SuperSoldierRCP | Monday, April 1, 2013 - 07:29 pm I posted an idea to the GM about instead of cash you would have the opition for GC, after review i can see some area for improvement to make it better. Andy and everyone let me hear your thoughts. So my new suggestion is as follows. Starting at war level 7 the player can choose to end the war and gain GC per war. The way this would be done is the player would gain 10GC per war level. Lvl 7 = 70GC and Lvl 11 = 110GC. Please note that is around only 50% of what you would get if you where to take cash assests. At level 11 a player is only gaining 5T in GC where if they took cash they would gain 11T. The reason i suggest level 7 or higher is a few reasons. #1 It helps the GM with removing stronger players from the lower levels allowing new players to join without the fear of having alot of stronger players being present. #2 Helps and gives more insentive for higher lvls. Currently there is on real insentive other then that one time GC gift. If you look at C3 from war level 7 going to 11 they have 2times as 2 times as many units, Q in units and garrisons is 500 compared to the 300 in lvl 7, and 30stealth which can double attack cuasing huge weapon losses. Yet the difference is only 4T in cash. #3 This would also help pave the way for "missions", when added the GM can add missions like take a C3 in 1 hour. Use only land based weapons ect. anyways this is just a thought i wanted to pitch at you guys |