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What is my total production

Topics: General: What is my total production

Jark Valiga

Sunday, March 24, 2013 - 03:37 am Click here to edit this post
according to the bussiness and finanace index my production per month in 100B while according to the offer contracts for the goods your corporations produce page my total production is 25 B it also says i export 9 B to my CM while on the bussiness page it says i export 24B.... there seems to be some sort of descrepency of some sort does the offer contracts for the goods your corporations produce page not calculate quality or something?


Monday, March 25, 2013 - 09:10 am Click here to edit this post
Country production is the total amount of "production" in ALL corporations in your country.

On your common market or business page, I think the lower numbers your looking at refer to just corporations that your country owns.

I'm guessing you have about 75b production from CEO corps.

Jark Valiga

Monday, March 25, 2013 - 11:45 pm Click here to edit this post
but only 1 quarter of my corps are private most are public does my percent of shareholdings affect things perhaps

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