe in 1914 triggered by a crisis. If you want a more accurate claim, blame the Serbs, or even Austrians or Russians if you have to please your finger's hunger.

Yes you have several hundred bases world wide that are highly undesirable by the host country's population. The US, as from then on would be renowned for doing the same thing in different wars to this day, chose to intervene (were not dragged) themselves to both European Wars (And before you mention Pearl Harbor, that was Japan in the Pacific... The US' choice to invade Europe was a noble one and I appreciate that rather than occupation by the Russian Soviets, ugh).

You seem to have some sort of grudge to the countries that are allied to the US, you should be thankful, just as we recognise that the US is a "strategic ally".

As for Craig's, The Why's, Ian's, Nico's and Drys' input to the argument, I agree, Russia has a slim chance, but is still very possible despite the US' obvious superiority. Thank you Craig, that was an accurate description of the EU and its standing atm.

LB Musty

Friday, May 9, 2014 - 07:56 am Click here to edit this post
As bad as things are with the US and Russia right now I think a more appropriate scenario would be China v. US. I mean c'mon...Russia ?

The Why

Saturday, May 10, 2014 - 09:56 pm Click here to edit this post
well Germany declared war on the US in WW2 so we were basically dragged into that one

afterwards it was Decided that Germany must be dealt with before Japan I assume because the fall of England would make any American invasion impossible so speed was essential in that theater


Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 12:56 am Click here to edit this post
The US declared war on Japan and Japan's allies obviously declared war on the US. My point is not that though...

The Brat

Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 04:55 am Click here to edit this post
China is nothing compared to the US lol. China doesn't stand a chance :S


Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 05:45 am Click here to edit this post
I think Lusty's point was that China would be a more worthy adversary than Russia...

Interesting argument and I'm sure it will be clearly true in another 5 years...but, China is only really starting to have a proper, white water navy (the just got their first carrier the other year but more will soon be following). China has some decent aircraft, but would be hard pressed to keep up with the U.S air support out of Guam, Korea, Japan and the 7th fleet.

There is a reason why China feels encircled by U.S forces and U.S allies. It partly is. The only strong powers nearby who aren't part of the U.S bloc are also regarded in China as being unstable and bad for the economy (North Korea and Russia).

ian Cameron

Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 02:18 pm Click here to edit this post
Actually, on the terms of aircraft I just remembered something. Russia is modifying their 5th generation fighters to operate with 6th gen capabilities and even though they have bugs and kinks, they are already better than American 6th gen planes. An American pilot admitted this when he was allowed to test fly one when American and Russia were still bum buddies.


Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 04:50 pm Click here to edit this post
Ian aircraft are just 1 part of this. we still use more the just those. Of course if that is if we need anyone to fly the drone in cockpit.

my argument only simply if russia, china, NK, iran, and some other middle eastern countries don't come together this whole argument will end mute.

It would be the same for Germany, a very strong foe on its own, but to run more offensives, they needed Italy and Japan in WW2. Japan makes it possible to run in to Asia better. While Italy was a strategic partner for a southern expansive front. Mean time Germany is pushing towards the heavier armies of France and Britain.

Hence, it would be the combination of several small armies causing problems and road blocks combined with the more advanced and larger armies that would make a network that is not as strong on the tech side as the US and its allies ATM, but would make it larger than the US and its allies.
China has a large land force and men to sacrifice. What do you do when 10 million come marching west? Plus you can never underestimate china or russia's underground US like projects that are going on. China has a lot of cities with no population ready for mass population like millions. So are they doing something under ground? are they read in case of disaster or war wipes out a huge city?
Just like in US tech, it jumped in past 30 years, then starts to curve to a slower pace, while these other mentioned are on their 30 year rise and then with level out. We should not underestimate the climate of the world's affairs (ie economics, politics, ect..) and what resolve and determination someone has in desperate times. a lot of people can attest to losing it at some point in life and going out of control for a moment... well if it get irrational like that in the world then its like mob mentality and it will lead to no good. just like on this forum, tempers can flare and lead to consequences, rational or irrational.
I think a lot of what is said is valid. I just don't think this as US vs Russia, it seems more is at play here. I think it would be a long war if it ever went down and I bet Kennedy had that fear during the cuban missile crisis.

LB Musty

Monday, May 12, 2014 - 07:24 am Click here to edit this post
All im saying is that you can usually get a general idea of a country's military capability from its defense spending. China's defense spending is around 150 billion(which dwarfs Russia's spending btw) and has been steadily rising while American and other NATO country's defense spending has been declining. America's military spending is still far higher at around 650 billion and obviously we have better tech and experience but I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese spending reaches 300 billion in the next 20 yrs. They've also spent a great deal of money and time investing in land based anti aircraft and anti aircraft carrier batteries which would directly counter American presence in the region as these are the main ways America projects power in the Pacific

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